Care Packages for Collegiates

15 Sep

I received a really interesting email from Jennifer Lake at Skirt Public Relations. She was telling me about a really neat idea on care packages for those with children heading off to college. I don’t think I could explain it as well as she has so I will just let you see what her email said:

According to the US Census, 19 million students enrolled and headed off to the nation’s colleges and universities this fall. This number is up 13.5 million from 20 years ago (source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, Most students have a difficult time adjusting to their new surroundings and in fact, according to American College Testing (ACT), on the average, 1 in 4 college freshmen drop out of school.

There are many ways that parents can encourage their children at college, without interfering too much with their lives. One of the best ways to show your kids that you care (and less homesick), is by sending care packages. Would you be interested in doing a blog post featuring 10 Care Package Ideas?

If so, we’d love to put you in touch with Alana and Javier Marmanillo, owners of Love & Luck Greetings, a stationery and lifestyle product company, are advocates of snail mail to students ( Alana and Javier have come up with ten great care package ideas that are relatively inexpensive, but will make a big impact. They explain, “Kids need reminders that they are loved and that someone is rooting them on! Sometimes a simple care package reminds them of home and makes them a little less homesick.” What are some of Alana & Javier’s ideas? Thanks, Greetings!

1. Study Survival Kit

Why not send a care package featuring products that encourage students to study? Think coffee, pens and highlighters, Advil, bookmarks, book light, and more.

2. Non-Perishable Snack Packs

Think chips and pretzels, candy bars, granola and breakfast bars, and more. Package them up in a travel-size cooler, which is perfect for kids to use later for picnics and lunches.

3. Small Reminders of Home

Why not ship off a recipe box filled with favorite family recipes or bake a batch of their favorite cookies?

4. Quarters

Quarters are one of the best commodities at college and perfect for doing laundry, parking meters, and calling home! Send rolls of quarters in a cute and colorful pouch or even a change organizer to help the student keep track of them.

5. Hometown Pride

Remind your son/daughter of hometown whether it’s a magnet they can put on their mini fridge or a coffee cup to use in the morning (add a Starbucks gift card for an added bonus). “We love Jessica Rust Designs Skyline Mugs which feature different cities on them ($28, You can personalize them with your son/daughter’s name and it’s a great reminder of home.”

6. Board Games

Think a deck of cards, board games, and puzzles – anything to keep them entertained. Plus, board games are a great way to bond with other people!

7. Personal Items

Personal items often become an afterthought for students, so why not supply them with more? Send a box filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, tissue paper, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, paper towels, and more.

8. Sentimental Stationery

Correspondence is one of the best ways to show you care. Over the next few weeks, send your son or daughter postcards and letters from home. Our line, Love & Luck Greetings, features cards with encouraging phrases from “Applause, Job Well Done” to “Sent With Love.” Send cards that feature inspirational words and make sure to write a little note to let them know you’re thinking of them.

9. Gift Cards

Sure, students love money, but often if you send cash they end up using it for the wrong things! Therefore, why not send gift certificate instead? You can send gift certificates to their nearest grocery store, gas station, favorite place to eat, or favorite music or clothing store. They will love it, trust us!

10. Caring Correspondence

While many parents send letters from home, why not equip your student to do the same? Create a care package filled with personalized note cards, postcards, postage stamps, pens, and more? A great online resource for personalized note cards is, which allows shoppers to customize note cards with colors, art, fonts, monograms, names, quotes, and more ($71 for 50,

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