Archive | July, 2008

Precious Moments!!!

31 Jul

Now tell me who doesn’t love these?! Of course I got into a long winded comment about this giveaway on her blog and i’m sure it looks cheesy to others, but well that was one of those moments where you just don’t realize what is coming out until it’s posted. Precious Moments are a huge deal to me. My grandma and I (she has 3 boys and i’m her only granddaughter and they helped raise me since my sperm donor didn’t want to) have a big cabinet full of precious moments figurines. I’ve always loved getting a new one or just going to look at them. they are so pretty and beautifully made. Now as I said, there is a giveaway for one! you don’t want to miss it! you can find it HERE and then this is the one you are entering for:

isn’t this the cutest ever? (okay maybe i’m biased lol) but really you should enter this one as well. Great giveaway 🙂 really easy to enter as well.


Have you seen this?!

31 Jul

Well this lady has an awesome giveaway going on for a FREE custom journal. It’s part of the The quarterly Bloggy Carnival (don’t worry I have a post coming up 🙂 ) and it’s super easy to enter!

Just go HERE to her blog and read her instructions carefully. She asks you visit her ESTY store and let her know your thoughts on it and/or what you’d like to see in the future in her store. I just adore her pink and Silver Circle Bracelet. It has a great color combo going on. You can tell she’s going to be rocking that store very soon!

What are you still doing here reading?! shooo! goooooo enter the giveaway, it’s one you DO NOT want to miss out on….and be on the look out for my post about the Bloggy Carnival!


Flip Video!!

20 Jul

Now i’m sure you’ve all seen these awesome flip video’s around. Well if not here is what they look like:

now how cool is this thing? it really is awesome. Heather has an awesome giveaway on her blog HERE and it’s so easy to enter. This is one of those giveaways you DO NOT want to miss!