Saturday morning babble

24 Oct

So I’ve decided I want to splurge a bit on tax return since I’m going to be saving up my birthday/christmas presents from Jeff and use it to get the camera I want. Now my question is what is the difference between a DSLR and a SLR? Anyone know?

Well we had a busy day of shopping as we do every payday. It was an even more exhausting one since we didn’t get much sleep. So of course Owen has to prove that he is ever more my son as he walks INTO the side mirror of the PARKED car next to us (and it wasn’t even parked that close, Owen was just being a butt)! Of course it looked a little bruised and had a small cut along the side of it. Ugh that was just a mess I didn’t want to deal with, and Jeff was in a crappy mood so that didn’t make anyone happy. We had a REALLY good lunch at Red Robin (blog post coming) and then did our shopping/bill paying. I can’t believe that in a week from Sunday it will be NOVEMBER, where did that time go? I can’t believe Owen’s turning 5 very soon and that’s just insane. It’s hard to believe I’ve been a mommy for 5 years, but at the same time, it seems like it’s always been this way. One of those funny things about life I guess huh?

Oh, and I still have to find a costume to go with Owen’s batman costume. It is tough since my booty doesn’t need to be hanging out or anything. It seems to be either a jailmate or a gangster. I’m going to look at a Halloween store tomorrow since I can’t find anything in my price range. Of course Jeff doesn’t understand the want to dress up with Owen. I mean, Owen actually WANTS me to dress up with him, I think it will be cute and I don’t have many of these years left if he’s anything like his father. So if  I can find something around 20 bucks I’m sure we’ll all be happy lol. If not, Jeff can deal with it since I’m the one dressing up and not him lol. I told Owen the only stipulation was the costume needed to have pants since I wasn’t freezing in the cold for him ha!

Well time to close it up and hit the hay since I need  to start getting on a sleep schedule and stuff.
Later Gators,

2 Responses to “Saturday morning babble”

  1. Chris October 24, 2009 at 2:36 pm #

    DSLR is a Digital Single Lense Reflex camera…

    SLR is the same thing, but old school style with film…

    People probably refer to DSLRs and SLRs now days, so if some one says SLR they are probably talking about the same thing.

    The Nikon D40 is a GREAT choice for a reasonably priced DSLR. We have the D80 and love it!

    Good luck and enjoy your new toy when you get it!

  2. Chris October 24, 2009 at 2:39 pm #

    that was supposed to be that people refer to DSLRs AS SLRs not AND…sorry, didnt 'see the typo til I hit enter!

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