Needing Boots

31 Dec

It’s winter here in the Midwest and as usual I have NO boots. I mean I am anti snow so I don’t need some big fluffy ones, just you know ones to slip on/grab and go when I’m running to the store or just being outside. But yeah it’s hard to find ones I like. After looking around online I found some ADORABLE boots at Zappos that I just have to share with you guys, I mean it’s no fun finding cute stuff and not being able to show it off lol. Plus the hubster doesn’t give a damn about most of the stuff I like so that’s what I get to torture you guys with lol!

How adorable are these shoes? These Circa The Street boots are so cute! I don’t know if it’s the fact that they are pink or if it’s because of the polkadot pattern on the inside. Maybe it’s because you can wear them either up or down, I don’t know but you these are just hot and I think I need to add them to my wardrobe since they could give you two different looks. Kinda like the mullet: Business in the front and party in the back …. or not I’m just saying lol!

Then I ran across these beautiful Gabriella Rocha Garland and thought I just had to have them (yeah I know I said that about the ones above but seriously you can never have enough shoes/boots can you?). The side detail is pretty neat and they look like they’d keep my legs partly warm too (hey there HAS to be a plus side to being short lol). I like the fact that they offer a bit of a heel on them with out me having to worry about my safety (a self proclaimed klutz walking around on snow and ice in a boot with a heel is just ASKING for a doctor’s visit).
So then there was these Harley Davidson Pamela boots and I thought how cute are these. Now I’m no biker chick, but I do love the design on the boots. Plus they don’t look like they are Harley boots now do they? Of course not. The detailing on these is really impressive and they look awefully warm. Again I love that there is a heel but I don’t have to worry about killing myself in them to look hot. These may be the boots for me, but *sigh* I just don’t know. I hate making decisions, so I found myself  ONE more pair of boots that I’m in love with and then I’ll have to decide before my poor little piggies fall off from the freezing cold and melted snow since my tennis shoes are just not cutting it anymore.
Now these are fun for many reasons and I THINK ladies and gentlemen that I have found THE boot for me this winter. First thing I’m loving about the Reily W boot from Vans would be that …. well it’s made by Vans. Next would be the awesome bottom of the boot. It’s like a tennis shoe and that is pretty neat to me lol. Finally I really like the closure on the boot. The way it’s designed is rad and I’ve not seen another (non vans) type of boot like this. Yeah I believe that this very well may be my boot but lets hope that the hubby agrees because I can NOT go another snowy/icy/wintery day without some kinda boots I just can’t my poor toes are going to get frost bite … lol.
Oh! I almost forgot, in the never ending quest of finding the perfect boot, I found these adorable rain boots I had to share because they are well just rad and I will need them when it rains lol! Come on we all know rain boots are the new in thing this year … what?! They aren’t gosh well why not! Plus they come in STARS and PINK/ZEBRA PRINT my two most favorite things in the whole world … or closely anyhow. I mean you can not tell me that you wouldn’t feel like hot stuff walking around in these? The Kamik Star rain boots are so cute and seriously being short I’m starting to think I need rain boots because well I’m tired of my pants getting wet at the bottom lol!
Okay so maybe those are not mature enough for your tastes, well what about these hot Pink/Zebra print rain boots, you have to admit you’d look good in these! I am seriously head over heels in love with these Gabriella Rocha RB Safari-Z rain boots. I’m a lover of anything that is funky and stands out so of course this is right up my alley. I might buy them just to wear them ALL the time.
So what do you think? Which snow boots do you like?

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One Response to “Needing Boots”

  1. Momma B December 31, 2009 at 3:38 pm #

    I love, love, love the rain boots! They are so cute!

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