Archive | November, 2009

Santa’s Secrets: Softlips Limited Edition Flavor Pack Giveaway

20 Nov

With the cold weather hitting I know one of the first things taking a hit are my LIPS. I hate just having the dry peeling mess that happens when it gets cold. It just looks nasty and makes me feel gross. I also have to admit to being a lip balm/gloss addict I have used way too many products in the winter. I really like how smooth the SoftLips goes on and it really lasts a long time. Not only that it has some of the best flavors, especially around the holidays.

Speaking of the holidays did you hear what limited edition flavors Softlips has out? This winter they are introducing TWO new flavors, Sugar & Spice, Sugar Plum Berry, along with their other winter flavors, Winter Mint and Sugar Cookie. Now you can’t tell me those flavors don’t sound YUMMY! I can’t wait to go out and grab a Sugar Cookie and Sugar & Spice, I think they may be my new favorites!

Also, they are adding a little tricks to your winter, just to keep you on your toes! Target is where you can find the limited edition smells and Walgreens is your place to find Sugar Cookie and Winter Mint. These retail at a suggested price of $2.99 – $3.99 for a dual pack and would make GREAT stocking stuffers this year.

I’m pleased to announce that ONE lucky reader will have a chance to win their own set of the new limited edition Softlips winter flavors! Entering this great contest is just way to simple. I want to hear what flavor you can’t wait to try, or tried if you’ve already tried a holiday flavor. Also, if you’d like to stay up-to-date with what ever Softlips is doing you can become a fan of theirs on FACEBOOK.

Now on to the extra entries:

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    I entered to win a limited editon Softlips flavor pack from @creativelyyours and now you can too:
This giveaway is open until Nov 27th, 2009 at 11:59 cst

Blogger & Tiaras Mission 3: Talent

20 Nov

So I had this elaborate thing planned out but can’t figure out how to edit videos so you receive two videos that are suppose to be together lol:

and here is the other one:

Beauty Giveaway Anyone?

18 Nov

So I don’t know about you but I am pretty much a beauty/make-up newbie. I stick to what I know: pencil eyeliner in a brown/black and a brown/black mascara. Even then I don’t think I’m doing it right. I’ve always loved the whole putting on make-up process and the eyeshadows and what not. But growing up I was giving the ‘speech’ of “My mom wasn’t there to help me so you’ll have to learn on your own” Well geeze thanks MOM … not! But that response doesn’t surprise me. So I’ve read beauty blogs/magazines here and there and I’ve tried some things I’ve thought I learned, but it’s hard to justify spending the money on the make up when I just can’t get the hang of how to blend it right or even what shades look great on me. So I stick with what I know.

So when I was offered this wonderful opportunity with Victoria at RocketXl on a beauty campaign I was excited because I wait to see what the beauty tips of the day would be and also get input from my readers on what your favorite beauty tips are. I was also excited because Victoria mentioned some Dove products being included and we use A LOT of dove in the house because my Sister in Law is allergic to gluten and we’ve found that Dove is one of the few beauty products that IS gluten free. So I knew this would be well tested in our house. Not only did I receive a full size conditioner and deoderant I received a box of Q-tips, a small thing of Vaseline, and a pack Pond’s Make-Up removing wipes which I am in need of as I have a tendency to ‘forget’ to remove my eye make-up at night.

I loved that the Pond’s  make-up removing wipes really removed all the eyeliner and mascara. They also left my skin feeling so soft. Also, I forgot how soft Vaseline can make my lips feel. I’ve been putting it on my lips every night for the last couple weeks and I’ve noticed a big difference. Since living outside of Chicago, we’ve started to get the freezing cold weather and just by using the Vaseline at night and if I plan to be out for awhile, it’s helped me keep my lips nice and smooth!

As I said, my sister in law can only use Dove products and so I was using the conditioner the other day in the shower in replace of my old stuff. I have to say it left my hair feeling nice and soft. I’ve been having trouble with my normal products leaving my hair to feel/look really greasy a day or two after a shower so I was surprised when the Dove conditioner didn’t do that. I am going out in the next couple days to replace my shampoo with Dove and hopefully it will help this hairy situation I have (haha I know lol)

So I was equally thrilled to hear that She was offering one lucky reader their very own beauty gift basket filled with products from Dove, Pond’s, Q-tip, and Vaseline, and similar to what I received  though the actual contents of the winning basket may vary by product and amount of products.

To be entered into winning this awesome beauty gift basket all you have to do is leave me your favorite beauty tip. It can be something you swear by or a tip you’ve heard from a friend/magazine/etc. If you’d like extra entries then see below:

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  • Tweet this giveaway, you can use this form here:
    I’ve entered to win a beauty gift basket @creativelyyours and now you can too:
This giveaway ends November 25th.

    Wordless Wednesday

    18 Nov

    The Boy with his “Batman World” from his party:

    Ear Irrigator/ Acu Life Neti Rinse review

    17 Nov

    So I was fortunate to receive an opportunity from Fuelmyblog to try the Ear Irrigator and Acu Life Neti Rinse last week  and let me tell you it was a blessing. These are going to come in very handy with the cold and flu season.

    First I was excited to let my husband try the Ear Irrigator as he has HORRID ear wax build up and we’ve tried quite a few things that haven’t really helped any. So when I seen this in my mail box I thought this would be perfect. This is a 4 oz bottle of saline solution that retails for 13.99. What we loved the most was the special cap that comes with. It is a patented doctor designed tip and it really helped get the solution to the ear without hardly any trouble at all. I also liked that you didn’t have to measure anything. You just stuck the special cap right on the bottle of solution and used it. It literally took a minuet to get it all ready to go and use. This is going to be easier when I have a fussy 5 year old that has been fighting me to clean his ears that’s for sure. My husband has been using it for a week now and hasn’t has any problems. He says he’s starting to see a difference in the waxy build up and that is great because some of the stuff coming out of his ears was just plain scary lol!

    Next I was given the Neti Rinse nasal saline solution which is a little more time consuming and possibly complicated to use for those that haven’t used something like this before. It contains FIFTY (50) saline packets and a syringe and retails for 12.99. I was intrigued to try this because I’ve heard how things like this are great to have around for sinus infections and I tend to get those over a common cold anyhow. Plus I tend to get a left over postnasal drip that lasts longer than it needs so I was hoping this helped that out lol. I was a little unsure when I opened it to find that I have to mix things together and get the saline solution myself. I understood/stand the point of doing it yourself but it seemed to be an inconvenience to me and a bit more time consuming. Yet I sucked it up and gave it a try and once I got the whole mixing thing out of the way it was pretty simple to use. I like that you can use it for quite a few things as that helps make the mixing the saline together part not that bad. Or I’m just lazy, though if you ask my husband that would be the problem lol. I also really liked the antibacterial tip it offers as well.

    So this cold and flu season, I would definitely reach for one of these to help get get rid of the germs.

    Ebeanstalk Announces their Cutest Kid Playing-With-A-Toy Contest.

    17 Nov

    I received an interesting email from and just had to share. Who couldn’t use the $50 gift card this holiday season? I know me and Owen love to browse their website to see what is new. He has a list a mile long just from them lol! Here are the details I was given:

    Take a picture of your little one playing with a toy, and email the picture to It’s just that easy.

    Be 1 of 10 lucky winners to win a $50 gift certificate at ebeanstalk this holiday. Entries will be chosen on their cuteness-level.

    Privacy ensured! Entrants will not be spammed. Do not send your address for privacy purposes – just email and the FIRST name of your child.

    For everyone: All blog readers will receive a 10% discount at ebeanstalk of any purchase. Enter the code ebeanstalk100 at the cart!

    Required Links:

    Ebeanstalk is a website dedicated to selecting great, safe toys for a 2 year old and toddler toys. They rely on the opinions and feedback of bloggers and moms around the country. Also their team of child experts help to pick out kids toys…but you be the judge!

    Plain Links:

    toddler toys
    kids toys
    toys for a 2 year old

    Santa’s Secrets: BabyStar Coupon

    17 Nov

    BabyStar has generously offered up a coupon for all the readers here at Creatively yours!

    For those that haven’t heard of BabyStar before here is a little information on them. BabyStar offers modern baby clothes and even offers an organic collection. These items are just adorable. They offer everything from bibs, bedding, hooded towels, diaper pouches, and so much more.

    I have to say what mommy of an infant or toddler on your Christmas list couldn’t use a quick change diaper pouch? I know I could’ve used some. Also, if you’d like to keep up with the latest BabyStar news you can check out their twitter page and facebook page for more information.

    code: 20twinkle09
    discount: 30% off of retail
    expires: 12/31/09

    Santa’s Secrets: Elements & Artifacts

    17 Nov

    Do you have someone on your list who loves unique Jewelry? Well then you HAVE to stop by Alicia’s shop Elements & Artifacts . You may remember Alicia from a past giveaway a few weeks ago. Well she wanted you to know about some great stuff she has going on this holiday season.

    First, she is pleased to announce that there is a new signature at Elements & Artifacts called ornate wire wrapping. This is sure to please those on your list for beautiful handmade jewelry.  She has quite a few more style of this technique in her Etsy store so make sure you head over there and check them out. I really like this style and think it adds something different to the pieces that lets hers stand out from others that may use this type of design. I love the colors in this piece. I also love the swirl design of it.

    Alicia is also offering some great deals on her Yule Tide collection this holiday season.  I just love how she describes what this Yule collection will have:

    Glittering rubies, emeralds, and sapphires are featured in everything from silver bells to tinsel, with frosted silver branches and leaves, hellebores, snowberries, Yule queens, The Nutcracker, winter storms, northern lights, Winternights, and more. Enjoy!

    I think she did a great job of capturing the holiday spirit that is for sure. I started thinking of snow, hot coco, and Charlie Brown cartoons just reading it lol. She even has the details listed about ordering for the holiday season from this collection:

    • If you want something that has been sold, please ask! Many items in my Yule update can be re-made without having to wait for new supplies, which means it is still very likely to get to you before December 25th.

    • I am offering gift certificates by request, and rush shipping is available as we get closer to the bulk of the holidays. Priority Mail upgrades are available by convo at any time, and I am willing to do Express Mail overnight through to the final shipping day before Christmas. Please use your own discretion when selecting a shipping method as I cannot guarantee package arrivals for anything other than Overnight shipped by the morning of December 23rd.

    • Custom orders and requests are always welcome. If it is past my November 15th holiday commissions deadline, I cannot guarantee arrival by Christmas, but in many cases it is still possible to get things in time. I will be quoting the turnaround time for custom work on a case-by-case basis.

    • I have included many affordable stocking stuffer earrings in this update! As a fun bonus, the first ten Yule orders I receive will have a FREE pair of peppermint globe earrings added to their package!

    Also, Alicia would like you to know that if you stop by her art blog during the week of Thanksgiving you’ll be able to find a great Black Friday deal, and who doesn’t love black friday deals?  So when you’re doing your holiday shopping make sure to visit Alicia’s art blog and etsy store for any jewelry needs you may have!

    Great Holiday Gift Guides around the internet!

    15 Nov

    Here are some gift guides you DO NOT want to miss out on. Also, don’t forget that Creatively Your’s starts tomorrow!

    PhotobucketHoliday Gift Guide
    Best of the Best Bash
    gift guide

    You can also find some great gift guides by visiting The Greer Five, and Kim @ What’s That Smell

    It’s almost party time!

    14 Nov

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