Wordless Wednesday-Generations

7 Oct

This has been a rough week for me in this aspect. I’ve dealt with my friend tragically losing her younger brother, I had my 18 yr old cousin’s baby shower (with his girlfriend of course) last weekend (when photo was taken), I’ve had to figure out how to handle Owen’s newly gained almost 5 attitude and that isn’t going so well for either of us. On top of that, I’m trying to understand how things got to where they did with my mother, all the while knowing my grandma would be heartbroken to see how things unraveled with everything. So this week amist all the Halloween stuff I have going on, I want you to just give those you love an extra tight hug.

Also, because I am doing Halloween stuff this week, I had to share my 4 yr olds halloween costume. Isn’t he the cutest batman ever? Okay biased I know lol but I just love this photo.

4 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday-Generations”

  1. Blessings Abound October 7, 2009 at 5:40 am #

    I'm so sorry to hear your downs. On the upside, he is positively one of the most adorable Batmans I've ever seen!:)

  2. Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries October 8, 2009 at 4:21 am #

    Love the batman costume and the family photo. I wish I had some great wisdom to share but I don't. Just some hugs to send your way.

  3. Sara Bonds @ Ordinary and Awesome October 8, 2009 at 8:38 am #

    I am sorry that things are hard right now. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    Great photos, though! Happy Mostly WW 🙂

  4. Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy October 8, 2009 at 8:41 pm #

    What a great photo! And I just love the Batman costume.

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