Slice of Life Sunday

2 Nov

well my prompt that I chose this week is “Pitter Patter of Little Feet”… before anyone gets all excited or scared (lol) NO I’m not expecting lol. This is just something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately so away we go:

Growing up I remember telling my mom I’d NEVER EVER give birth to a child because I knew how bad it was going to hurt and me and pain are NOT friendly lol. I always said that I’d adopt. Well then Senior year of high school hit and about about 7 months into the school year I find out I’m PREGNANT……….oh my gawd….yes it was a life changer for sure. Yes, I had sex with my now husband, Yes he was the first guy I’d ever had sex with. It was a hard thing to explain to my mom that I just knew he was who I was going to marry. Of course having a child this early wasn’t in the game plan I had wrote down, as I watch him over there acting like a crazy person playing video games and talking to his imaginary friends, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I was terrified at first, I admit, I did think about abortion, but the moment I went in and heard his heart beat and saw him on the monitor, I bawled and I just knew he was here to save me. And it’s been 4 years since that ultra sound and he’ll be 4 on the 16th….and I have went through this very hard fact of life 5 months ago, I lost my grandma to bone cancer……it stopped my world and put me into a dark dark place that I’m slowly climbing out of. Though I know if it wasn’t for O that I would still be in that dark place. He’s helped me refocus on that moment in time and realized she’s watching me and helping me to make sure I am doing the best I possibly can with him…I know she’s sending me little gestures about how I’m doing a great job (she’d always tell me about 20 times a visit how well I’m doing…..something a mother to a wild toddler who took forever to potty train and wont tell you his abc’s or 123’s *though he does know them* loves/needs to hear)

So I’ve been thinking and I’ve decided that we need to try soon for another one. I was hoping for an august baby, but really we’d have to get pregnant almost now lmao and I’m sure that wont happen (grandma’s birthday was in August) , and my siblings and me are 4 years apart while jeff and his are quite a few years apart, so we don’t know when but in the next year we might have another one…eek. I don’t know I just have this growing fear that if I don’t have anymore soon that I never will have anymore children….and we’re also looking to adopt after this next child because I really do still want to adopt a child.

Well there is my slice of life for this sunday, hope everyone has a great day 🙂

5 Responses to “Slice of Life Sunday”

  1. Genuine Gem November 2, 2008 at 11:55 pm #

    well you can still have fun trying until then! lolI had an august baby and you know what? summer was really really hot that year! ok, it wasn’t summer it was the pregnancy…lolgood luck!

  2. Eve November 3, 2008 at 6:35 am #

    I was married and 23 years old when I got pregnant with my daughter. I can’t imagine how scary it would be to be still in high school and facing motherhood. Good for you for having that baby and loving him. Good for you for wanting to give a home to child who needs adopting! And good luck on conceiving again soon. I recommend that you get pregnant in August and give birth before summertime heats things up. That’s what I did. Hardly had to wear a coat all winter, that baby kept me so warm all the time.

  3. Michelle November 3, 2008 at 3:20 pm #

    Your little one is so cute!! Good luck with the baby making!! 🙂 My husband and I are foster parents who want to adopt as well!! 🙂

  4. Selma November 6, 2008 at 8:29 am #

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. That is really sad. What a lovely story about your son. I admire you for keeping the baby and for you and his father staying together. Hope you get the other child you yearn for!

  5. sliceoflifesunday November 7, 2008 at 3:34 am #

    I too became pregnant in high school at age 16 and was married a few weeks after “we” found out. My granddaughter will soon be 16 and I can not imagine her getting married any time soon.

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