Archive | January, 2009

Hey Guys

27 Jan

I am extending the candle Giveaway from Nessa’s Sweet Scents until tomorrow, don’t forget to enter that one along with LittleMissMatched’s week worth of socks giveaway, you wont want to be sad about entering it.

Also I know things are a little quite here but please bear with me, adjusting to my last couple semesters of school and getting Owen back into a schedule….never easy. But I do have some really good reviews and possible giveaways coming in the next few weeks, don’t you worry….be on the look out 🙂

Some Great Giveaways!!

27 Jan

Man that blog carnival is full of some GREAT giveaways and life just got away from me this quarter it seems so no giveaways here 😦 I know. But, I couldn’t leave this post with out mentioning just a few awesome giveaways that I’ve noticed already:

Visit Bay @ Queen Mother Blog and you can enter win a brand new copy of Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals 2. I love Rachael Ray so I’ll be sure to enter this one!

Also looking around I seen this really neat giveaway over at An Iowa Mom she is giving away an amazing prize of a $50 gift card to a parent’s favorite place…..TARGET! You know this is one you MUST enter.

Further on down my blog travels I came across this giveaway from Tonya at A Family Completed ; a $50 gift card to Victoria Secrets….I don’t know about you but it’s my favorite place to window shop and I’d love to win a gift card for there lol. They have some cute swim suits!

Now if that wasn’t some great giveaways, here are a few more I found, over at Beautiful Blog designs they are giving away a premade blog template by Delicious Design Studio….yep that’s right you get the gratification of the winning right away, and what better way to make sure you’re really happy with the blog design? So head on over there and sign up. and to close out this giveaway post, I wondered over to We Fit Families and found out they are giving away FOUR MOVIE TICKETS thanks to Kerasotes Theaters. Now this is a wicked giveaway since we are HUGE movie goers in this family and would be appreciated in this family lol.

So I’ll be back tomorrow with more giveaways you should enter, and if you can’t wait just visit the blog carnival page

It’s Baaaack!

22 Jan
Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

So stay tuned starting the 26th for lots of great giveaways coming from Creatively Yours!

Wordless Wednesday

21 Jan

Sums up my day…….went to pull it out to add some water to the turkey (one of those cool fool proof turkey kit things from Walmart)

You are an Extraordinary Mom Right?

20 Jan

Then why are you not over at Extrodinary Moms with tons of other extraordinary moms? What you didn’t know about it? Well now you do. This is a brand new site that was creatived by some very awesome (and well known) ladies; Kristin, Christine, Monica, Toni, and Katja. Not only do they have an awesome new blog with some great giveaways happening now, like for example win 1 of 5 sak handbags or a Keurig. They also have this awesome Forum where you can other extroardinay mommy bloggers and have a good time. Well I’m on my way to register over there so I hope to see you there!

Little MissMatched Socks Giveaway

14 Jan

Okay I don’t know about you, but I have way to many socks in my sock pile that have NO matches at all. It really gets frustrating trying to figure out who is eating all my socks. Well if that sounds like a normal thing at your house then boy to I have the giveaway for you.

I ran across this really cute site called LittleMissMatched and was in love with what I found. Here is a blurb from their site about how LittleMissMatched came about:

Here’s how it all started: We were sitting around talking about the pesky problem of the lost sock. You know, the one the dryer always eats? We thought, “Why do we have to wear matching socks, anyway? Maybe matching is overrated?!” It was one of those “aha” moments. We thought…why not start a company that sells socks that don’t match on purpose? Why not sell them in odd numbers so even if the dryer eats one, it doesn’t matter. And best of all, if you get three socks that mismatch (but coordinate in fabulously fun ways) then you get three choices for a pair instead of just one. Suddenly socks weren’t just boring socks, but a way to express yourself and be kookily creative.

We originally thought these socks would just appeal to tween girls, but lo and behold, when the socks hit the world, we started to get love letters from 9 year-old girls, 19-year-old teens, 39-year-old moms, and 69-year-old grandmas. That’s when we knew we were really onto something.

Now we’re a full lifestyle brand with products for girls of all ages – from books to bedding, PJ’s to pencil pouches and flip flops to furniture. All of our products are designed to be fun, creative, wholesome, innovative and evergreen.

They offer the socks in 4 different color waves. We have Kooky, which is about colors opposite each other on the color wheel. Fabulous, which is about different shades of the same color. Marvelous, which is about colors next to each other on the color wheel. Zany, which is about every color on the color wheel.

Now I was so excited when I got my socks in the mail. I received a pair of Kooky (see above) and Zany sock packs. They were extremely adorable and even my 4 year old son, Owen, loved them. he was so amazed at the patterns and colors of the socks, and even more so that they didn’t match. I loved them because no more wondering about lost socks! Not only are they cute, but they are very soft and just the right amount of thickness. I can’t tell you how many times I buy socks and they are so thick they bunch up in my shoes..ugh lol. But not these, they are just right, and they are so comfy. The really could be the perfect socks!

After browsing around LittleMissMatched I think I’m going to have to get these slippers, pj pants and top soon as with the weather getting to -20 soon, they will be needed lol.

Now not only am I giving away a weeks worth of socks from LittleMissMatched, I received news of an amazing contest they are running as well, here is what was in the in e-mail:

I just wanted to let you and your readers know about LittleMissMatched Project Sock Design Contest. We are asking fans of all ages to design our next 3-pack of socks that, in true LittleMissMatched spirit, don’t match. Not only does the winning designer have his/her socks join the LittleMissMatched collection and go into production , they also receive a prize of $500. Here’s a link link with more information and the contest rules:

Now how cool is that? I think that could be a fun family project and I know me and Owen are going to be working on this tonight.

Now on to the giveaway from LittleMissMatched? It’s really simple, just follow the rules below and you’ll be on your way and entered into the drawing.

How to ENTER

  • visit the LittleMissMatched webpage and tell me what is your favorite piece is.
  • If your address is NOT on your blog/profile please leave it in the comment so I can reach you if you win. No email address anywhere means no entry.
  • For extra entries; follow me on the blog, add my button, follow on twitter, and/or subscribe to my feed. Please leave a separate comment for each thing you do.
  • For those NON BLOGGERS just email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • The winner will be picked at random by
  • This giveaway is open until Jan 28th 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

Candle Lovers Unite!

6 Jan

I was so excited about this new giveaway I have for you. It’s a good one and I think you guys will love it. I found this wonderful company called Nessa’s Sweet Scents. Not only are Vera’s products wonderful, she is the sweetest person I’ve come across in awhile. Now I don’t know about you but I LOVE candles and can never have to many. So when Vera asked what I’d like to review I asked her to surprise me. She sent me 2 tarts

that smell wonderful. One is Fruit Slices (which I might add is my husband’s favorite and he rarely does not like candles) and Sugar Cookie (my favorite). Next she sent me this wonderful candle:

with the sent of Cotton Blossom. It was beautiful, and since I love clean smells this one was a huge hit.

as well as this beautiful candle holder:

isn’t that beautiful? I love it and I also love that the candles were wonderfully scented and not over powering at all. They really give you a clean burn that last what seems like forever and makes your home smell wonderful, without being to overbearing, even my candle hating husband agrees lol.

Not only does she have wonderful scents, she even has a Scent Description page to help you pick out your perfect scent, and if that wasn’t cool enough, she offers that if they don’t have the scent you’d like, just ask and she’ll try to help you find your perfect candle sent. Now onto the Giveaway:

How to ENTER

  • visit Nessa’s Sweet Scents page and tell me what is your favorite Scent from her Scents Description Page.
  • If your e-mail address is NOT on your blog/profile please leave it in the comment so I can reach you if you win. No email address anywhere means no entry.
  • For extra entries; follow me on the blog, add my button, follow on twitter, and/or subscribe to my feed. Please leave a separate comment for each you do.
  • For those NON BLOGGERS just email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • The winner will be picked at random by
  • This giveaway is open until January 27th at 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

2008…not so bad after all

6 Jan

So Shawna posted how she realized a lot of people were focusing on the bad that happened and not the good things that came from 2008. Also, she challenged us to share the beautiful parts of ’08 and help remember that it wasn’t all that bad…..and I got to thinking…and Shawna’s right, it wasn’t that bad after all. I mean, yeah I lost my grandma; which in itself was horrible; there were still a lot of good things that came out of this year that I should be focusing on as well….so I figured I’d share it with you all…..

June 2008:
Owen is FINALLY potty trained after trying for a year and a half on and off. I actually think I was more excited then he was….which is usually how it goes right? I was so glad because it had been such a struggle with him and I didn’t want it to be the reason for Owen to be held back from school or anything like that. Also, the best part? When he finally got the potty training he was night time trained at about the same time, all on his own. I’m very proud to announce that we have had zero night time accidents as well as a couple day time accidents.

July 2008
Owen gets accepted into Preschool!! Again, another exciting mommy moment for me. He was excited as well and was all he could talk about. We had some struggles at first (and we still are lol) but he loves it and I’ve noticed a world of change in him. He’s not as wound up and hyper anymore and listens a bit better…not great but better. He has to do another year of Pre-k because of his birthday, but I’m glad we put him in pre-k when we did. It’s done him a lot of good.

August 2008:

I noticed the biggest change ever….I FINALLY realize that I was a different person then I was in 2007, I had self confidence and was aware of just how awesome I was and I wasn’t going to let people walk all over me like I had before. I put jeff in his place a time or two and let him know that I had enough and I wasn’t taking anymore of his crap, shape up or get out. It was a surreal moment to realize that I finally got this confidence and backbone while realizing that I moved on from the guilty part of my grandma’s death. (back story I owed her about $700 for when I got my wisdom teeth removed and never paid her back, it ate me alive most of 2008 because that was what she’d always say to me “I don’t mind lending you money, you’ve always paid me back. I know you’re good for it” and then I don’t. I know she didn’t really care because she never mentioned it….and she was the lady that would let you know if she had a problem with something.

Nov 2008:
Then I realized that the major problem I had was my family not listening to me…it was like I said one thing and no one would hear a word I said and would say the same thing I just said. Also, I realized they were causing me a lot of stress. I’d get frustrated at family gatherings and feel on edge the entire time. It was just causing me more stress then I needed….and when I spoke up about it? Of course I was the bad guy. It was that moment that I realized changes needed to be made and I ceased contact unless it was important….sucky but it had to be done. I’ve seen a good change in me and my level of stress.

After breaking it down, I agree that 2008 wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. So how was YOUR 2008?