Shan’s Week-end Wordles

28 Nov

So I’ve been watching this neat Meme that Shan does on the weekend called Shan’s Week-end Wordles and could never get it to work, but thanks to Shan and a bit of user error it’s been figured out and I just LOVE this neat little site. I hope you guys are able to participate as it’s always fun to see what other people’s wordles will be.

Mine started with the holidays and went just a lot of different feelings that have been going around in my head/life the last couple months.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to Shan’s blog and play along today. Don’t worry if you’ve never participated before, she instructions up for you and a word of advice, make sure your Java is updated lol!

2 Responses to “Shan’s Week-end Wordles”

  1. Shan @ Last Shreds Of Sanity November 28, 2009 at 9:20 pm #

    “…Giggles decorations forgiveness arguments togetherness kisses laughter happiness Christmas…”

    Now THAT'S a great Wordle!!

    Glad we got it all figured out and you could join in. Now all you have to do is use the MW Snap or print-screen so that you can have a bigger picture. LOL

    THANK you for playing. I LOVE when I get new players, especially from my MomDot crew!

  2. LadyStyx November 29, 2009 at 8:17 am #

    Very nice first attempt. Many of us use our blog links though and let the Wordle pick out the words *winkz*. Depending on how often and what people write about…it can get very ummm interesting.

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