What a day

13 Oct

or well I should say night. I was tired of seeing the last bit of boxes and bags sit around from when we moved in 2 months ago with my sister in law, so I finally got those all taken care of. Then my Mother-in-law & Sister-in-law both were awesome and helped me get the living area pulled together with the make shift pantry cabinet thing. Plus she got us some awesome new sheets to go on our new bed that I love.

After that I looked around and it felt so good to just get everything cleaned up. I even got 2 loads of laundry folded and put away, plus the basket I put off from Sunday. Now I am uploading the pics from the Apple Orchard and getting a blog post of those done, plus some other giveaway/review posts up. I think you guys will like the stuff I have coming up. Also, if you haven’t can you please fill out the little survey that I have available, it will help me get my numbers in order and hopefully help get bigger and better giveaways for you guys as well.

Reader Survey

Have a great night =)

3 Responses to “What a day”

  1. Clueless_Mama October 14, 2009 at 3:20 am #

    Boy, you have been busy! Nice finding your blog!!

  2. Night Owl Mama October 18, 2009 at 3:43 pm #

    house work house work I hate it. I so have a few posts to get up as well

  3. April October 22, 2009 at 3:02 am #

    I hate house work, it is never ending! Glad I found your blog from momdot 🙂

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