Anyone seen summer?

22 Jul

It has been an incredibly crazy summer here, both personally and weather wise. Now anyone that’s ever lived in north central Illinois, knows that it gets HOT here from the end of June to the end of August just about. Well aparently not this year. It has been so rainy and cold this month alone, I just can’t believe that I’ve been in jeans and a hooded sweat shirt for most of the month when we’ve normally been drenched in sweat by this time. We did have a week or two last month I think where it was an extreme heat advisory, but it’s been so cold and dreary lately I don’t even want to get out of bed! Poor Owen can’t do anything outside because of this too so we’ve been trying to tame that extra energy somehow, we’ve done lots of coloring and video watching lol.

Also, I’m trying to be a better blogger. I was doing good and then WHAM ran into a brick wall it seems. Well in a bout a week we’re moving…you couldn’t tell since I have one measly box packed up, another one started and barely anything else done…..could be because we have like 4 boxes and that’s it….yeah this is going to be fun. Thankfully all of Owen’s toys can go in his huge football toybox he has, yeah we cleaned that out and found out he had TWO bags (those heft no rip ones) of busted up and broken toys in his room alone. I’m like seriously NO more toys….yeah that lasted until we went to walmart and bought him this t-ball set (seriously was a waste of $10 as it doesn’t even go together right, he lost interest in waiting for me to try and figure it all out. We’re going to get him Better Batter Baseball soon though so he’ll be excited).

Anyway, like I was saying, we’re moving and I’m rather excited about it. We’re moving in with his sister and we’ve lived with her before and know all how it is to live with other people and everything. This will be good though, adjusting will be needed but good. We can save a very good amount of money and it would be until I get out of school (another 1.5 yrs), the schools are better than here, and Owen will have other kids to play with. So I just have to get packed/moved/settled in and I’ll be fine, until then, I’ll be a stressful mess like I am now lol.

So plese forgive me for not being around, once I get things settled, I have lots of good stuff coming for Creatively Yours so I hope you’ll stick around to see where we go from here =]

Have a great day,

One Response to “Anyone seen summer?”

  1. Michelle@DomesticationoftheSingleGirl July 22, 2009 at 10:06 pm #

    Love your blog! 🙂
    Good luck with the move…we've moved 2 times in a year and a half and I think UNpacking drives me even crazier than packing…I hate not knowing where every last item in my junk collection is. :p
    Summer in RI has been weird, too…kind of a Seattle-east thing going on. Sad.

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