Archive | October, 2009

Grandma & Grampas oh how special they are

31 Oct

I was doing my daily travel around the blog world and I came across two touching posts. First there was this post by Robyn at Robyn’s World, where she talked about her grandma had passed away today. Then there was Also this one by Kasey @ All Things Mama about how today is the anniversary of her mother’s passing. I sat here and I just cried because I know how it feels to lose someone so special as a grandma (and in many ways she was like my mother). It’s hard because you don’t realize how special they are until it’s their time to move on. Of course with my birthday today and it being a 18 months since I lost my grandma two days later it has hit me pretty hard, and I think it always will.

Of course it also makes me extremely guilty for not getting to spend time with my paternal grandparents due to the feeling of their time will come as well. Also, I sadly don’t know how to be around my other grandpa since my grandma left because well we’ve never dealt with him other than to ask for a push up, cookies, or to stay the night. So now I’m left with the feeling of what do I say to someone I’ve never really talked to on any real level? It makes me very sad.

Then there is the feeling of my entire world crumble right underneath me. I’ve always felt like I had a huge family because the holidays consisted of me and my 2 siblings, my mother, my uncle, aunt, 3 cousins, my aunt’s siblings, my Grandpa’s sister and brother and their spouses and I just remember the house full of noise, the ‘boys’ parked in front of the sports game and Grandma running around the kitchen afraid that the food wouldn’t be done. When in reality she was done early and most of it was cold by the time everyone ate. My hubby always said he’d never get use to the cold food, though I told him she does own a microwave, and I realized that while it was cold, it was always the best food ever. I always couldn’t wait to get over there and start eating. No one ever complained either and there were usually not that many leftovers so she was doing something right.

Plus she always had her house decorated for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Her big bay window housed many holiday scenary and us grandkids (and great grandkids) loved to go and rearrange it how we thought it should be. I know she always got a laugh out of it. I also remember quite a few times her asking us to help get the big lighted ornaments out of the attic, only for her to shout down from the ladder “Watch out for the mice/rats that may be dead/up here!” That was always a ‘fun’ time for sure lol.

So many good stories I could really go on forever, but no one wants that so I’ll stop here. It’s my birthday (officially in an hour and a half lol) and I’ve been neglecting to go out to the cemetery and see her, which I’m doing today. I know part of it is because it’s so hard to deal with when I leave, but I need to get out there more before it snows because it’s always a calming place for me, almost like a check your problems at the car door kinda thing. Weird I know but what can I say? I’ve always been an odd ball.  So I hope everyone has a great Halloween and gets lots of sugar. Also, make sure you give your grandparents, spouse, kids, and loved ones an extra hug today just to let them know you love them, as if they already didn’t know.

30 Oct

Video game store fun

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Wordless Wednesday — I love this photo

28 Oct
From pumpkin carving Monday night:

1st time punkin carving lol

27 Oct

Not bad for my very first time carving out a pumpkin huh? It’s suppose to say batman with a bat under it but eh you can’t tell. I’m not happy with it, but Owen loves it so that’s what matters right?

Saturday morning babble

24 Oct

So I’ve decided I want to splurge a bit on tax return since I’m going to be saving up my birthday/christmas presents from Jeff and use it to get the camera I want. Now my question is what is the difference between a DSLR and a SLR? Anyone know?

Well we had a busy day of shopping as we do every payday. It was an even more exhausting one since we didn’t get much sleep. So of course Owen has to prove that he is ever more my son as he walks INTO the side mirror of the PARKED car next to us (and it wasn’t even parked that close, Owen was just being a butt)! Of course it looked a little bruised and had a small cut along the side of it. Ugh that was just a mess I didn’t want to deal with, and Jeff was in a crappy mood so that didn’t make anyone happy. We had a REALLY good lunch at Red Robin (blog post coming) and then did our shopping/bill paying. I can’t believe that in a week from Sunday it will be NOVEMBER, where did that time go? I can’t believe Owen’s turning 5 very soon and that’s just insane. It’s hard to believe I’ve been a mommy for 5 years, but at the same time, it seems like it’s always been this way. One of those funny things about life I guess huh?

Oh, and I still have to find a costume to go with Owen’s batman costume. It is tough since my booty doesn’t need to be hanging out or anything. It seems to be either a jailmate or a gangster. I’m going to look at a Halloween store tomorrow since I can’t find anything in my price range. Of course Jeff doesn’t understand the want to dress up with Owen. I mean, Owen actually WANTS me to dress up with him, I think it will be cute and I don’t have many of these years left if he’s anything like his father. So if  I can find something around 20 bucks I’m sure we’ll all be happy lol. If not, Jeff can deal with it since I’m the one dressing up and not him lol. I told Owen the only stipulation was the costume needed to have pants since I wasn’t freezing in the cold for him ha!

Well time to close it up and hit the hay since I need  to start getting on a sleep schedule and stuff.
Later Gators,

Oye a break in emotions would be nice

23 Oct

It’s been so icky and gross here that I just can’t stand it anymore. Some subtle changes of fall happening but the temps are dropping so fast we can’t get out and enjoy them. Plus the cold bug seems to be going around here and I just don’t want to catch it. But if I do what can you do really right?

Then it’s just been a downer week around here for me. I don’t know if it’s the weather, Owen being stir crazy and just having this huge meltdown, or the fact I hate the holidays now and start to miss my grandma more and more (I can’t believe it’s almost a year and a half) I am not even really excited for my birthday next Saturday, and usually I am. I don’t know it’s just so weird how things happen when you lose the glue to your family. It’s almost a culture shock to go from one extreme to basically the other. We always had these big holiday lunches/dinners and everyone was there. The stuff in those sappy books, rooms filled with laughter, the boys in the other room watching sports, kids running around having fun.

Yet now it’s like none of that ever happened. Its’ weird. My holidays use to be jammed packed with places to go and family to see, but now it’s like what’s the point? I don’t want to be this way because then Oj’s going to get that way and he’s SOOO excited for the holidays. It’s almost like everyone is allowed to breathe now and be who they’ve always been yet somehow needed to hide. I’ve seen family that I just don’t even recognize.

Then there is my mom Tina. She’s the big one in this case. I mean I’ve always felt treated different then my other two siblings (we’re half related technically) but it was never really known because Grandma seemed to be there to catch the cracks when they’d start to form. She’d be the one to make sure she did what a mother was suppose to do for their child, even if they didn’t want to. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she loves me but she’s got one funny way of showing it.

I know she had me when she was young but that’s no excuse, even if my donor left. I know I don’t have the whole story on anything and I probably never will but it hurts to walk around thinking that your mother hates you, and that she never wanted you in the first place. Since I’ve had Owen I realized that there were signs that in a way she resented me for this fact, I mean I even seen the signs with how she was with Owen and I started to get upset but Grandma always kept me inline with that.

I don’t know this post is just all over, I have a ton going on right this second with school and Owen and life it seems so please excuse any non posting days they are coming. I don’t want to end this on a sour note so here is a cheap plug

Don’t forget the Christmas Gift Guide it starts soon.  Lots of reviews, some contests, and even general items that I’ve added to mine and Owen’s wish list!

Wordless Wednesday — Story of My Life

21 Oct
From our trip to the apple orchard, this just stuck out to me lol:

Breast Cancer Awareness Event From PeaceLoveMom

21 Oct

For my upcoming holiday gift guide, one of the sponors PeaceLoveMom shared a bit of information with me about a special Breast Cancer Awareness event they are having.

During the rest of October if you purchase any PeaceLoveMom “Pink” color you will receive FREE SHIPPING! As if that wasn’t a great deal, PeaceLoveMom will DONATE 25% of their profits to Breast Cancer Research and Education. This is a great way to not only save money but help make a difference. To receive your free shipping make sure you use the code PINK at checkout!

Please feel free to share what you’re getting from PeaceLoveMom as I’d love to hear about it.

Are You ready for some FOOTBALL?!

18 Oct

Or what about the NBA & Collegiate sports. Well I just adore football season. I was born a bears fan, you know living about 1 1/2 hrs outside chicago and about 90% of my family are bears fans. I realized quickly I wasn’t suppose to be a bears fan lol and bounced around some teams and then in 2000 my fate was sealed, I was a Pittsburgh Steelers girl, I couldn’t help it the black and gold were calling me into their world (lol). So even though I can’t call off stats and players at the drop of a hat *ahem a dig at my brother lol* I am a full blooded Steelers girl. Of course I was equally excited when we aquired an equally hot quarter back in the NFL Draft, Mr. Ben Roethlisberger.

So when I came across Danielle’s shop on Etsy EllieKatt. I was so excited about this one you have no idea. Now before I move forward, I just have to tell you that Danielle is one of the nicest people I’ve come across in the whole blogging review/giveaway scheme of things. She has great customer service skills and she makes some beautiful items. But just from looking around her store you can get a feel for what kinda person she is. I love that she organized and named her categories the way she did. If labeling them “For Pretty …” doesn’t scream ‘I’m a rad and fun gal’ I don’t know what does.

Now I was given this beautiful Pittsburgh Steelers headband to review. I was so excited when I opened it up I nearly tore the tissue paper to shreds lol. I couldn’t help myself, and I mean really you wouldn’t be able to either lol. This headband is my new favorite piece of head jewelry, and a staple to my limited Steelers attire every sunday/monday. Even my 4 year old loved it, and he’s a very big bears fan. I can not wait for it. Not only is this adorable headband just right for you football fans, it even has just the right amount of sparkle to it. I mean really who says football is just for the boys? I love that the fabric used for the lettering and the backing on them. They really hold well on the headband. Plus like I said, there is glitter involved and I just have a short attention span for glitter lol. Also the little rhinestones on the sides of the headband are the perfect touch to finish these off. I love that the headband stays put when you wear it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put up a good fight against a headband or two in my days.

Now do you want to be the envy of all your football loving pals? Well one lucky winner is going to win a headband and matching wristband of their choice from Danielle’s etsy store EllieKat. All you have to do is visit her Etsy store and tell me what your favorite thing is. Want extra enteries?

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    I’ve entered to win a headband and matching wristband from EllieKatt @creativelyyours and now you can too:
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This contest runs until Nov 1st at 11:59 cst

Sentiments for my best friend

18 Oct

So I know I do a lot of reviews/giveaways and I am hoping to gear more into posting about my life because I have always loved writing but lets face it, I’m no prize winning author. I may not be able to get a book published but why not keep it to the closest thing possible right?

A couple of weeks ago one of my best (online) friends faced a horrible tragedy. Her younger brother (he was 20) passed away in his sleep from a brain aneurysm. I remember talking to her online before bed and she was telling me how they just had this deep conversation and it felt good to just talk (she’s also going through a few other personal battles at the moment) and then I get a text the next morning that he never woke up. I was heartbroken for her and her family because I knew how close they were and he left at such a young age. It really put life in a different perspective as I have a sister his age and a brother 4 years younger. Plus that gets the wheels turning about what I have going on every day. I knew I couldn’t personally be out there to help her as getting to Ohio wasn’t an option even if it’s the next state over.

After searching around my favorite place (Etsy of course) and a few other sites online I found LadyBugHugz and was just in love with this beautiful but simple Silver Wings Hand Stamped Sterling Silver Butterfly necklace. I know that a lot of times butterflies are associated with a loved one passing, I know when we lost my grandma I seen quite a few in the first week that she was gone. One of the songs that we played was a favorite of hers and it was Butterfly kisses. I still cry when  I hear it. As I said, I wasn’t sure what I was really going in looking for but I knew it’d hit me when I found it. This necklace just knocked the wind out of me and I knew it was what I wanted to send in my care package for her. (This isn’t my friends my camera battery died so I used the sample one on her site) I already told my husband that I want one like this for my grandma come Christmas time. I love that the butterfly isn’t sitting flat but that the wings are bent up like it wold almost if it were a real butterfly.

I was also just amazed at what beautiful products she offers in her store. If you are needing a family necklace or bracelet please check out LadyBugHugz for your next purchase as you will NOT be disappointed with the quality, prices, customer service, or how fast the product arrives (okay that last part is also the luck of how the postal service is that day I know but still lol).