Stress Levels Maxed

27 Feb

That’s how I feel lately. I have school to do, and am sadly behind on mainly because I don’t understand how to use Adobe Premiere pro to edit videos. Owen’s been sick, Jeff’s back hurts again AND then he feel at work and scrapped up his leg some (blog that later). Of course there is the whole living in my husband’s sister’s basement too. I feel trap almost and Jeff tries, he really does to help not feel that way but it’s hard. I know I’m not wanted and that effects a lot of things about me. I have fallen in my domestic duties and while it seems like a cop out it’s due in large part to my depression and anxiety. My sleep habits are whack and it’s just insane. I blame that on the fact that 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM look exactly the same. Jeff calls  bullshit on it though because it doesn’t effect Owen or him.

I need to get reviews up and it’s not like me to not have them up yet and those are going up as soon as I tackle my homework tomorrow. Monday is the start to a new routine. I’m setting my alarm for 9:00 am and putting it across the room so I have to get my lazy ass out of bed (this is always hard with Jeff’s new work schedule because he is home and I know he’ll get Owen taken care of in the mornings). I  am going to start taking my showers in the morning cause I see that it helps better. Then I’m going to use the upstairs table as my “desk” since the kitchen/front room get a lot of sun. I think this will be a better way to get myself into bed before 6:00AM. I am getting a white board monday to keep me on track and am ready for this new schedule. I can’t tone up/work out and expect results if I have a whacked out sleep pattern.

3 Responses to “Stress Levels Maxed”

  1. Momstart February 27, 2010 at 5:04 am #

    Your situation is very difficult. I lived with my MIL for a while and it sucked so bad. I hope that making a routine for you will help. I have issues with depression off and on too

  2. Momma B February 27, 2010 at 5:48 am #

    Keep your chin up, Lady! You need to get you figured out and then the rest will start to fall in line. Maybe you can get some extra help with the school work? Maybe you should see your dr. about the sleeping issue? Just a thought. Good luck with everything!

  3. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting March 5, 2010 at 2:47 pm #

    As a person who suffered through insomnia HORRIBLE, I can totally relate to you. Stress is SUCH a KILLER.

    First, let me tell you about a lovely box of $3 tea at the store called Sleepytime with Valerian Root made by Celestial Seasonings. Sleepytime has chamomile (naturally) but Valerian Root is an herb that is safe and wickedly awesome into getting you to lala land. Try drinking some at an appropriate time before you want to fall asleep, and be prepared to be out in about an hour or less.

    Another sleep trick I've tried is tensing/stretching up each body part for 10 seconds and releasing, starting with the toes and working each part on the way up – toes, angles, calves, thighs, butt, stomach, etc. By tensing/stretching each for 10 then releasing, you release something out of your muscles making them relax, get more comfy, releasing the stressors. It helps, too.

    Lastly, as far as stress goes, next time you're at Walmart, go to their vitamin section and see if they have Hylands Nerve Tonic, an all-natural/herbal way to calm you down from stress. It helps me. Stress is what's doing it, making you unable to focus, get things done, sleep, etc. Once you tame your stress-levels, you'll feel a lot clearer, a lot more capable to handle things.

    *huge huuuuuge hugs*

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