
13 Aug

So we are finally moved and all set up. It’s been 2 weeks and my internet is still all crazy. We were given the run around with getting it hooked up, that took a whole week to get figured out. Now it’s just adjusting to the fact we’re connect through the router and not directly to the internet, so the connection isn’t always great.

With the moving came to registering O in a new district, that was a mess. We were run in circles and told we had to wait until DECEMBER to get him tested….well that got bumped up to last Wednesday. The testing went well and as I already knew, he knew everything (just about) that he needed to know. Also, a lot of it was above his age level. He needs to work on his rhyming and what ‘next to’ ‘above’ ‘around’ mean in sense of directions. He had trouble with the cutting too, only because we don’t allow scissor use here since he’s a bit hyper at home lol. It was painful to watch him cut with his thumb & pointer finger. So we were suppose to know if he got accepted to their program in about 3 weeks. Well that pited him right at the time school started. So I decided to call them and see what they said today, but deep down knew the answer:

I’m sorry we just don’t have room for him right now. If a spot opens we will give you a call. Other wise try again

So I hung up and just sat down and cried. I just don’t know what I’m going to do. I know there are home schooling stuff, but I don’t know where to start and I’m worried about the social aspect of it since he lacks a good amount in that area. I mean yeah we’re living with my sister in law and niece and there are kids on either side, but it’s not the same. He’s going to miss all the fun projects and things they do in school and just that time away from me and daddy as well. I can even type any of that out with out having some tears. It breaks my heart because I know how much he loved it last year. He always was talking about this or that or something about school. He even asked to ride this little bus car thing outside the store the other day so it could take him to school….He says he’s not sad about it but I don’t know if he realizes it yet. It just makes me feel really defeated and like it was a mistake to move. I mean we’re already seeing the money get saved, but it seems like everything else has just been one big hassle after another.

Well, thanks for listening to me complain, other good things coming in the next day or so I can guarantee. I really do appreciate any and all that look at and read this blog, I know sometimes I can be horrible about updating it, but I’m trying lol.

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