Gaiam Review

23 Dec

Recently I was given the opportunity to review an amazing company Gaiam and I was sent a beautiful tote bag as well as a yoga dvd. I have to admit, as a newbie with the whole yoga thing, I was really excited to try out this dvd, and the tote bag was beautiful, and huge!

First we’ll be talking about the dvd I was sent: A.M Yoga for Your Week

As I stated I was a little nervous about doing this since I’m a newbie in the whole Yoga thing and well this dvd really put my nervousness to rest. It was really easy to follow along with and I was able to feel comfortable while doing it. I even got Owen involved and he had a lot of fun “doing workouts” with mommy. It’s been added into our routine now and we have a lot of fun while doing it and feel better after wards as well. Also, I got my stubborn & hardheaded husband into doing this a couple days at a time with us as well. At first he was the one that sat on the couch laughing at us as we did it, but after trying it, he loved it and really changed his tune. Also, this dvd focus’ on something different each day of the week so you’re not doing the same thing every day and helps the different areas you may not like. If you are unsure about trying yoga or want something different to try durring the week, I really would suggest the A.M. Yoga for Your Week dvd.

Up next I recieved this wonderful bag called the Thoughtful Bag

Next to the beautiful design on the bag is a quote by John Muir: “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” I think this is a very beautiful quote and very true. The bag measures to be 20″W x 16″H, is made in India and is 100% natural cotton canvas. Also, $5 from every bag goes to Solar Living Institute*. I think that is just an amazing thing to do. I use my bag when I go to the store for quick runs. I have the pocket in the front to hold my keys, cell phone, wallet and anything else I might need. I love the color of it and the design is just gorgeous. Not only is it good for groceries, it is very versitale. When we’re not shopping, I use this bag to carry activities Owen might need on a long car ride or visit. Also, on Gaiam’s website, it says that this bag can be used as a laptop carrier for laptops sized 20″ x 16″ (of course there isn’t any padding so the laptop wouldn’t be safe if it were to fall or anything should be dropped on it). Also, this bag is very comfortable. Usually I don’t carry bags like this because the strap digs into my arm and what not, but this bag, the strap is very comfortable and I use this almost more then I do my normal “favorite” purse.

Before reviewing this company I was very new to them and their products, but after this review I will be shopping there more often they have a wide variety of things and would make great gifts. Also, they are trying to help the environment and that is something we should all be doing. So when you get a chance please check out Gaiam‘s website and you may be very surprised with what you find there.

Happy Holidays!

*Solar Living Institute promotes sustainable living through environmental education.

One Response to “Gaiam Review”

  1. Joanna January 16, 2009 at 8:48 am #

    < HREF="" REL="nofollow">Gaiam<> provides best stuff for yoga… I love to shop at here!!

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