Great decor for your home décor

14 Sep

I love decorating my home, and what better piece to have then some beautiful mirrors? I have the pleasure of introducing you to an amazing site called CSN Mirrors. They have a huge assortment of mirrors, something for everyone that is for sure. Not only do they vary in style, they vary in price as well. So no matter what your budget is, you’ll find something to fit your budget.

Now I don’t know about you but a girl needs a good mirror in her purse at all times, or am I wrong? So when I was asked if I wanted to review their site, I was blown away by what they had to offer. I finally realized that I had to review their Miro Makeup Mirror and I have to say I was not disappointed at all. The mirror fits perfect in both my purse and my makeup bag. Not only does it have a magnification of 3x but it’s a stainless steel design on the outside, perfect for someone that likes to drop things a lot ha!

Not only was the mirror a great purchase but their customer service was excellent as well, and in today’s society, that is something that you don’t see very often. As I said, I was asked to do the review for them, of course with my luck they emailed me when I was in the middle of a moving mess and didn’t have internet for a week or so, and I was wanting to have this posted last week, but of course we had the cold bug run rampant through our house so it never worked how I wanted. Yet they were very understanding (sometimes we all know people are not) and just a relief lifted off of me that I didn’t have to rush and get the review posted when I said it would be because of my germs lol.

I hope the next time you need a beautiful mirror for your home, you will check out CSN Mirrors.

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