Archive | September, 2009

EcoTools Review

30 Sep

I was lucky enough to be asked to review EcoTools “Green, Clean, Go” travel sampler. Now for those of you, like myself, that haven’t heard of EcoTools before, EcoTools is an earth friendly beauty product company. They offer cosmetic brushes, bath, brow, and nail accessories all geared towards helping to better the Earth. Not only does EcoTools offer Earth friendly beauty products, they launched a brand new line of eco-conscious, yet stylish, bath and body products in June of this year and area available at Walgreen stores nationwide or  you can log on to their website to find a full list of retailers near you. While there, you can sign up for their EcoInsider for the inside scoop on all things EcoTools.

With these new bath and body care products, EcoTools once again shows how being environmentally friendly and based can also be fashionable. Not only is each product shown off with a bold design, they are also given a cleaver name to prove mindfulness and playfulness can go hand-in-hand. Their new liquid collection not only enhances, but improves any bath experience you will have. This leads to a beautiful reflection on how important the planet is, as well as taking time for yourself.

To help further the awareness of being eco-friendly, EcoTools is apart of 1% for the Planet. This is an alliance of business communities to leverage their resources to create a healthier planet. Members recognize their responsibility to, and dependence on, a healthy environment. EcoTools donates 1% of their annual sales to the organization. Something I found interesting is that on the back of every EcoTool product is a “green tip” which helps everyone who purchases an EcoTool product to discover another small step that can create a greener lifestyle. Also, every EcoTool product is 98% made from nature, paraben-free, phthalate-free, dermatologist-tested, and cruelty-free showing respect for not only the planet, but you as well.

 Now when I received the “Green, Clean, Go” sample pack, I was amazed at the design of the individual bottles and the overall packaging. The Travel Pack contains a bottle of body wash, 2 fl oz, a bottle of body lotion, 2 fl oz, a bottle of body mist, 2 fl oz, and a tube of intensive hand cream, 1 fl oz. Also included was a bamboo nail brush, and they were all placed snuggly in a reusable travel pouch, 1 quart in size.

All of the bottles smelt amazing, and honestly, this is something I always worry about when I try eco-friendly products. I can honestly say though that I loved that each product had a different sent and that they blended so well together. The body wash smelt of a refreshing botanical scent. The body lotion smelt of shea butter, my favorite. Then there was the intensive hand cream which carries a scent of tangy jojobba oil, and the heavenly body mist smelt of fresh florals. I was also pleasantly surprised that the lotion and hand cream didn’t leave an oily after feel that I tend to find with other lotions and soaked into my skin rather quickly and lasted long time before feeling like I needed more lotion or hand cream. With it getting rather chilly here in the fall, those will be two of my winter staples for sure. I’ve never been a nails brush type of girl. Maybe because my grandma always had this really harsh one that would scratch when used. So when I seen this was included in the pack, I was a little nervous. Yet when I tried it, it was soft and didn’t scratch at all. It has definitely turned this anti-believer around.

I’ve already started to plan how I can use these products not only more for myself, but as gifts as well. This is one company you just have to share with everyone you know. So next time you’re in Walgreens why not pick an EcoTools product to try, you never know you could be pleasantly surprised.

Scrabble Pendant Giveaway!

28 Sep

I don’t know about you, but I love seeing how people reuse things. One of my favorites is reusing scrabble pieces. I would’ve never guessed that these beautiful necklaces from The Charmed One. She the most beautiful scrabble necklaces I’ve seen. Plus there is something for the whole family. Here are just a few of the ones that I fell in love with when I browsed her store:

The Barack Obama pendant would be a BIG hit in our house because my son is just in love with the new president, although he calls him The Rock Omama. I remember last November he came home all excited because his pre-k class held a voting for class president. The choices were Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty, and Snoopy. I asked him who he voted for and he was so excited when he said “Rock Omama!” I was a little confused but even now every time he sees him he shouts out “Momma I voted for Rock Omama!” I giggle every time he does lol. I know that he would love this one as the colors really pop from the photo used. Also, the cropping of the photo onto the square is amazing, it really helps to draw your eyes to it. This would be the perfect gift for any one on your list that loves to show their support to our new president.

The Gossip Girl pendant would be a great choice for me because I just LOVE this show, and these books. I was skeptical of the show because I was hooked in the books and not sure if they would be able to get the characters to base off the books or not. It took a few episodes as they differed from the book a little but I’m hooked on the show as well. This would be perfect for the teen, young adult, or even adult on your list that is shameless addicted to all the drama that is Gossip Girl.

The Hannah Montana pendant would be perfect for my niece. She is head over heels for Miss Hannah. She’s even going as Hannah for Halloween. I can just imagine the look on her face when she would see this, it might be followed by a deafening screech so I can only imaging what any other Hannah fan would be like, even at the age of 5. This one is perfect for those fans, this one is a must. The photo used on is of course from the opening of the show (as my niece so nicely pointed out lol) and it’s creatively placed on the tile with different crop to it.

Now for those of you with a love for all things blood and hot vampires these next two are for you. First up is the Twilight pendant. I myself couldn’t get into this phenominon as hard as I tried. I couldn’t get past the first few pages of the first novel and have no desire to see either of the movies (yes I know the new one isn’t out yet lol). But I have quite a few friends that are more than obsessed with the novels, movie(s), characters. So I know this would be a great one for them, especially since most of them are nuts for the Bella and Edward couple, as is shown on this Twilight pendants. (Also, if you’re just an Edward fan she offers a pendant that has a photo of just him.)

Finally, I have the True Blood pendant. I again, have no desire to watch this show, nor really pick up any of the books. Blood and vampires really aren’t my thing at all…what a waste to have a Halloween Birthday huh? But it features the picture that I have seen around everything that is True Blood. If you have a True Blood fan in the house, this would be the perfect gift idea.

Also, if none of those have tickled your fancy, and neither have the ones in her store, you can get one made with a personal photo of a loved one. How cute are these Custom Photo pendants? I am considering getting these as gifts for the grandmas for Christmas, they would love them. What easier way to show of those precious gifts of life?

She offers her pendants necklaces at a very reasonable price and is currently running a sale where if you buy 2 pendants, you get a third one FREE. How awesome is that? As if that wasn’t good enough, there is a deal where if you buy 5 pendants for $20 and get FREE shipping! Make sure to check out her STORE to get more details on these amazing offers

Of course as stated under each pendant, these are made from Scrabble pieces so they are not big in size and while some have photos children will love, they are not intended for children, please use discretion when giving these as gifts.

Now for the fun part GIVEAWAY time! That’s right, Stacy has generously offered up 5 pendants of the winner’s choice (this does NOT include the custom or glass pendants). So to enter to win all you have to do is visit Stacy’s store and tell me what is ONE of your favorite pieces she has to offer.

Want extra entries? Please leave a seperate comment for each item you do.

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    I’ve entered to win 5 pendants from The Charmed One @creativelyyours and now you can too:
  • For the 1st $5.00 spent you will receive 1 entry
  • For each additional $5.00 spent you will receive 2 entries
  • Donate to RELAY FOR LIFE (in any amount) & receive TWENTY extra entries.

This giveaway ends October 12th @ 11:59 pm and the winner will be picked by random.

Friday Already?

25 Sep

It is. It’s also payday so that’s exciting I guess lol. I have to go to the doctor’s today. It’s med check and to see how my Asthma test went, I hope that’s all I have to do because it seems every time that I go there is a list of things that I leave wrong with me. Plus going to the doctor is never any fun, although I love my doctor so it’s not much of a pain. She actually sits with me and listens to what I have to say without seeming like I’m keeping her from something and what not. Hard to find lately so I really appreciate it.

After that I’m super excited because we are taking Owen to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs!!! I love it and can’t wait. It’s also Owen’s first visit to the “Big Tv” as he likes to call it. Should be quite entertaining, I’ll definitely update when we get home.

Oh one more thing, I found this fun Friday MEME from An Island Life called Aloha Friday and I thought it was a really fun idea so here’s my first time participating in it. The question she gave was:

If you were a circus performer, who would you be?

This is a tough one I would probably pick the the gymnastics one as those are fun and I can’t hurt myself to much lol.

Now for my question:

What is your must have theater (or movie time) snacks?

Well I should sleep as I need to be up in a couple hours for the doctors.

Santa’s Secrets 2009

25 Sep

Can you believe it’s already almost time for Christmas?! Here at Creatively Yours, we’d like to help get those lists started with Santa’s Secret’s 2009, and are on the look out for great sponsors, companies, and products.

Being apart of Santa’s Secrets 2009, will get you a 125×125 banner, or as close as possible, of your company or product. The banners will link back your website and be apart of an exclusive section just for Santa’s Secrets sponsors and this section will rotate through all sponsors.

The Santa’s Secret 2009 sponsors section will have a top spot on Creatively Yours and included in a special page to introduce all sponsors before Santa’s Secrets 2009 starts.

Are you interested in being featured or wanting to sponsor a giveaway? Than please contact me to obtain more information about the process. You can email me at creatively_yours(at)yahoo(dot)com.

The Christmas season is one of my favorite holidays and I can’t wait to work with you and your company featuring great services and products this holiday season.

You Guys

24 Sep

I am excited! I’ve got some good things coming up with the blog. Some cool reviews and giveaways I think you guys are going to enjoy. So birthday is coming up and that means so is Halloween lol. In the next couple weeks I’m going to do a week long Halloween ‘party’. There will be some giveaways, Crafts, site reviews and coupon codes, and fun recipes all of course related to Halloween. You don’t wanna miss out! Also, comment me with your own Halloween ideas, projects, recipes and what not as I’d love to hear them and they may even make an appearance on the blog.

Also, what is coming up faster than you can ever get use to? CHRISTMAS! I am putting together Santa’s Secrets this holiday season. I am working on getting things situated for that so look out for even more news on that.

Finally, I’ve finally come up with a blogging way that I’m comfortable with so you’ll be seeing lots more from Creatively Yours, maybe even a move and make over, but only time will tell. I want to thank everyone for being a reader and if you want to stay up to date, please feel free to sign up for my newsletter!

Well I’m off to do my mommy duties and get little man some breakfast, Hope everyone has a great day,

Secret Santas?!

23 Sep

I love surprises and such so when I found out my friend and fellow mommy blogger Gina. I’ve known Gina for about 5 years now via message boards and we’ve done this in the past there. We’ve always had a blast so I was interested to see she was still doing it even though the board is no more. If you love getting and giving gifts this is the exchange for you. I think it’s neat because you don’t know who you’ll be paired up with and you never know you could just make a new friend even! Plus it’s just lots of fun. So hurry up, head over to THIS post and sign up today!

Crazy Dog Tee Giveaway

22 Sep

By now you should know my obsession…I mean love of funny and at times ‘crude’ (as some would call them) graphic tees, as well as when they are inexpensive and I don’t have to leave my house to get them. So when I found Crazy Dog T-shirts, I knew I was going to love them, I mean just look at that neat logo, how could you not want to know this site? Robot Dogs are the coolest thing out there (or that’s what my four year old said when he seen their site)

Now after looking through their amazing and funny shirts, I decided on the Smurf Around tee. I loved the smurfs when I was little and it was just a really cute shirt. Who wouldn’t want to kiss a smurf? When I received it in the mail, I was in love with it. It was really soft and fit well. It definitely feels like your favorite worn in t-shirt straight out of the mailbox. I like that it’s form fitting as I hate feeling like there could of been another shirt made out of my shirt. Also, the shirt was long enough to reach a little over my waistband of what ever pants I’m wearing without being too long. I was thankful that it doesn’t rise up to much when you bend over and what not as having crack showing isn’t the hottest thing in the world lol. Quick tip, I’m known for shrinking anything I love so my advice is that a simple air dry would help avoid any mishaps as the shirts are 100% cotton.

Crazy Dog has a wide variety of categories of shirts. There are Movies, Funny T’s, Video Games, Junk Food T’s, 80’s and quite a few more. I already see a lot of my holiday shopping being done through them as funny t-shirts are always a big hit in my family as we’re a crazy bunch. Speaking of the holidays, Crazy Dog Tees has quite a bit of specials on their site. There is the $6 mystery T, the $9 t-shirt, and every day they have a shirt for sale that is only $6.99. How sweet are those deals? With those deals and their regular reasonably price t-shirts, these would be great gifts for any of your needs, like a gag gift, stocking stuffers, Gift bags for friends, or even just because. Also, not only are their prices reasonable, and the awesome deals they regularly have, the customer service is really amazing and their shipping is fast as well.

If you love funny graphic t-shirts like me, head on over to Crazy Dog and see what they have. I can bet you’ll find a few you can’t live without. Also, if you are on twitter or facebook add them and you can enter everyday for a free shirt. They like to do trivia questions everyday, the winner gets a free shirt. How neat is that? Speaking of free shirts, that brings me to the giveaway. One lucky winner will get to receive a shirt of their choosing! How awesome is that? Entering couldn’t be easier.

To enter visit Crazy Dog‘s site and tell me which shirt you like.

For extra entries;

  • follow my blog
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I’ve entered to win a shirt from Crazy Dog @creativelyyours. Have you?

  • email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link back.
  • For TWENTY (20) extra entries make a donation (of any amount) to the Relay for Life

The winner will be picked at random by This giveaway is open until October 6th @ 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

Snorg Tees Giveaway!

18 Sep

Okay by now we all know I have an obsession for Graphical tees. I can’t help it and probably will never be over. So when I got to review (and do a giveaway) for Snorg Tees I was all kinds of excited. I have been looking at their site way to often and can say I am big fan, and have started doing all my screened tee shopping online as they have been of a better quality than any shirt I can find in stores.

I had a hard time choosing but ended up going with their “I Like It On Top” Tee. I was so excited when it came in the mail and I fell in love instantly with it. It was very soft and while I was worried that the size I chose would be a bit smaller than I expected, the size was true to what their site says. It fit very well without showing off the chub I have on the sides. I love the American Apparel Jersey T that is used. Also, it doesn’t shrink or anything when washed either as I was excited about that as I have horrible luck with shrinking things lol! Also, if those kind of graphics are not your cup of tea, they have some other ones that I love as well, such as It’s Okay Pluto, You Complete Me, RAWR Means I Love You, and The Only Thing We Have To Fear.

Now for the fun part, Snorg Tees is giving one lucky winner a tee of their choice. Here is what you have to do:

  • Visit Snorg Tees and tell me what your favorite t-shirt is.

For extra entries;

  • follow me, add my button, follow on twitter, and/or subscribe to my feed.
  • Tweet about this giveaway. You can use this right here:

I’ve entered to win a gift certificate from Snorg Tees @creativelyyours. Here’s the link so you can too

  • For those NON BLOGGERS just email 2 people and add my email address (on my profile) in the Cc.
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link back.
  • For TWENTY (20) extra entries make a donation (of any amount) to the Relay for Life

The winner will be picked at random by This giveaway is open until October 2nd @ 11:59 p.m. central standard time.

Care Packages for Collegiates

15 Sep

I received a really interesting email from Jennifer Lake at Skirt Public Relations. She was telling me about a really neat idea on care packages for those with children heading off to college. I don’t think I could explain it as well as she has so I will just let you see what her email said:

According to the US Census, 19 million students enrolled and headed off to the nation’s colleges and universities this fall. This number is up 13.5 million from 20 years ago (source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, Most students have a difficult time adjusting to their new surroundings and in fact, according to American College Testing (ACT), on the average, 1 in 4 college freshmen drop out of school.

There are many ways that parents can encourage their children at college, without interfering too much with their lives. One of the best ways to show your kids that you care (and less homesick), is by sending care packages. Would you be interested in doing a blog post featuring 10 Care Package Ideas?

If so, we’d love to put you in touch with Alana and Javier Marmanillo, owners of Love & Luck Greetings, a stationery and lifestyle product company, are advocates of snail mail to students ( Alana and Javier have come up with ten great care package ideas that are relatively inexpensive, but will make a big impact. They explain, “Kids need reminders that they are loved and that someone is rooting them on! Sometimes a simple care package reminds them of home and makes them a little less homesick.” What are some of Alana & Javier’s ideas? Thanks, Greetings!

1. Study Survival Kit

Why not send a care package featuring products that encourage students to study? Think coffee, pens and highlighters, Advil, bookmarks, book light, and more.

2. Non-Perishable Snack Packs

Think chips and pretzels, candy bars, granola and breakfast bars, and more. Package them up in a travel-size cooler, which is perfect for kids to use later for picnics and lunches.

3. Small Reminders of Home

Why not ship off a recipe box filled with favorite family recipes or bake a batch of their favorite cookies?

4. Quarters

Quarters are one of the best commodities at college and perfect for doing laundry, parking meters, and calling home! Send rolls of quarters in a cute and colorful pouch or even a change organizer to help the student keep track of them.

5. Hometown Pride

Remind your son/daughter of hometown whether it’s a magnet they can put on their mini fridge or a coffee cup to use in the morning (add a Starbucks gift card for an added bonus). “We love Jessica Rust Designs Skyline Mugs which feature different cities on them ($28, You can personalize them with your son/daughter’s name and it’s a great reminder of home.”

6. Board Games

Think a deck of cards, board games, and puzzles – anything to keep them entertained. Plus, board games are a great way to bond with other people!

7. Personal Items

Personal items often become an afterthought for students, so why not supply them with more? Send a box filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, tissue paper, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, paper towels, and more.

8. Sentimental Stationery

Correspondence is one of the best ways to show you care. Over the next few weeks, send your son or daughter postcards and letters from home. Our line, Love & Luck Greetings, features cards with encouraging phrases from “Applause, Job Well Done” to “Sent With Love.” Send cards that feature inspirational words and make sure to write a little note to let them know you’re thinking of them.

9. Gift Cards

Sure, students love money, but often if you send cash they end up using it for the wrong things! Therefore, why not send gift certificate instead? You can send gift certificates to their nearest grocery store, gas station, favorite place to eat, or favorite music or clothing store. They will love it, trust us!

10. Caring Correspondence

While many parents send letters from home, why not equip your student to do the same? Create a care package filled with personalized note cards, postcards, postage stamps, pens, and more? A great online resource for personalized note cards is, which allows shoppers to customize note cards with colors, art, fonts, monograms, names, quotes, and more ($71 for 50,

News from LittleMissMatched

15 Sep

Just sharing an email from Nicole at LittleMissMatched

I wanted to reach out to you as LittleMissMatched has an exciting event in the coming weeks. To celebrate the opening of our new flagship store, LittleMissMatched will host a friendly “Creativity March” down Fifth Avenue in New York City. The march is intended to generate exposure on the extraordinary amount of both children and adults who believe in the importance of expressing yourself each and every day of the year. Adults and children of all ages are invited to join the movement and show their support of self expression through art, writing, theatre, music, etc.

The participants will gather at the legendary FAO Schwarz toy store where they will receive a free pack of LittleMissMatched socks to sport during the day. Once the entire group arrives, the march will proceed down Fifth Avenue alongside NYPD escorts to ensure safety. Attendees are encouraged to chant inspiring slogans such as “Be Bold, Be You” and display creative materials of their own during the procession. LittleMissMatched will also supply signage and props.

The ‘”LittleMissMatched Creativity March” will culminate at the brand’s new flagship store, where a ribbon cutting ceremony will take place to signify the grand opening and the celebration of creativity across the globe.

Immediately following the parade, LittleMissMatched will host an in-store event for the media, customers and fans alike where playful bites and “mocktails” will be served along with an array of interactive activities based on expressing one’s creative self.

For this special event LittleMissMatched will be partnering with Free Arts, a nonprofit organization that provides under-served children and families with a unique combination of educational arts and mentoring programs that help them to foster self-confidence to realize their fullest potential. From September 26th to October 2nd 10% of sales at our 5th Avenue store will go to the Free Arts organization. We would really love to raise as much money as we can for them and would love your help in spreading the word.