Archive | May, 2009

A Thousand Words Thursday

28 May
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This is who I’m doing my relay for life for. My grandma. She passed away from Lung Cancer on May 2nd of 2008. She was everything. The one person that I could go to for anything I needed. My voice of reason and the one that always knew how to make me feel better. She definitely is an Angel and I know she is always here with me, I can feel her.

As a side note, if you haven’t & you can please donate for Relay for Life. It’s greatly appreciated and I want to help raise as much as possible to make sure that we can end this fight and not have to face with this part of “growing old”.

Way to Hot

21 May

Seriously it’s only May and I’m already dying here in the heat. It’s going to be a L-o-n-g summer, really it is. Though I’m excited because there are going to be big changes with our family so hopefully little miss here can get back into blogging because I really like doing it. I really am just excited for these changes because after 5 years, we’ll finally get to have the ‘typical’ family schedule going on.

First, I’ve decided that Med transcription just isn’t for me so I’m switching over to Graphic Designer. I’m really stoked about this and can’t wait. It’s something I should’ve done in the first place but just rushed to pick a choice so I didn’t talk myself out of going to school. I already know the basics of Photoshop and what not so this will help me learn more about the program and just be something I’ve always wanted to do.

Then in the fall, Owen’s going to start riding the sub-tran on Fridays and is excited some days but not really the other days. He’ll get use to it though and it will be good for him. He’s excited for summer break because mommy and & daddy signed him up for a summer bowling ‘league’ and he can’t wait to start. He really loves bowling so this will be a blast for him.

Also, Jeff’s going to switch to the weekend shift as soon as it’s available! I’m soooooo stoked about this because after 5 years of working those awful over-night schedules, I’m ready for him to be home at night. I feel bad telling him how I feel about it because he works VERY hard to make sure we are above water and I know it is something he constantly worries about, but when he was having thoughts of transferring back to the original department he was at, I thought why not mention it now since it seems like a good time. Like I told Jeff, it’s hard to get on a normal schedule when we also have to be on his schedule too. With the new shift he’ll work 6:00/6:30am-6:30pm and its 3 days a week (Friday-Sunday). I think this will be good for everyone involved since we don’t really go out on the weekends or anything and if we need to it won’t be that hard to do after he gets home from work.

Also, I’ve set a goal of getting my license by the time I’m 30….Yes I’m 23 & I don’t have a driver’s license. There’s a lot of “excuses” I guess you could call them of why I don’t, but really we would’ve really been broke with an extra car/car insurance/gas so it’s actually been a blessing that I haven’t. I am just going to save up some $$ and go to a driving school and ‘start all over’ with it all and I’m excited about it, nervous but excited none the less.

Well that’s an update on the home front here & I can’t wait for it all to fall in place, I know there will be some bumps in the road but I’m sure it will fall into place soon. Also, if anyone hasn’t seen it, if you’re interested in donating to the American Cancer Society please see the post below this. I’m up to $70 dollars now (well when I put the $20 from my grandma into the bank I will.) my goal is set at $150 so any and all donations would be really appreciated, after all it’s for a really good cause J

Peace ‘gaters! (As Owen says it)


Donations Needed — Relay for Life

14 May

If you’ve been following my blog, you know that last year I lost my grandma to cancer. Last year I did the Relay for Life (click this one to see photos from last year’s relay for life event) as a last minuet thing and wasn’t sure what to expect. I was blown away really I was. It was such an amazing feeling to know I was there (even at last minuet) helping to try and bring more awareness to this disease. Even though there are many different types of cancer, I do believe that they should be treated fairly and not have one ‘out shine’ the other. That is what I love about the Rely for Life, it’s for ANYONE that lost someone to cancer, was a survivor, or even someone that is battling it right now. It shows that they are ALL important and in need of help stopping. That is also why this year I decided that it was time to host my own team, and that’s what I’m doing. We are the Ribbon of Hope team and we can’t wait to Relay for Life (click for more info on Relay for Life).

This is why I’m asking you to donate to the Relay for Life on behalf of me and my team, Ribbon of Hope. I know that this is a bad economy, so if you can’t donate please don’t feel like you have to. I’m just asking for those that can, please donate. Also, it’s not until June 19th so if you can’t donate now but know you can in the next couple of weeks that works too. We are already up to $25 and I just am so excited and can’t wait for the walk to get here.

Also, if you’re unsure of what the Relay for Life is, or want to participate, I linked you up to the site so you can find one in your area.

Thanks so much for reading this

LittleMissMatched — Lost Sock Memorial Day

8 May

By now it should be no surprise how much I LOVE LittleMissMatched. So when Nicole e-mailed me about this very cute and neat idea called Lost Sock Memorial Day, I just had to share with you guys because I knew you’d love it. Now instead of me trying to explain it, I’m going to just quote Nicole on what Lost Sock Memorial is all about:

Just wanted to check in with you and let you know about a new section of our website that we are launching in honor of Lost Sock Memorial Day. Lost Sock Memorial Day, which happens on May 9th, is a day set aside to remember those socks that were lost throughout the year. As you know, our company was founded to solve the age old problem of the missing sock, so Lost Sock Memorial Day is the perfect holiday for LittleMissMatched.

The new section of the website ( offers ideas for what to do with the sock that is left behind when the other sock is lost to the dryer. The page is full of fun and includes games, and ideas for arts and crafts that all involve using single socks.

It’s a wonderful way for parents to spend some quality time with their kids and an easy way to give those single socks some new life!

Now it gets even better, Starting May 7th-11th LittleMissMatched is having an AMAZING sale! They are having a buy one get one sale on select style of socks! Now this is an amazing offer and you don’t want to miss out on it. Those socks are a huge hit in this household between me and my 4 year old son. So make sure you check out the sale and everyone have a great Friday!

More Spotlight Finds

7 May

Hey guys welcome back! Again, lots more awesome finds from the blog carnival!

First up is a giveaway from Audrey at Recipe Tips & Hints for Country Bob’s BBQ sauce. Now I’ve heard GREAT things about this BBQ sauce and was excited to try and win some. We LOVE BBQ sauce in this house, so this was a no brainer to enter lol!

Up next is this awesome give away from Gina at a wrestling addicted Mommy’s blog. She is giving away a My Tot Clock. This is something we REALLY need with Owen. He’s so off schedule it’s not funny. He (like most children) is afraid of the dark also thinks he needs to be up before the sun most days….mommy would like a bit of sleeping in until a respectable time lol.

Then I found a this really cute give away from Dee @ Two of a Kind. She’s giving away a shirt from Jellybean Apparel. Now I know, I know, I’m not pregnant but they also have daddy/grandparents/and sibling t-shirts for those that aren’t pregnant.

Finally Paige @ Nurse Mommy’s blog is giving away a pair of flip flops from Top It Off Accessories. Their flip flops are so cutea nd I so need new ones for summer! I love the zebra print arch ones they carry.

There you go, some great contests to enter!

Spotlight Carnival Finds

7 May

Wow it’s blog carnival time again and I’ve already found some wonderful giveaways to enter. So sit back and get ready to be amazed!

Well first I found this 24 hr. giveaway from Dee @ twoofakind, and she is giving away a $30 gift card to Now don’t worry that it’s a quick contest because she is giving you an enormous amount of ways to get extra entries; including an endless tweet option…if you’re a twittering fool that’s just up your alley!

Next I stumbled upon a $15 itunes giftcard that jodibee is giving away! Now I’m a HUGE music person and with what I’m hoping to get for mother’s day (I mean come on I layed out all the clues and everything…lol) this would come in super handy! This one is open until the 11th, but you don’t want to dilly dally around on it!

Then wandering some more I found that apsychmommy is giving away a bracelet or necklace (winner’s choice) and one charm with engraving from things remembered. How awesome of a give away is this?!

Well that’s all I’ve gotten so far. Check back later for more great finds and don’t forget to hit the blog giveaway page to find ones I might’ve missed 🙂