Happy Valentine’s Day

14 Feb

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my love bugs out there! While I still believe this ‘holiday’ is extremely slightly overrated, I will not rain on anyone’s showers of love today. We aren’t doing anything really. I don’t even expect a gift of any kind. I did get Jeff a box of Reese’s peanut butter cups in a pretty heart shaped box, and Owen got a neat Toy Story tin that’s filled with character shaped candy. Of course I got them both cards as well. They better like it since neither expect anything.

In the midst of shopping for a new space heater I got bored in Target. What better way to pass time than whipping out your camera phone and take pictures of yourself or what ever else you find amusing. So I seen this cute puppy and he was begging for a good home (what he’s my kinda puppy; doesn’t need to be fed, watered, is house trained, and doesn’t need to go out in the fridgid Northern Illinois winter lol) and yes I’m a grown 24 year old mother of a 5 year old but damn it all I want my puppy ha! I didn’t see any real cute frog stuff this year and it bummed me out since it has been a ‘tradition’ of getting me something frog related since I have a obsession love with frogs lol.

I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s day and gets showered with love, hugs, kisses, candy, and what ever else you want …. I’d like a nice breakfast in bed or even a yummy breakfast out but no hopes up … What I’m a cheap date ha!


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