Advertising Options

6 Dec

To become an advertiser on this blog, that has a readership base that is currently at 236 subscribers and increasing monthly. Also there are over 400 people following me on Twitter (which as a PR 3 rank), also that number increases daily as well. I also have an RSS feed on my Facebook page and a Fan Page on Facebook where I have a daily increase in readers/followers. My blog stats are shared upon request.
Advertisement for your business is available at the top of my home page in the hottest spot visibile!

125 x 125 Banner Sidebar Advertising Spots

Discounts available for extended-term advertising

Text Link Advertising ~ Sidebar

Please reference “Sidebar Text Ad” in your email request.

Please email me if you would like more information on my stats or would like to know my advertising rates.

Also, I reserve the right to reject any links or ads that I seem completely inappropriate with what I’m doing with my blog.

I am a stay at home mother & college student so please allow me 24 hours to give your email a response.

Also, if you have a product that you think I would be interested it, I’m willing to work out a deal of a product for ad space. Again, please email me for more information on that as well.

Disclaimer: This is a FAMILY FRIENDLY site and I only will work with companies of that nature. Please NO sites that are connected to or displaying evidence of being connected to hate sites, spam sites, or adult sites as these will NOT be listed and there will be NO refunds issued if that is the case.

Once again, if you are interested please email me at creatively_yours at ymail dot com for more information on advertisement rates.

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