Archive | November, 2009

Santa’s Secrets: Kristen’s Custom Creations Free Shipping Today Only

30 Nov

I received this email from Kristen at Kristen’s Custom Creations about a special she’s running today!

Hand stamped jewelry makes the perfect gift for just about everyone on your holiday list and we hope to make your shopping easy this season.  As a special offer to our friends and customers  we are offering FREE SHIPPING  through tonight only and 10% off with the purchase of 3 or more items in our shop.   Please just enter Cyber at checkout and you will receive a credit after purchase via pay pal.   This offer is not available with any other offers and expires on 11/30/09 at 11:59pm, offer not valid for prior purchases.

This is a great deal and she has some amazing pieces. Here are a few that I’ve been keeping an eye on lol:

I love the I Love Your To The Moon & Back and Always in My Heart necklaces because they remind me of my grandma (she would always tell me that). Also how cute are the Let Them Be Little and the Mommy necklace? I just adore the style of those.

Santa’s Secrets:Etsy Gifts for little ones (pt 1)

28 Nov
I’m starting to finish up my holiday shopping in a couple weeks and I had to tell you about some great Etsy finds I found (seriously I could LIVE in that site ha!). To make it simplier I’m breaking up into a few posts so be sure to check back to see what finds there are for the whole family.
To start things off are things for your itty bitty little ones and toddlers/preschoolers. I am trying to find some things for my 6 month old and 2 yr old nieces along with my 5 year old son and this first item is just the PERFECT thing for my 6 month old niece simply because she was blessed with those ears that just stick out and are too cute (See my THANKSGIVING – DAY AFTER post for reference). So I always say she’s my little elephant (Side note my sister LOVES elephants lol) so when I seen this I KNEW it was perfect:
My sister LOVES elephants and I just love how different this elephant is! This just looks so soft and cuddly and perfect for those little ones that love to love on some animals. I mean what child wouldn’t want to grab on to this little gal and just never let go? I love that the eyes are not made of buttons/beads/etc as this makes it available for children of multiple ages. Plus I love a good Hubby/Wife collaboration lol! Also, if elephants aren’t your thing, they offer some of the CUTEST animals and objects I have seen. I mean there are mobiles for your littlest ones like this Flying Elephant Mobile (there is also one for flying piggies and I spied some sheep on her twitter page lol)
  And what about these Obama buttons?
Anyone that reads my blog regularly knows my son LOVES Obama, and we aren’t even that into politics. He had a mock election at school with some Characters (Elmo, Hello Kitty, Mickey Mouse and Garfield) and when we asked him who won he proudly said “Omama. I voted for Rock Omama” It was just too cute. So I just know these little handmade felt Obama Buttons would be so cute around here.
Not to mention how much he’d love a Omama Obama cape to run around the house in as he’s all about Superheros/villians/monsters and other boy things.  While I didn’t see them listed on her Etsy site, you can view the photos of them on her webpage. Now as if those things are not extremely adorable, can you imagine how much more beautiful your tree would look if you added these beautiful felt ornaments?

These are adorable things and I hope you can help find a good home for these beauties. You can also stay up to date with what Helen is working by following her on TWITTER


Shan’s Week-end Wordles

28 Nov

So I’ve been watching this neat Meme that Shan does on the weekend called Shan’s Week-end Wordles and could never get it to work, but thanks to Shan and a bit of user error it’s been figured out and I just LOVE this neat little site. I hope you guys are able to participate as it’s always fun to see what other people’s wordles will be.

Mine started with the holidays and went just a lot of different feelings that have been going around in my head/life the last couple months.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Shan’s blog and play along today. Don’t worry if you’ve never participated before, she instructions up for you and a word of advice, make sure your Java is updated lol!

Thanksgiving – The day after lol.

28 Nov
Here is what I’m thankful for:
My husband and beautiful son
My family/friends:
family (part of them)
Family (Dad Aunts Grandma) (Grandma & Owen)
My Guardian Angel most of all:
and all my online friends that have been such a great help over the year. I’d be lost without you all.

Santa’s Secrets: Florastor Giveaway

25 Nov

 We all know how important antibiotics are when you are treating a bacterial infection such as an ear infection (which I was prone to get EVERY year growing up and Owen always gets a double ear infection when he gets one), or even with strep throat. As with any kind of medicine, we also know that there are always side affects to taking them. It’s been said that 1 out of 5 people who take an antibiotic will end up suffering from antibiotic associated diarrhea, which is also known as AAD. 
A great way to help protect your tummy from getting AAD is to use a probiotic supplement such as Florastor or Florastor Kids. If you’ve never heard of Florastor or Florastor kids then here is a little information about them:

 The Florastor products are clinically proven to help prevent and manage AAD, and contain a 
, which have been clinically proven to help prevent and manage AAD. Florastor and Florastor Kids contain a beneficial yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii) that helps repopulate your tummy with good microorganisms that protect against AAD. Because Florastor contains a yeast probiotic, it won’t be killed off by antibiotics like bacterial probiotics will be. Florastor comes in a capsule, and Florastor Kids, which is safe to use in children as young as 2 months, is a powder, so it can be mixed into formula, juice, soft foods like applesauce, etc.

Both the Florastor and the Florastor Kids are retailed at $22.

 Now one lucky reader at Creatively Yours will get to win both Florastor (a box of 20 capsule blister pack) and Florastor Kids ( a box of 20 powder packets) and entering is easy, just tell me what is your favorite dish on Thanksgiving.

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    I entered to win a FLorastor & Florastor Kids @creativelyyours and now you can too!

This giveaway ends  December 11th @ 11:59 cst.

    Santa’s Secrets: Purple Pig Shirts

    22 Nov

    So you guys may remember the Snorg Tee giveaway I did a couple months ago. Well after that I was contacted by them to do a review for their new yoga t-shirt site Purple Pig Shirts. I was so excited since I already LOVE my Snorg Tee and couldn’t wait to try these yoga shirts (though you can really wear them when ever lol), even if I’m not all that yoga savvy I’m learning lol. Plus almost ALL yoga clothes I came across are so soft and comfortable and these were no exception. Now in case you’ve never heard of Purple Pig Shirts then here is some information about them from their site:

    Purple pig was created based on our desire to share our commitment to health and wellness in a fun way. Find time in your day to sweat, laugh and just hang out in some of the softest tees around.

    Our fabrics have been carefully chosen for quality, softness and comfort. Our unique designs each hand drawn. The shirt colors and ink are individually selected and coordinated.

    I picked out the shirt Grow (pictured above) and I love it. Here are the specifics on the shirt:

    • 100% Pre-Shrunk Cotton
    • Full length fashion fit
    • Fitted and runs small, we recommend going a size up.
    • Wash in cold water, tumble dry medium 

    I agree that going up a size or two than your normal size would be for a better fit. I really like how these shirts fit and as I said their very comfortable. My husband even mentioned that this has to be one of the softest shirts I own. It also holds up great in the washer/dryer, and doesn’t show off the pudge I’m trying to get rid of as most fitted shirts seem to do. That is one thing I really love about the shirt.

    Now if you’d like to stay up-to-date with the latest news then be sure to fan their FACEBOOK page and add them on TWITTER. Do you have anyone on your list that LOVES to work out or just loves comfy shirts? Well then listen up because Purple Pig Shirts is running a GREAT deal this holiday season:

    That’s right buy any three women’s shirts and you’ll receive 20% off! This EXCLUDES men’s shirts because they are already available at a great low price. This deal is added to your cart when you check out and their is no codes or anything to add. How much easier does it get?

    Santa’s Secrets: Enfant Pediatric VEP Vision Testing System

    22 Nov

    Does your  child suffer from vision problems? Are you concerned they may have vision problems? Well I wanted to share information abuot a product and website to help see if your child has a vision disorder.

    Parents know what their children’s favorite foods are, what shoe size they wear and what cartoons they like to watch. But, how can we know if they can see correctly? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), vision disorders are the fourth most common disability among children in the United States , yet many vision problems can take years to detect, making treatment more difficult as vital time passes. In an effort to shed light on some of the more subtle warning signs of vision problems in young children, Diopsys, Inc., developer and marketer of the Enfant Pediatric VEP Vision Testing System has created an online vision assessment quiz at . The physician-reviewed, informational quiz, which takes only a few minutes to complete, is comprised of multiple-choice questions covering several areas that can “red flag” signs of a potential vision problem in children of various ages, including such actions as the inability to make steady eye contact, or involuntarily covering one eye to see something better. The new quiz does not take the place of a professional vision examination, but it is there to create awareness of a silent problem.

    What I like about the Enfant system is that it utilizes the advances that have been made in technology to help provide an object test that helps look for visual deficits, for example lazy eye, in the little ones that are not able to tell you that there may be a problem. What else I like is that this can all be done in the pediatrician’s office. This lets you help test your babies’ vision and know that there is a doctor present to help get the ball rolling on what may need to be done next.

    For more information on the Enfant or to find a pediatrician offering the test near you, visit

    Santa’s Secrets: Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies Giveaway

    21 Nov

    Does your 2-11 year olds not get enough fiber? Do they just not like the foods that help add fiber? Then what about trying Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies? Not only do they help make sure your kids are getting the fiber they need, but they are also great tasting and SUGAR FREE and dentist approved! I know the only way I can get Owen to take any kinda vitamins is if I get the gummy ones. I just adore the penguin shape that Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies have, but maybe that’s a because opinion because we LOVE penguins in this house lol.

    Now if you’ve never heard of Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies then let me share some information with you:

    In 2009 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) significantly increased the recommended daily fiber intake standards, far above the previous “age plus five” rule. In fact, today’s updated guidelines recommend 25 grams of fiber per day for four-year-old children. But how do we meet these requirements and get our children to eat high in fiber foods? … especially with the holidays around the corner and busy schedules kicking into gear.

    Now there’s a delicious daily fiber supplement to help kids ages 2-11 maintain better digestive health and stay regular.* The penguin-shaped, great tasting Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies are sugar-free, calorie-free, gluten-free and made with natural fruit flavors. With a recommended serving of three gummies every day, (equal to ½ cup of broccoli!), Fiber Gummies are a great way to supplement the fiber found in fruits, vegetables and other fiber-rich foods in your child’s daily diet. It’s a great solution to help bridge the gap between the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended amount of fiber and the fiber that kids actually consume in their daily diet.

    Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies retail at $7.99 for a bottle of 60 and are available at Target, Walgreens, online and other drugstores. Also if you visit you will not only find great recipes and other things to help us moms getting fiber into their diets, but you will also be able to find a $1 off coupon. With the handy “Where to buy” button at the top of the site, you’ll easily be able to locate the store closest to you to use it.

    One lucky reader will win their very own bottle of Pedi-lax Fiber Gummies! Entering is simple, Just tell me What is a recipe from the Pedi-lax website that you’d think your kids would like.

    As always here are your extra entries:

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      I entered to win a bottle of Pedi-lax fiber gummies @creativelyyours and now you can too!

    This giveaway ends Nov 28th 2009 @ 11:59 cst

    Santa’s Secrets: Lady Monkey/AntiMonkey Butt Giveaway

    21 Nov

    Do you have a hubby that just SWEATS like crazy? I know I do. The man sweats doing practically nothing and this is a product we can REALLY use. I am thinking of getting him some for his stocking stuffer this holiday season. Or maybe you’re the wife/mother/sister/aunt/friend (lol) of a cyclist, horseback rider, bicyclist, runner or even a truck driver, to name a few, then this product would might be just up their alley if they suffer from some Monkey Butt (how cute is that name? lol)

    Now if you’ve never heard of Anti Monkey Butt powder before here is the information available for you from their site

    Anti Monkey Butt Corporation is dedicated to maximizing the performance and comfort of sports enthusiasts and people who work hard all day long. If you’ve suffered from the soreness, itching and redness caused by the friction of clothing against skin, then you know it can ruin your day. Our goal is to provide products that help to prevent “Monkey Butt” so you can enjoy your favorite activity.
    The founders of the company include a health care professional and a heavy equipment operator/construction worker who are both dedicated dirt bike riders and racers. Over the years they’ve tried a variety of products to prevent “Monkey Butt.” None of the available products however, lived up to their expectations for comfort, relief of soreness or easy availability.
    In 2003, they decided to develop their own remedy to deal with the condition that had plagued them for years. After several months of testing different formulas, their development team found just the right combination of ingredients. They liked the results so well that they decided to market their creation as Anti Monkey Butt Powder.
    Now, motorcyclists, horseback riders, bicyclists, runners, truck drivers and anyone who suffers from Monkey Butt can find relief by using Anti Monkey Butt Powder!

    Now if you’re a lady suffering from Monkey Butt have no fear they are here to save your day. Here is a little about their new product Lady Anti Monkey Butt:

    Say Good-bye to Chafed Thighs! Lady Anti Monkey Butt Powder is specially formulated with patented satiny smooth powder to minimize the frictional discomfort that women often experience when using exercise equipment, running, driving, cycling or just walking. Its unique ingredients work quickly to absorb sweat and provide cooling effective relief of irritation on the inner thighs and other areas of the skin prone to rubbing.

    This would be perfect for me to use when I get back into a workout routine (yes it’s coming we’re getting my treadmill with our taxes& I can’t wait lol) or start up my Wii Fit again lol! Also, as if the names were not cute enough, I have to show you this video that they’ve  came up with just in time for the holiday season. Poor Poor Santa. I just found this hilarious!

    and of course to stay up to date with all the latest on Anti Monkey Butt Powder and Lady Anti Monkey Butt powder be sure to fan their facebook page (which seems to be down at the moment but is getting looked into.)

    Now if you think that you just HAVE to have these products well lucky for you a lucky winner gets to receive a bottle of  BOTH Lady Monkey Butt and Anti Monkey Butt! Just in time for the holiday season. Entering is easy, just tell me what you annoying part of the holidays you are NOT looking forward to (and yes we all have those moments be it public people/places or even in our own families lol).

    For extra entries:

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      I entered to win a bottle of both Lady & Anti monkey butt powder @creativelyyours & you can too:
    This giveaway ends on November  28th 2009 @ 11:59 cst

    Great Thanksgivin Preschooler Craft!

    21 Nov

    So I was browsing along this digital scrapbook site I love The Lilypad and found this super cute craft that her daughter came home with. It is down right adorable and I just had to share with you:

    Isn’t that the cutest thing ever? Here is what she thinks is involved in creating this beautiful thanksgiving item:
    as best i can tell, it’s a toilet paper roll, wrapped in the plaid orange fabric, with a cardboard “stem” keeping the fabric around the roll, fabric vine-y leaves, and fuzzy pipe cleaner vine too — so precious!

    You can find more about her at her blog as well.  It was so adorable I just had to share it.