btw; I love You

21 Feb

When Amy first showed us kit Blue Blooms I was in awe of it. Being a mom of a boy it wasn’t just the boy feeling that I loved. I loved the flowers and the the way it all came together. I have to say this is probably my favorite kit she’s created so far.

I think this kit is a big favorite of mine because the blue flowers just remind me of my grandma. She was big into gardening … she had this HUGE flower garden on the back of her property that was a pain to help keep maintained in the summer lol, but I’d give anything to just have those moments back and this kit just brought those feelings back, but in a good way. .
I guess I’m back in a moment where I just miss her. I’ve been having trouble dealing with just how different things have been since she passed. I feel like I’m almost starting life again because it’s the polar opposite of how things use to be. It’s really hard to deal with and when I’m adding in other stresses from other “family” members it just wears me down. Anyhow enough of my sappiness, one of the main things I love is the color scheme she came up. The colors she used here can be used for so many different pages/albums and I seriously think that this would make a GREAT baby album, or I think I’m going to use this to scrap my grandma’s photos and make an album with it. Her favorite color was blue and she’d just love this. s, here is my layout that I created and am just in love with. I used this kit (and other pieces from other kits) for a speed scrap at Scrap Orchard last night. I think this is one of my new favorite layouts lol. Of course in my true style I used pieces from other kits as well but 90% of this is the kit. So that is the highlight of my night lol. I am still trying to undestand this video editing program and get this video done for class. I can’t believe how late this is, but sigh I have to realize I will not catch on how to use EVERYTHING the first few times like I did with photoshop and such. I think that’s my biggest issue is not knowing how to use the program.

I’ve got some great contests going on and there are more to come! Well I have to sleep as we have a busy Sunday ahead. Jeff gets out early because his dad’s retirement party is this afternoon and then we’re hanging out at home with a friend from high school to watch a wrestling ppv. I’m equally excited because that mean BBQ chicken nachos (they are yum) and Chinese food for dinner (lol I have weird food combos I know but nachos are sounding good and I didn’t want pizza so I’m ordering Chinese take out ha!), ah I’m so behind Owen was super sick the last 48 hrs and yesterday was back to his self. It’s hard adjusting to him being back and healthy after the 2 days he spent sleeping …. it was really quite lol. I’m glad to have him healthy again, not having him to laugh and talk with makes me a bit depressed lol. Also, I don’t do vomit so I’m glad that’s over lol. Okay babbling done, have a great Sunday!

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