Woo! Random Post

22 Feb

I’ve got a few reviews to get up as well as contests so look out for those after this post. I just have to say that I am rather excited because (hopefully) in the next month or two I’ll be able to purchase my own domain and get the move on to wordpress. Woot Woot! Also that will require a name change because apparently there are a million Creatively Yours out there and  their variations, but that’s okay because I’ve just figured out the PERFECT name and I can’t wait to share it with you guys … when I get it all switched over. Sorry I can’t share until at least I buy it. I have a name complex I suppose and am VERY terrified of it being taken away from me, blame my sister ha! So until then I’ll leave you with suspense lol. It really is a fitting name and I can’t wait. Also some VERY awesome reviews coming up; some from Giam (you know gotta get my hot mom look going), some very interesting suspense novels, and a few others. Also, I have a rainbow brite giveaway coming up later tonight and a couple others.  Hope everyone’s having a great Monday, it’s rather blah over here today lol.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

One Response to “Woo! Random Post”

  1. lfhpueblo February 24, 2010 at 10:40 pm #

    Blah days are good days in my book.

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