Slice of Life Sunday

26 Oct

I chose topic three “writer’s choice” here goes.

Well the slice of life that sticks out today would be jeff getting hired into Lowe’s. It was a huge relief for us as we had been worrying so much about it. It’s been a rough and exhausting 5 years together it really has. We’ve been through a number of family deaths, just recently a close family member to me passed away (5/2/08…RIP Grandma) and we’ve found out we handle things like this in different manners. We’ve been through a couple weddings, many holidays and birthdays, even the birth of our son, our wedding day and high school graduation….but also in those 5 years, we’ve been through 2 separations…one I moved out, the second one we had a live in separation. I thought we were done this time, but well I think it was the results of losing my grandma, how quickly her lung cancer progressed, and him not having a job for 6 months that led to the big blow up. They say you take things out on the ones you love the hardest and well being together 24/7 doesn’t help any does it? So about 2 months later I realized after talking to mom I don’t want to leave…..I’ve invested 5 years of my life into this man and relationship, we’ve made a beautiful almost 4 year old little man that has changed my life in a million ways, I just can’t throw this all away. So it was decided that starting January of next year, we’re going to call around and get prices for counseling and see where that takes us. I mean we can’t handle this ourselves and getting married at 19, having a baby 2 months before that, and all the stresses of the world today, i think it will really help….so that is the story of me and jeff….well the condensed version I guess. I just typed and this is what came out lol.

2 Responses to “Slice of Life Sunday”

  1. Cricket October 26, 2008 at 6:14 pm #

    Oh how I remember the days you are describing. Newly married, many disagreements, a small child, lack of money – all things to make a person want to give up. But, as long as your love is true, nothing is impossible. Best Wishes

  2. Eve November 2, 2008 at 2:48 pm #

    The counseling is a good idea! It sounds as though you have something worth saving.

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