Cafepress Review and Giveaway

24 Apr

Cafepress has to be my FAVORITE online store hands down. I love how you have so many personalized options to make the perfect unique gift every time. One of my favorite things to do is just browse through the various t-shirt designs and some are so funny, while of course some are eh not so funny lol. Now imagine my surprise when Cafepress contacted me to see about hosting a giveaway AND a review for not only me but Owen as well. I was so excited and knew exactly what I was wanting.

Ever since I lost my grandma in 2008, I’ve been eyeballing this design and debating what kind of shirt I wanted. So I knew this was the perfect shirt to pick. I chose the shirt Grandma Angel Jr Tank Top and yes I couldn’t get the photo out with any tears. I really love this shirt and when I’m having my moment of sadness this really is one of the few comforting objects I have.

I ordered this shirt in a Medium and I have to say it’s true to size and fits snug, like Cafepress I would suggest ordering the next size up if your worried about sizes. This shirt is made from

  • 6.1 oz 1×1 ribbed combed ring spun cotton
  • Side seamed contoured body
  • Standard fit

 One thing that I do love is that it does conceal my bra well and that’s something most tank tops do NOT do lol. Nothing worse than having your bra showing.

Next up was Owen’s pick. Now before I show you his shirt I have to tell you the back story. Last year his pre-k class had a class election around the time the real election was going on. I mean they got ‘voter’ cards, stickers saying they voted today and even filled out a ‘ballot’ with their choice. The choices were Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Elmo, and Hello Kitty (I believe). After school I asked him who he voted for. He was ever so proud to say “Mama I voted for Omama.” I was perplexed because we’re not a political family (yes I know but hey I don’t complain about anything so no judging lol) and I was quite shocked. His teacher said they were discussing the real candidates and that lead me to believe he was just picking a name he liked but ever since if you ask him Omama is his best friend. So when we were looking for shirts that is how we landed on this one.

Owen’s shirt Obama Presidential Seal Kids Light T’s and I may be biased but it looks adorable on him. He LOVES it. I think he wore it for a week straight before I could pry it off of him. I didn’t realize how quick that boy was until I tried to get the shirt to the laundry basket before he got out of the tub lol. Of course when I asked him for a photo these were the shots I received lol. Now I realize that his is big on him but with his Obama love I wanted to get something that was big enough that it fit him now but he still had some room to grow into it and decided on the KM. I love how soft the shirt is and it’s easily became one of Owen’s favorite shirts. Like I said he tells everyone that’s his best friend lol. He is so excited that he finally has an Obama shirt that he loves (We’ve been looking for one he adored since last year) and in the end that’s what matters the most lol.

Now the fun part! Cafepress is giving away to ONE lucky reader any shirt of their choosing (in any shirt style as well. Ex: t-shirt, tank top, spaghetti straps) and entering is simple:

What is your favorite personalized item that you own? Or what is one personalized Item you’d LOVE to own?

Want extra entries:

  • Follow my blog
  • comment on any of my other posts (please comment with what post it is)
  • Follow me on TWITTER
  • Sign up for my RSS feed 
  • Sign up for my newsletter
  • Email 2 people about this giveaway and include me in the CC (email on profile)
  • Blog this giveaway
  • Tweet this giveaway: I entered to win a personalized shirt from @cafepress and @creativelyyours and you can too #giveaways  (unlimited )
This contest closes May 1st 2010 @ 11:59 cst

Don’t forget that you can find millions of personalized gifts at CafePress – for any topic, interest, or brand! 

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

30 Responses to “Cafepress Review and Giveaway”

  1. Julie April 24, 2010 at 3:01 pm #

    My favorite personalized item that I own is the shirt my kids bought me for Mother's Day several years ago thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  2. Julie April 24, 2010 at 3:02 pm #

    follow your blog

  3. Julie April 24, 2010 at 3:03 pm #

    # 1 email subscriber

  4. Julie April 24, 2010 at 3:03 pm #

    # 2 email subscriber

  5. thaeter7 April 24, 2010 at 5:28 pm #

    I have a necklace that my mother gave me with my name engraved on it.

  6. thaeter7 April 24, 2010 at 5:28 pm #

    I follow on google friends

  7. thaeter7 April 24, 2010 at 5:29 pm #

    I subscribe to your email

  8. Haydensmommy05 April 24, 2010 at 11:13 pm #

    My daughter is getting ready to start kindergarten and I once seen a shirt that said “Kindergarten Rocks” and I would love to make her a shirt kind of like that!

  9. Haydensmommy05 April 24, 2010 at 11:14 pm #

    I follow on google friend!

  10. Haydensmommy05 April 24, 2010 at 11:14 pm #

    I follow on twitter!

  11. Haydensmommy05 April 24, 2010 at 11:14 pm #

    I subscribe by email!

  12. Haydensmommy05 April 24, 2010 at 11:15 pm #

    I subscribe by my google reader!

  13. AmandaSue April 25, 2010 at 1:09 am #

    I have a tote bag that has a picture of my dog on it, its awesome my bf gave it to me, I ♥ it!


  14. AmandaSue April 25, 2010 at 1:10 am #

    I'm a follower thanks


  15. amanda April 25, 2010 at 5:31 pm #

    i'd love a personalized t-shirt
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  16. amanda April 25, 2010 at 5:32 pm #

    blog follower
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  17. amanda April 25, 2010 at 5:32 pm #

    twitter follower @yourstowin
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  18. amanda April 25, 2010 at 5:33 pm #

    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  19. D April 25, 2010 at 6:17 pm #

    I love a personalized handstamped silver necklace that i have that has my husband's and my initials on it.

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  20. D April 25, 2010 at 6:18 pm #

    I follow your blog.

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  21. D April 25, 2010 at 6:18 pm #

    I follow you on twitter.

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  22. D April 25, 2010 at 6:19 pm #

    I signed up for your newsletter.

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  23. D April 25, 2010 at 6:20 pm #

    I tweeted:

    Nury77 at live dot ca

  24. debbielynne April 25, 2010 at 10:55 pm #

    I want to put a design I did for the Kroger bag contest on a shirt.

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  25. debbielynne April 25, 2010 at 10:57 pm #

    I follow on twitter – deborahcraft

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  26. Surge May 1, 2010 at 12:15 am #

    My favorite personalized item i have is a bracelet 🙂

    contact email: tsgiveaways(at)

  27. Surge May 1, 2010 at 12:15 am #

    im a GFC follower

    contact email: tsgiveaways(at)

  28. Surge May 1, 2010 at 12:16 am #

    I twitter follow you as timesurge

  29. Surge May 1, 2010 at 12:16 am #

    Im an email subscriber as timesurge(at)

    contact email: tsgiveaways(at)

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