RS Designs Make Over & a Party!

5 Feb
Berries and Cream Blog Design - How yummy is your blog?

If you haven’t hear, RS Designs is getting a makeover. On Feburary 14th, they will become Berries and Cream blog Design. So in anticipation of that, they are holding a 2 week launch party that you DO NOT want to miss out on! Some of the amazing prizes they’ve already received include; 3 bars of handmade goat milk soap from Goat Milk Stuff, a Veggie Tales children’s pack from Thrifty Mom, and even a mommy calling card from Little Ladybug Designs . To see the other great prizes they’ve received just look HERE

One Response to “RS Designs Make Over & a Party!”

  1. Revka February 5, 2009 at 11:53 am #

    Thank you so much for helping to spread the word. We really appreciate it. 🙂

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