
14 May

Have you seen the latest give away on Gina (a wrestling addicted mom)’s blog? Well if not you can find it HERE. this thing is really neat. Here is a little info Gina left about Momagenda:

was developed by Nina Restieri who is also a busy mom of four kids and was just overwhelmed with the amount of appointments her kids had, she wanted to get organized and this led to a great business idea, not only to help herself, but to help other mom’s eliminate the chaos in their lives.

She surveyed hundreds of mom’s and found out that they all shared the desire to be a mom, be a “together woman” who could always be on schedule and remain hip and stylish while keeping that organization.

MomAgenda came about. MomAgenda provides upscale day planners and the ability to keep track of all those schedules so many mom’s need to keep organized. Not only does MomAgenda provide day planners that allow a week-at-a-view spread, they also have rows available for each child, the mom, space for notes, dinner suggestions and an inspirational quote for each week.

MomAgenda is a MUST HAVE for busy mom’s. I just love mine already, it’s going to help tremendously this summer when we have so many things going on, places to go, people to see, activities to plan. It will for once keep me organized and remind me, what I have to do and when, without having that ‘mommy brain’ all the time.”

So of course now you want to your own don’t you? Well i’m hoping to win myself the momAgenda Desktop in Fuchsia. I know it’d make my life so much easier lol!

Image and video hosting by TinyPicBrandy

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