Archive | May, 2008

An Avon Giveaway?

15 May

Have you seen this amazing giveaway Leslie is hosting? She is giving away Cynthia Rowley’s perfume Flowers and a really cute umbrella. I don’t know about you, but i’m always needing an umbrella but never remember to get one at walmart lol.

Now this bottle is so adorable as is the umbrella, take a look:

It’s super easy to enter this one, just leave a comment at her blog and then for an extra entry leave a seperate comment with the link to the blog post. Of course if your a non blogger you can just leave your email address with her.

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14 May

This is a really neat site I found today. This site is perfect for those that are on a zillion different sites like myself and have a zillion different log in info. I know i can never keep them all straight lol. Here is a little summery of the what this is all about and how it works as listed on the site:

“Never have to remember another username and password again! MyVidoop is a free, super secure online service that lets you manage your access to the websites you visit today. Make the way you navigate the web, and manage your online information, as simple as a single click.

Uniquely protected by the Vidoop ImageShield, PLUS the highest possible encryption of your data (256-bit AES), you can be assured that your information will be safe and sound.

How we do it

The ImageShield hides in plain sight a secret only you can interpret. To activate the service, you simply find your hidden secret, identify it, and then access all your websites with a single click. It’s quick and easy for you, virtually impossible for anyone else.

Your information is secured in an encrypted file, either solely on your computer or on our servers to give you access to your websites from anywhere on any computer. This encryption provides more security than browser password fillers or the bits of paper you keep around your desk. Either way, you control your secret, your information, your way.”

You can find the site here:

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Sak Bag

14 May

Have you seen this really cute purse Kristin (An ordinary life)’s giving away? I am not one for purses but well i love this one. It’s really cute and really roomy. That is a plus for me since Owen’s almost out of the diapers stage so quick trips would be easier if I could just stuff some things in a roomy purse and go. This is what Kristin had to say about The Sak bag on her site: “This SILVERLAKE LEATHER FLAP is made of super soft leather. The modern design will put some wing in your step. It’s flap will allows for easy organization, something we all know us Moms need. It has the compartment zipper closure and one on the inside of the purse as well. One feature I really thought was interesting was the inside lining! It was created especially for The Sak by the Paris born graffiti artist Gilles Jourdan. The Silverlake Leather Flap is one gorgeous bag, large enough to fit all the essentials the perfect addition to any Moms wardrobe. It’s spring so lets put some spring into your step!”

Now I’m sure your wondering how in the world do I win won? well just go to this POST and tell her what you think of when you hear the Sak. Also of course make sure to leave your email if your not a blogger or it’s not on your blog…..and as always you can get an extra entry when you blog about it and link her up.

Well now it’s time for bed.
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14 May

Have you seen the latest give away on Gina (a wrestling addicted mom)’s blog? Well if not you can find it HERE. this thing is really neat. Here is a little info Gina left about Momagenda:

was developed by Nina Restieri who is also a busy mom of four kids and was just overwhelmed with the amount of appointments her kids had, she wanted to get organized and this led to a great business idea, not only to help herself, but to help other mom’s eliminate the chaos in their lives.

She surveyed hundreds of mom’s and found out that they all shared the desire to be a mom, be a “together woman” who could always be on schedule and remain hip and stylish while keeping that organization.

MomAgenda came about. MomAgenda provides upscale day planners and the ability to keep track of all those schedules so many mom’s need to keep organized. Not only does MomAgenda provide day planners that allow a week-at-a-view spread, they also have rows available for each child, the mom, space for notes, dinner suggestions and an inspirational quote for each week.

MomAgenda is a MUST HAVE for busy mom’s. I just love mine already, it’s going to help tremendously this summer when we have so many things going on, places to go, people to see, activities to plan. It will for once keep me organized and remind me, what I have to do and when, without having that ‘mommy brain’ all the time.”

So of course now you want to your own don’t you? Well i’m hoping to win myself the momAgenda Desktop in Fuchsia. I know it’d make my life so much easier lol!

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Looking for some awesome Military items?

14 May

Then you have to check out:

Now the only person I have in the military is my cousin, but i do have tons of friends that have husbands in the military and I of course had to pass this site along as I know they would love her creations. I also love the custom pillows she does (and you don’t have to be military to order one) It is definitely something i’ll be ordering soon. Some of my favorites are:

So make sure you book mark this site because I know you’ll love it, these would make amazing gifts for someone as well.


Happy Mother’s Day!

11 May

10 May

wow it’s been a crazy last few weeks around here. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a week since my grandma passed away. It’s just one of those odd feelings that just don’t feel real. You know as a kid you always believe that your grandparents (and parents) are going to be around forever, when really they aren’t. She passed away May 2nd after a four month battle with lung/bone cancer. I know she’s in a better place and not in any pain but it still makes it hard. I haven’t really let it set in yet and i know when it does it’ll be bad. We had the funeral on the 8th and it went really well. I even got up to read a poem I wrote for my grandma. She always pushed me on this and ALWAYS asked how i was going with it and if i was still writing. It was only fitting that I write/read something for her. Any how, here is the poem I wrote/read for her:

“As a warm breeze enters the room,
It carries the smell of fresh flowers,
reminding me of you!
Then I hear the sounds of a car coming up the road,
without a second thought I go racing out the door.
Only to rememeber you’re not here anymore.

So hard it is to hear those familiar sounds,
and know you’re not with us anymore.
So hard it is to pick up the phone,
then remeber you wont be on the other end.

The times change as fast as the seasons do,
and we know that it’s apart of life.
It still doesn’t make it any easier,
knowing your aren’t here to share our lives with.

All the little things we took for granted,
are the things we miss the most.
All the little things you do and say,
are the things we’ll remember the most.

Now you’re so far away from us,
but at the same time so close to our hearts.
We love you and miss you always Grandma Kaja”