You Guys

24 Sep

I am excited! I’ve got some good things coming up with the blog. Some cool reviews and giveaways I think you guys are going to enjoy. So birthday is coming up and that means so is Halloween lol. In the next couple weeks I’m going to do a week long Halloween ‘party’. There will be some giveaways, Crafts, site reviews and coupon codes, and fun recipes all of course related to Halloween. You don’t wanna miss out! Also, comment me with your own Halloween ideas, projects, recipes and what not as I’d love to hear them and they may even make an appearance on the blog.

Also, what is coming up faster than you can ever get use to? CHRISTMAS! I am putting together Santa’s Secrets this holiday season. I am working on getting things situated for that so look out for even more news on that.

Finally, I’ve finally come up with a blogging way that I’m comfortable with so you’ll be seeing lots more from Creatively Yours, maybe even a move and make over, but only time will tell. I want to thank everyone for being a reader and if you want to stay up to date, please feel free to sign up for my newsletter!

Well I’m off to do my mommy duties and get little man some breakfast, Hope everyone has a great day,

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