10 May

wow it’s been a crazy last few weeks around here. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a week since my grandma passed away. It’s just one of those odd feelings that just don’t feel real. You know as a kid you always believe that your grandparents (and parents) are going to be around forever, when really they aren’t. She passed away May 2nd after a four month battle with lung/bone cancer. I know she’s in a better place and not in any pain but it still makes it hard. I haven’t really let it set in yet and i know when it does it’ll be bad. We had the funeral on the 8th and it went really well. I even got up to read a poem I wrote for my grandma. She always pushed me on this and ALWAYS asked how i was going with it and if i was still writing. It was only fitting that I write/read something for her. Any how, here is the poem I wrote/read for her:

“As a warm breeze enters the room,
It carries the smell of fresh flowers,
reminding me of you!
Then I hear the sounds of a car coming up the road,
without a second thought I go racing out the door.
Only to rememeber you’re not here anymore.

So hard it is to hear those familiar sounds,
and know you’re not with us anymore.
So hard it is to pick up the phone,
then remeber you wont be on the other end.

The times change as fast as the seasons do,
and we know that it’s apart of life.
It still doesn’t make it any easier,
knowing your aren’t here to share our lives with.

All the little things we took for granted,
are the things we miss the most.
All the little things you do and say,
are the things we’ll remember the most.

Now you’re so far away from us,
but at the same time so close to our hearts.
We love you and miss you always Grandma Kaja”

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