News from LittleMissMatched

15 Sep

Just sharing an email from Nicole at LittleMissMatched

I wanted to reach out to you as LittleMissMatched has an exciting event in the coming weeks. To celebrate the opening of our new flagship store, LittleMissMatched will host a friendly “Creativity March” down Fifth Avenue in New York City. The march is intended to generate exposure on the extraordinary amount of both children and adults who believe in the importance of expressing yourself each and every day of the year. Adults and children of all ages are invited to join the movement and show their support of self expression through art, writing, theatre, music, etc.

The participants will gather at the legendary FAO Schwarz toy store where they will receive a free pack of LittleMissMatched socks to sport during the day. Once the entire group arrives, the march will proceed down Fifth Avenue alongside NYPD escorts to ensure safety. Attendees are encouraged to chant inspiring slogans such as “Be Bold, Be You” and display creative materials of their own during the procession. LittleMissMatched will also supply signage and props.

The ‘”LittleMissMatched Creativity March” will culminate at the brand’s new flagship store, where a ribbon cutting ceremony will take place to signify the grand opening and the celebration of creativity across the globe.

Immediately following the parade, LittleMissMatched will host an in-store event for the media, customers and fans alike where playful bites and “mocktails” will be served along with an array of interactive activities based on expressing one’s creative self.

For this special event LittleMissMatched will be partnering with Free Arts, a nonprofit organization that provides under-served children and families with a unique combination of educational arts and mentoring programs that help them to foster self-confidence to realize their fullest potential. From September 26th to October 2nd 10% of sales at our 5th Avenue store will go to the Free Arts organization. We would really love to raise as much money as we can for them and would love your help in spreading the word.

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