Archive | December, 2008

Need a FloorMate SpinScrub Widepath? Check Out Paige’s Giveaway

30 Dec

Seriously how awesome is this giveaway? You need to hurry and enter it soon because it ends on January 1st. I don’t know about you but I could really use a new one myself. Also, Paige gives you a ton of different ways to get extra entries as well!


Gaiam Review

23 Dec

Recently I was given the opportunity to review an amazing company Gaiam and I was sent a beautiful tote bag as well as a yoga dvd. I have to admit, as a newbie with the whole yoga thing, I was really excited to try out this dvd, and the tote bag was beautiful, and huge!

First we’ll be talking about the dvd I was sent: A.M Yoga for Your Week

As I stated I was a little nervous about doing this since I’m a newbie in the whole Yoga thing and well this dvd really put my nervousness to rest. It was really easy to follow along with and I was able to feel comfortable while doing it. I even got Owen involved and he had a lot of fun “doing workouts” with mommy. It’s been added into our routine now and we have a lot of fun while doing it and feel better after wards as well. Also, I got my stubborn & hardheaded husband into doing this a couple days at a time with us as well. At first he was the one that sat on the couch laughing at us as we did it, but after trying it, he loved it and really changed his tune. Also, this dvd focus’ on something different each day of the week so you’re not doing the same thing every day and helps the different areas you may not like. If you are unsure about trying yoga or want something different to try durring the week, I really would suggest the A.M. Yoga for Your Week dvd.

Up next I recieved this wonderful bag called the Thoughtful Bag

Next to the beautiful design on the bag is a quote by John Muir: “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” I think this is a very beautiful quote and very true. The bag measures to be 20″W x 16″H, is made in India and is 100% natural cotton canvas. Also, $5 from every bag goes to Solar Living Institute*. I think that is just an amazing thing to do. I use my bag when I go to the store for quick runs. I have the pocket in the front to hold my keys, cell phone, wallet and anything else I might need. I love the color of it and the design is just gorgeous. Not only is it good for groceries, it is very versitale. When we’re not shopping, I use this bag to carry activities Owen might need on a long car ride or visit. Also, on Gaiam’s website, it says that this bag can be used as a laptop carrier for laptops sized 20″ x 16″ (of course there isn’t any padding so the laptop wouldn’t be safe if it were to fall or anything should be dropped on it). Also, this bag is very comfortable. Usually I don’t carry bags like this because the strap digs into my arm and what not, but this bag, the strap is very comfortable and I use this almost more then I do my normal “favorite” purse.

Before reviewing this company I was very new to them and their products, but after this review I will be shopping there more often they have a wide variety of things and would make great gifts. Also, they are trying to help the environment and that is something we should all be doing. So when you get a chance please check out Gaiam‘s website and you may be very surprised with what you find there.

Happy Holidays!

*Solar Living Institute promotes sustainable living through environmental education.

Win a Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Breastpump

23 Dec

Win a Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Breastpump from Nature’s Child – Wholesome goods for Mothers and Babies

Flip Video Giveaway

20 Dec

My friend Dianne is giving away a GREAT prize for her birthday bash giveaway! She’s going to be giving away some amazing prizes for the next 2 weeks and you do NOT want to miss out! As I said, she is giving away a Flip Video you do not want to miss this giveaway. I don’t know about you, but a flip video would be the best way to get those moments on video that we want without dragging out the video camera or if you’re like me, your digital camera that only takes 2 minuet clips.

Sit on Santa’s Lap with Ceiva Digital Photo Frame

11 Dec

Remember when telling Santa what you wished for was exciting? Want to have a little Christmas fun? Why not visit got a wish and have a fun time ‘sitting on Santa’s lap’?
Really the experience was so easy and so fun! I even got Owen into the fun and let him pick out this photo:
After you upload the photo and enter your name and wish, your photo magically appears in the frame on Santa’s desk and your name shows up in his wish book. Then Santa shows you that an Elf and his wife had a new baby boy! Owen picked this photo, which by the way I’m glad he did because it’s my recent favorite of us, because he said it we were making funny faces and he likes to make funny faces. I love it because he’s right, it shows our silly side and how fun we really are. Now sure there are a ton of digital frames out there but this one is really sleek and easy to work with, and from what I can tell a lot cheaper then some of those no names out there. Also they are running a sale where you save $100 on a Ceiva frame. Don’t forget you can enter to win your ‘wish’ while your at it? It’s really fun and easy. You can even get the kids in on it as well. Not only that you can enter everyday until Christmas Eve and we all know that is not very far away! (the legality of that wish is 1 random entry selected for each day of the contest; cash prize of $500 per winner, and the winner must be 18 years or older, a resident of the United States and/or Washington D.C.)



Advertising Options

6 Dec

To become an advertiser on this blog, that has a readership base that is currently at 236 subscribers and increasing monthly. Also there are over 400 people following me on Twitter (which as a PR 3 rank), also that number increases daily as well. I also have an RSS feed on my Facebook page and a Fan Page on Facebook where I have a daily increase in readers/followers. My blog stats are shared upon request.
Advertisement for your business is available at the top of my home page in the hottest spot visibile!

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Please email me if you would like more information on my stats or would like to know my advertising rates.

Also, I reserve the right to reject any links or ads that I seem completely inappropriate with what I’m doing with my blog.

I am a stay at home mother & college student so please allow me 24 hours to give your email a response.

Also, if you have a product that you think I would be interested it, I’m willing to work out a deal of a product for ad space. Again, please email me for more information on that as well.

Disclaimer: This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY site and I only will work with companies of that nature. Please NO sites that are connected to or displaying evidence of being connected to hate sites, spam sites, or adult sites as these will NOT be listed and there will be NO refunds issued if that is the case.

Once again, if you are interested please email me at creatively_yours at ymail dot com for more information on advertisement rates.

Request a Review

6 Dec

var host = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://secure.” : “http://”);document.write(unescape(“%3Cscript src='” + host + “’ type=’text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));

var z7x4z5 = new WufooForm();z7x4z5.initialize({‘userName’:’creativelyyours’, ‘formHash’:’z7x4z5′, ‘autoResize’:true,’height’:’1292′});z7x4z5.display();

Continuing Education?

5 Dec

Have you thought about going back to school? Don’t think you have the time? Well have you looked at They list all the online nursing degree through various credited online nursing schools. From the home page you can view the various schools that they list and request more information on the degree, school or both by clicking the appropriate button.
Not only that but they let you sort out what degree your trying to earn, whether it be an Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or all undergraduate degrees. It definitely helps make what you’re looking for a lot easier. Not only that but the site is very user friendly and not overly complicated to browse. So not only can you continue your education at home, while still being able to work. As an online student, I find that it allows me to continue my education, as well as keep up with my daily obligations. So if you think that you want to continue your education and become a nurse, or aren’t really sure, well why not stop by to request more information on online nursing degrees or more information from them and one (or more) of their accredited colleges.