Perfect ‘Halloween’ Movies

9 Oct

I hate that when you are trying to find a Halloween movie it has to be about guts and gore. Now like I said, I’m a wussy for horror movies, so this is something I don’t like. I just want to watch a movie with my son and enjoy the moment. So in case anyone else is in the same boat, here are some movies we just love, and one that wasn’t as great as we thought.

My first pick has to be Ghost Busters. That is one of my favorite movies, and we are talking about getting it on blu-ray soon because Owen’s become very interested in the game and keeps asking about the movie. It’s not your typical Halloween movie, but for those that can’t handle bloody gore kinda movies, this is a bit hit. It has the thrill, the monsters, and that infamous line “Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!” I can’t help it, I shout it out every time we watch it. Owen likes to sing the song with me and it makes me smile every time. Of course there may be some language in here, we haven’t watched it in a while and I can’t remember if there is or not lol.

Another favorite of ours is Nightmare Before Christmas. This has been my favorite Halloween movie ever. I love Jack the Pumpkin King and at times I was even a bit on the scared side. But I loved all the different monsters in Halloween Town and I loved how different they were from each other. Me and Owen watched this together for the first time the other night, and he was just amazed by it. He loved the animation, the songs and the monsters. But what he really loved the most was that they included Santa Clause. He wasn’t happy when Jack tried to be Santa, but loved Jack’s little ghost dog. He thought that was just the cutest thing ever. I wasn’t sure he would like it, as my husband swore he wouldn’t and he was in a grumpy mood when we started it. But once the first song started he was hooked. I loved watching his face light up with various emotions through out the movie. We’ve already watched it twice.

Now another favorite is Monster House. I have to admit I was scared when I first watched this. The house is just very scary to me, but of course my fearless 4 year old wasn’t phased and he LOVES this movie. We have it on DVR and watch it every night before bed. Thankfully he can’t wear out a DVR taping like he can a movie or DVD lol. He even had to have the monster house video game which he loves equally. After getting over my fear, what I loved about this movie was it gave you the Halloween thrill without any blood or gore. It really got you feeling like you were IN the movie. It even has the people get ‘eaten’ by the house. This really made Owen excited. He just couldn’t wait to find out if they were okay and how they were getting out. There were some moments where I had to cringe, the boys peed in pop bottles after staking out the monster house all night, and one of the boys stole some medicine (okay a lot) from his father’s store. But other than that we really like this movie as a family. Like I said, we watch it daily and he actually sits and watches it. Not many things do this lol

As I said, Owen LOVES monsters and all that so I could list things all day, but I won’t.The other favorite that tops his list? Monster’s Inc. He LOVES that movie. He always asks for the Kitty movie. It took me awhile to understand what he really meant. He watches that all the time and Just loves Sulley. I of course love Boo, I mean she is just the cutest thing ever. I love when she goes around scaring the monsters in the restaurant, and the overreacting when one of them is touched by her, way to funny. Owen’s intrigued by the fact that there is a city with nothing but monsters in it and that they live life like we do. He always gets so many giggles from this movie, it’s been recorded every time it comes on the dvr as we always watch a movie before bed and it’s either this one or Monster House.

Now sadly what we weren’t fond of, but felt it needed to be included, was the new Disney film: Monsters Vs Aliens. I was really sad that we didn’t like this, as I thought for sure it would be a big hit since Owen’s all about Monsters and Aliens. But sadly it seemed to jump around a lot in the story. One minuet it was talking about the Ginormica’s love life and the next they are fighting off these Aliens. It just seemed a little much for Disney, and we didn’t even really get to know much about the other monsters. It’s a really cute movie, it just didn’t hold Owen’s attention (or my niece’s) at all. I would definitely rent this one before you buy it as if they don’t like it, it’s always money saved and if they do, you can go out and buy it with the bonus 3D movie thing that they are advertising, and Owen wants lol.

Some of our favorite other picks would be the Great Pumpkin, you can NOT go wrong with a Snoopy movie. Or the Scooby Doo movies as they are always full of different monsters. He is a big Scooby and Snoopy fan. So if you need some good children friendly monster movies, why not try some of these. Of course I’d love to hear what your favorites are as well!

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