Gasp! Christmas next week?!

14 Dec

Can you believe we’re  close to CHRISTMAS? How did that happen? Though I have to say I’m actually back into the holiday spirit that I lost last year (as is expected.) I’m glad for the holidays to actually FEEL like the holidays again. I know they’ll never be what they use to be, but it’s leading to a whole new meaning of the holidays and I’m liking where this is heading I think!

I am shocked to say all we have left to buy for is the last bits for Owen and my father in law and we are DONE! Usually we are just STARTING now lol. I still have to figure out when to wrap them. Hopefully I can get them started this week while Jeff keeps Owen busy. I have one I actually have to grab tomorrow and I still need to figure out what to get Jeff. I want to get him something and get him some stocking stuffers … just don’t know what yet lol. He is adamant that I get him NOTHING but what ever he’ll deal lol. Oh and here is Owen’s Christmas list because it’s just too funny not to share:

  • Batman Puppy named Benji
    (we just got this in the mail from Build a Bear last week so yay!)
  • New Kozlov and CM Punk action figures
    (which I may grab him the CM Punk since his is almost broke)
  • Big Top Cupcake
    (really? lol)
  • Real computer with mouse and all the sims games
    (sorry buddy that’s not happening lol)
  • Lego Duplos
    (which we are grabbing him friday lol)
  • Imaginext Dragon World Fortress
    (after JUST buying the Batman one I’ll wait for this lol)
  • “White Cookies” aka Those white Oreos lol.
    (good thing Santa knows these are his favorite)
  • Lightning McQueen Tv
    (Sadly we have no place for it right now)
  • Batman Clothes
    (good thing we got pjs and some flip flops for him already)

 Since we’re on the Christmas post (and I’ve been listening to it nonstop) I thought I’d share my favorite Christmas song:

So what are on your kid(s) list this year? What about YOUR list? What about your favorite Christmas song?
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3 Responses to “Gasp! Christmas next week?!”

  1. Brandy December 14, 2009 at 6:32 pm #

    Why did you have to remind me that Christmas is next week!? LOL Happy Monday my friend!

  2. Clueless_Mama December 17, 2009 at 5:44 am #

    I love Christmas and I love all Christmas songs, there is no way I could pick a favorite! My son is all about Thomas the Train. That is what Santa is bringing him this Christmas! Thanks for entering the ZhuZhu Pet giveaway at, good luck!

  3. Momma B December 22, 2009 at 4:31 pm #

    His list is FABulous! I love that he has such a variety of items on his list…plus everything Batman!

    I am glad you are feeling your Christmas spirit being revived! Your grandma would be pleased!

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