Who Doesn’t love candles?

27 Oct

Then Paige has THE giveaway for you! Me, I’m a candle nut, always have been…thanks to mom lol. And when I seen her giveaway of $25 dollars to Things that make scents I was super excited lol. After looking at the candle site, I just love the little cupcake look-a-like ones she makes, I am sure some Christmas presents will be coming off that site lol. So if you haven’t check out Paige’s blog and enter that contest!!

ps. Thanks everyone for the kind words on the slice of life post, it means a lot and we are doing counseling next year ( i don’t remember if i mentioned that and I think either way it’ll work out for the best. I have the best angel ever up there looking out for me…RIP grandma, and I know she knows what she’s doing 🙂 )

oh and look new hair color:


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