Archive | January, 2010

Rude and Lazy Waiters

28 Jan

I was with the hubster and O tonight enjoying a great family dinner at Chili’s. Okay so it wasn’t great as I was annoyed that we were placed in the back by the kitchen but I could forgive them a little as they were pretty packed for 5:00pm on a Wednesday night. Well it was going great until I hear the waiter over at the next table who is being a bit loud obviously because it’s rather noisy by the kitchen. Well that didn’t really irritate me as much as what I saw. Now I don’t know maybe it’s just me but one thing that irks me REALLY bad is when you get a waiter that thinks it’s kosher to just sit their butt down in the seat and take your order. Sorry but I just find that incredibly rude and irritating. I understand being nice, curdious, and offering great customer service but like I said they were pretty packed for a Wednesday evening and I don’t think that his boss would find it appreciative that he was sitting and chit chatting with a customer (I could tell they didn’t know each other as he was going on about how he’s not a meat eater and then something else he just remembered they offered in their ever changing menus as he put it) and sitting down to take their order. Maybe I just took my bitchy pill tonight but ugh that annoyed me so much I can’t even get it out correctly.

Though on a bright note our dinner was fabulous. We are big lovers of their Texas Cheese Fries so we knew those would rock our socks. O had a grilled cheese (no big surprise here as he ALWAYS orders grilled cheese lol), hubster ordered a southern smokehouse burger and I ordered the Fajita Trio (steak, chicken, and shrimp grilled up with all the fajita fixings). Let me tell you it was GOOD. I wasn’t that fond of the steak but I loved the chicken/shrimp and the hubster loved his burger. So the meal wasn’t a total waste and I just am glad we haven’t got a waiter like that before because the only tip I’d be leaving is that it’s rude to sit and take some one’s order.

Wordless Wednseday: Monkey Joes

27 Jan

Tiger Woods Gossip

26 Jan

I don’t know if anyone else saw it but I saw a rumor that Elin knew about Tiger’s affair and like any normal woman who suspects their husband/significant other is cheating and wants proof they snoop, or in Elin’s case send a text pretending to be Tiger. Also, just goes to show that no matter how much cash a person has, a man will still be a man.

According to the article on, Elin was given a ‘heads up’ from Tiger that the National Enquire would be running a story on him (and they say the National Enquire is full of garbage lol) apparently he thought he covered all his bases and she wouldn’t be suspicious. Well he being a the owner of a penis and all decided that instead of arguing or discussing such a matter with his WIFE that he would take an ambien and go to sleep. Being the smart woman she is, Elin apparently texted Rachel Uchitel pretending to be Tiger. She apparently texted “I miss you. When are we seeing each other again?” When Rachel texted back Elin caught them both red handed and CALLED Rachel saying “I knew it was you.” That Elin has some balls on her that’s for sure. If Jeff was cheating I don’t know if I could be that gutsy and call up the chick but who knows.

Further in the article it talks about how Elin was spazzing out (rightfully so) and Tiger was texting Rachel while he was HIDING from Elin. I’m sorry but that had me in tears laughing because I mean the man is woken up from an Ambien induced sleep and he’s hiding out from his wife texting this chick he’s been sleeping with. Who knows if he even knew what the heck was going on lol.  That led to the whole SUV into a fire hydrant then into a tree incident that we know.

I don’t know about you but this makes me laugh mainly because I LOVE this SNL skit where Blake Lively and Keenan Thompson are doing a skit about Tiger and Elin. Here it is for those that haven’t seen it, seriously it makes the article funnier …. at least to me:

So to me after watching that skit, this whole article IF true really makes me giggle, but then I’ve been known to laugh at inappropriate times. Plus just goes to show you that even if you make millions of dollars, have the BEST sponsors out there, and pretty much have everything you need you still have problems like the “normal” person. Makes you realize that even if they are celebs they are still have problems like everyone else (or most of America).


Class Clown Anyone

23 Jan

Oh gosh am I EVER going to be in trouble when O starts Kindergarten this fall. Why you ask? I have the biggest jokester ever on my hands it seems. I swear this kid can make the weirdest faces ever ALL day long. He’s the type that if you are down and he sees it, he won’t stop with the faces until you’re in tears laughing so hard. Just this morning I woke up to a perky 5 year old in my face making about a million faces a second, and I’m talking invading your personal bubble close. He gets a bigger kick out of it when I tell him he’s lucky he’s cute lol! Last year he was really shy in Pre-k but I am not sure if that’s cause it was his first year of school or not, as I was (and still can be) really shy when I was little. So maybe I’ll get lucky and he’ll just be like this at home, though I’m thinking that once he gets a good friend at school I’ll be getting calls daily about it. But I have a sneaky feeling this little class clown will wait to rear it’s head until middle school or if I’m lucky high school (which the thought of that is really SCARY lol). I guess if I’m right that gives me some time to figure out what to do with him. Again, he’s lucky he’s cute lol.

Blast Off by Allison Maslan

21 Jan

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Allison Maslan, author of “Blast Off!”. All opinions are 100% mine.

In a world where everyone wants to be their own boss and/or start their own company wouldn’t it be a bit easier if we had help or knew a starting point? Well that is where Allison Maslan comes in with her new book Blast Off!. Now if you’ve never heard of Allison Maslan before here is a little information about her taken from her site:

Allison Maslan is the Originator, Master Personal Coach and President of the Blast Off! Life, Career and Business Success System, a highly acclaimed Author, an international Motivational and Inspirational Speaker, the Inventor and Developer for Blastation, an Interactive Life Coaching Software, and the President of the Homeopathic Wellness Center where she practices as a Nationally Certified Homeopath and Licensed Holistic Health Practitioner. She is also the Founder of the Homeopathic Academy of Southern California the largest and most comprehensive homeopathic certification academy in the United States.

Also what I found interesting is that Allison has been an entrepreneur for over 25 years, and her idea for this great new book that released Tuesday January 19th, 2010 is that through her years of working with clients and people she’s learned why  humans want to create those personal limits through out their lives, and in everything they do. The reason she created Blast Off was to help people identify these roadblocks and also learn how to work around them. If this sounds like the book for you then you’ll be happy too know Blast Off is available on Amazon. This book retails for $24.00, and you could find it possibly for even less on Amazon.

For me this is great because I have trouble seperating the important stuff (example here school) from the mommy/wife time since I do schooling online. This is going to be a great tool for me to learn because I am going to school to earn a degree for Graphic Design and ideally this would be a work at home job as well and after graduating I would love to open up my own website to do graphics for those that need it. This book would be great for me to help identify and set up a routine/structure/limits so those boundaries are more prominent and I don’t feel bad for setting them in the first place.

Visit my sponsor: Blast Off!
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Wordless Wednesday: My Love

20 Jan

My Wordless Wednesday is my photo from Project 365 for day 18. It was lunch time after I got my hair cut, yes I know I still need to update with that, I can’t get a good photo of it and school is kicking my butt this week blah!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Three Days Grace Sunday!

18 Jan

I’m so excited guys! Sunday I’m going to be seeing Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Fly Leaf (not really sure who they are but they sound pretty good from the little bit I heard on myspace). I can’t wait. Next to Staind and Papa Roach (who I saw last month) Three Days Grace is on the top of my favorite rock band list. I was so sad when they came last year (coincidently I think they were touring with Breaking Benjamin at the time too) because I couldn’t go and hubster had to work, but thankfully we get to go this time. We don’t get to do much on our own without Owen but I’m glad that we are getting better bands to come to town because that always gives us something great to do lol. Here is one of my favorite Three Days Grace songs called Never Too Late from the album One X (warning this is ADULT LYRICS so while I tried to find an edited version there may be a lyric or two that is NOT kid friendly. You’ve been warned)

Then in March we’re going to Playhouse Disney with Owen and he’s SO excited. I was sad because he didn’t want to go to Disney on Ice. It’s always been my favorite thing to do with my grandma, as she use to pack the car full of us grand kids all ranging in various ages to go see the Ice skating show. So I was stoked when I heard they were coming to town but Owen just wasn’t into it and didn’t want to go, so we didn’t want to waste money on something that he just might not like and decided to do Playhouse Disney instead. So I’m hoping that he likes it. He keeps talking about it lol so that’s a plus I suppose. This is going to be our first big event like this with him and I’m a bit nervous. We took him to his first wrestling show last September and then he’s been to the movies 2x in the last 6 months so this is big stuff him lol.

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Facebook virus and rambles

18 Jan

Just a little stressed about this week’s class project. I can’t get my video files to open or play (this is why I HATE quick time player thingies) and I’m just super irritated. The stupid project this week is going to be late and that makes me angry, we’re only 3 weeks into an 11 week course and I really don’t want my assignments to be late. So I’m whinning about it now trying to figure out why the player won’t work for me and what I need to do, maybe it’s just a firefox problem I don’t really know.

Next today was kinda entertaining because my sister in law got a new tower for her computer due to catching a virus or two. Word to the wise, check your facebook pages to make sure the pages (or fan pages I guess) are one YOU added. My husband asked why I was sending him these crazy pages to be fans on and I was like huh? I can’t remember the names of them but if they look like ones you wouldn’t join on your own I’d unfan them and change passwords. Sure there is no guarantee that the virus came from there but we’re 99% sure that’s where they came from since only his sister and mom are on that computer. So the plus side to this is that hubster is getting her old tower since it just needs to be wiped clean. This is great because now I get my laptop ALL to myself and I’m so excited you don’t know ha!

Also another win for this weekend is we finished our taxes last night. Yeah I guess that’s the plus side to only having one income lol. I can’t wait I’ve got plans for what we got back and one of them is a treadmill. I need it, I’m too short to be carrying the little bit of extra weight I’ve put on (okay it’s an almost extra 20lbs but for a 5’2 body that’s a lot) I’m looking at this Nordictrack treadmill but we’re not 110% sure. I want something that has an ipod dock and allow me and Jeff to do separate workouts while keeping track of what we’re doing. He doesn’t see that important but to me it is. I mean I’m sorry I want to be able to keep track of what I’m doing and any progress I’m making but I don’t know that’s just me lol. I also want the ipod dock because well that’s easier then trying to find a stereo or worrying about it falling off my arm or some other weird klutzy thing that you would think would be impossible, but really is something i would do lol. So we’re going out there tomorrow to hope they have ours and all that good stuff.

So that sums up my weekend pretty much lol, a whole lot of NOTHING was done and I have no been sleeping good. We have a fun day planned with Owen at Monkey Joe’s (a bounce house type play place) and I’m getting my hair cut (couldn’t find a good style so I’m just going to wing it I suppose)

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Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

17 Jan

So with the craziness that was last week I completly forgot to tell you what a big monday we had. Well if you remember my Project 365 photo for last Monday and that was an insightful visit. I remembered the hubster saying he got $30 worth of movie tickets from his rewards at work. So we decided to surprise Owen with a trip to the movie theater to see the new movie Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. He was so excited. The last time he was at the movie theaters him and I had a mommy & son date to see Cloudy With  A Chance of Meatballs which we both loved (but more on that one later). So when daddy agreed to see it with us, it was an extra special treat.

Now being like a lot of folks, we were trying to really stretch the buck of that $30 by hoping the movie would be in the $5 club from Kerasotes Theaters. We love this feature and we realize we don’t need to see a movie in the first two weeks it comes out anyhow. By the time it’s in the 5 bucks club it’s not as crowded and you can get good seats lol! So while the Chipmunk movie wasn’t in the 5 bucks club we really wanted to see it so we got the full price tickets, which going before 6 pm really saved us some money as well. Out of the $30 that hubster had from work we only spent like 2 bucks on the whole trip since the left over cash from the tickets was able to be used at the concession stand. Though we learned next time to get two sodas and two pop corns as me and Owen like one thing and the hubster likes another lol.

The movie was so adorable and cute it’s not even funny. Plus how cute is it when 3 little chipmunks dressed in cute clothes bust out some Beyonce or Katy Perry, seriously they got me back into my Katy Perry mood lol! We laughed quite a bit during the movie and it really held Owen’s interests, which is another good point of the 5 bucks club lol). We were excited to find out that we were the ONLY ones in the theater for the 4:10 showing, but then it was a monday afternoon so it shouldn’t be so shocking I guess with school and work and such.

If you haven’t seen the first Alvin and the Chipmunks movie then you might be lost a bit on who one of the characters is but that later works it’s self out, so I don’t think that matters as Hubster never saw the first one and wasn’t all that confused during the second one. So if you’re looking for a fun movie for the whole family this is one of those that I would suggest, we laughed and had a great time with this one. Plus for a 99 minuet movie we loved it and I think the PG rating was pretty accurate on this one as the dance moves weren’t crazy and I didn’t really see/hear any adult things slip into the movie. We’re hoping there is a cute 2 disc box set coming out when this releases so we can pick it up (as our first one is not working properly). Can’t wait to hear if anyone else has seen it or are going to see it!

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Morgan Freeman 10 Year Affair

13 Jan

With his step granddaughter?! WHAT?! I don’ know if anyone has seen this article about Morgan Freeman’s alleged 10 year affair with his 27 year old step granddaughter and has agreed to start a FAMILY with her. Yup that’s right if this story is true she was SEVENTEEN (17) when he tried to (in the words of my grandma) woo her.  Now I am sorry but I have a problem with an age gap that big. I have a problem with a 20 year age gap (My crazy mother is an example of that one as her ‘boyfriend’ is a year younger than me and I’m 24).

Next I’ve been a pretty good fan of Morgan Freeman’s work. I loved his role in The Dark Knight and even in Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty. There was something about seeing Morgan Freeman play Jesus that just SEEMED right. I don’t know what it is but he played that role perfectly I think. I would’ve NEVER guessed him to be like this. Also, I’ve seen it compared to the Woody Allen thing but I admit to not really knowing how their situation was as I didn’t really read those articles or even care at that time I don’t think.

I think the problem with this ‘relationship’ is many different parts. Now that is assuming this article is true. There have been no retractions and Morgan hasn’t publicly denied anything at the time I posted this blog. Morgan’s step-granddaughter (E’Dena Hines) was mentioned in the article as being the granddaughter of Morgan’s first wife Jeanette Adair Bradshaw. Also stated in the article was that E’Dena went to Morgan’s second wife Myrna when she was 17 and told her that he was romancing her. Apparently Myrna confronted Morgan and he promised not to do anything. This is also to be rumored the reason Myrna and Morgan are divorcing. What I find creepy is that he had a good hand in raising E’Dena and was like a grandfather/father figure to her. Sure they are not related by blood but still. My step father and I aren’t blood related by that doesn’t mean I’d have thoughts like that or even my (step)dad’s brother or father. They are my uncle and grandpa that would NEVER cross my mind. Now if that wasn’t creepy enough these part pulled out of the article really make me throw up in my mouth a little:

Morgan Freeman’s step-granddaughter E’Dena Hines is pushing the actor to start a family with her – and he’s agreed! Morgan plans to marry his mistress E’Dena once his messy divorce from wife Myrna is finalized.
“E’Dena wants Morgan’s baby,” a close source told The Enquirer. “She believes that will give her a final hold on Morgan and, after his divorce with Myrna is over, she will end up marrying him.”
Morgan and Myrna continue to battle out of court over how to divide his complicated state worth more than $120 million. And now, in a twist worthy of any movie melodrama, the accomplished actor has to keep a second woman happy.
“Morgan has gone along with E’Dena’s wishes of having a baby,” said the close source. “he knows it would be disastrous is E’Dena blew up and went public with everything she knows.”
Myrna knows about Morgan’s relationship with E’Dena, but when she heard about E’Dena’s plans to get pregnant by Morgan, Myrna was furious, say sources.
Confided an insider: “Myrna told E’Dena, ‘If you think you’re having his baby, you’ve got another thing coming’”
Although E’Dena is convinced Morgan loves her and wants to start a family with her, Myrna made it clear she would do everything she could to talk Morgan out of it.
“But E’Dena knows Morgan wants her and that is all that matters to her,” divulged an insider.
“Myrna never gave Morgan children of his own,” said the close source. “E’Dena believes if she can give him a baby, she would win his heart forever. And if she can’t give him a child of their own, she wants to adopt.”
E’Dena’s youth is “very attractive” to the grandfatherly actor, according to the insider. “She uses her youth to her advantage. She knows it really feeds Morgan’s ego to have a young woman hanging all over him. E’Dena believes that getting pregnant would make sure she becomes the next Mrs. Morgan Freeman.”

There just seems to be some things here that scream DANGER!!! The part I bolded REALLY makes me nervous/worried/grossed out. I mean I don’t really know if I can look at any of Morgan’s work the same. IF this is true, I really don’t think I could be a ‘fan’ of his movies anymore. I mean yes everyone has different views of what age is and how big the gap can/can’t be before we get uncomfortable but she was 17 when he tried to ‘romance’ her. I don’t even want to think of what romancing her even means to him. I don’t know this is just REALLY weird and I’m a bit sad to hear all of this. It’s another case of you really don’t know a person based on how they look/appear/sound because Morgan Freeman always came off as a ‘good’ guy in interviews and stuff (scripted I know) but I would’ve never guessed this was the way he was behaving when he was off the cameras. Any thoughts?

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