Layouts: Cheese and Peachy

5 Feb

First for all you that probably don’t care about the layouts lol I wanted to let you know I haven’t abandoned the review/giveaway stuff there are some good ones coming up I am just converting this into both my personal/review blog so please don’t feel like I am giving that up lol. Cheese and Peachy were such fun layouts to create!
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2 Responses to “Layouts: Cheese and Peachy”

  1. Momma B February 5, 2010 at 1:10 pm #

    I enjoy your pics, but a lot of times, my computer won't upload the page. I don't know if it is overloaded, or what, but I just don't get to pull them up.

  2. mamawj February 5, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

    same here, new to your blog, enjoy it, but it takes along time to load, but i will hang in there, have a great day
    sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

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