Archive | June, 2010

Unemployed Need Not Apply

18 Jun

Logging into my yahoo mail account started like any other night, until an article about being unemployed caught my eye. After reading this article on Yahoo and it really irritated me. I have a not so great work history mainly due to things OTHER than my work ability … I mean I was 6 months pregnant helping to set up a Dollar Tree in our area because I needed the money. I’m not above putting in some work. My last job was horrible but I stuck it out and then once Grandma got sick and passed away I fell into this whole of depression and I quit cause I couldn’t even leave the house …. I think hating the job so much made it harder to get out and go to the job.

Anyhow, the article stated that some companies are ONLY looking to hire people that ALREADY have a job. This just blew my mind. Sure there are people out there with horrible work habits/ethics and others that are unemployed for other reasons than you can put on a job application (which by the way take an eternity and a half to fill out I swear). I have applied to so many places I seriously can NOT keep track. I’ve applied to jobs that I just didn’t think I’d ever apply because well I need the money (and I’m no job snob either lol). It’s hard enough in this economy to get a job, why make it harder by only hiring those that are employed. I mean what’s stopping them from using YOUR company as a stepping stone to get that job that pays just a little bit better than you do? Who is to say that hiring someone who has a job isn’t going to half ass their job as   compared to someone that hasn’t held a job in months and would work their ass off to make sure they keep it.

I don’t know, maybe because I need a job so very bad that I just am irritated with this article and because sadly it could make sense as to why I’m not getting call backs. I will still fill out those applications but a small part of me will be asking myself do I really want to waste my time with this? I also agree with the author of the article when they wrote that hiring like this is not smart because you could be missing out on the best person for your company. I was also shocked to find out this was NOT illegal and I just don’t see how this can be. It seems almost like us unemployed people are being discriminated against because we can’t find a job or someone to give us a break. My grandpa made a good point that most companies want someone with experience … yet no one wants to give someone who hasn’t been employed or unemployed for awhile a chance which isn’t cool. I know that the companies are probably being overwhelmed with applications because so many people are out of work but really they should expect this you would think … unless they’ve been under a rock for awhile.

I don’t know just my fifty cents worth of commenting on this as it made me really irritated, maybe because it hits so close to home for me.

photo credit to lawrencechua

Sorry Sorry Sorry

16 Jun
Photo credits: lauren isabel
 That’s all it seems like I’m saying anymore. Sorry this didn’t go up, Sorry that I didn’t get this done, Sorry I can’t get this for you.  Swirled around in my head is nothing but break downs and feeling like I’m letting people down and that’s something that I can’t stand to do, even if it feels like that’s all I’ve done my entire life.
It’s been a month and a half since I left my husband and I know it was the right thing to do, I know it was better for not only O, but each of us …. even if others don’t see it that way. I have seen a huge change in O since I left. He’s grown, opened up in such big strides that half the time I feel like I don’t even know him anymore lol. It gives me such happiness to see him just go out and play with other kids instead of being stuck to my side for most of the time. He’s even eating better. Now if I could just feel like I AM in a better situation.
I feel like I’ve been doing nothing but in tears the last couple days. I am happy with the choice I made, as I said I know it was best in the long run because it’s not fair to either of us to live a life where we are half-assing the situation. I spent 5 years trying to make my marriage work, despite how others may feel I know I did try. But the biggest problem wasn’t the way I was treated or how I treated him back. It was the fact that I was trying to make a marriage work where I had no feelings at all. I’ve left my husband about 4 different times since we got married on January 5th, 2005. I told him I wanted a divorce on our 1 year anniversary to be exact. I’ve done things that I haven’t been proud of, but I was too proud to admit I made a mistake, that I failed my marriage and that I failed my son. I put up with 5 years of that mess because I wanted O to have his dad around. I thought that was what was best for him, but finally I realized that his mother AND father needed to be happy and that meant divorce.
It’s been a trying month and a half for me it really has. I don’t have a job, which means I don’t have a way to get a car/insurance (though I am practicing driving and WILL get my license by the time O starts school). I know this is a big thing I need to handle. I let myself go, let myself fall into a big dark hole that I’m finally trying to get out. I shut myself off from everyone and now it’s hard to let people in. I hope those that consider me a friend will forgive me and allow a second chance because I’m never going to let me get that down again.
Also, this month I believe I really broke myself. It feels like I am the one that keeps getting fucked over for lack of a better term. My (ex) husband has the job, car, friends to go out with, O’s happy with him, and even getting others interested in him. I just want ONE good thing to happen to me, I really do. I’m trying to be positive but really it’s hard when you feel like all you’re doing is getting rained on. I just need one ray of sunshine, one positive thing to happen to just help me SEE that it’s going to be okay …. I know this will make me stronger in the end but I’ve spent 5 years feeling empty, lonely, and like everything was caving in on me … I don’t want to feel this way any longer.
So in closing for all those that I owe things to, please forgive me for not getting them up on time. They will be up, I have a running list of what needs to get done around here and in baby steps maybe I’ll get caught up soon. To all my readers that haven’t left, lol, thank you for sticking in with the days of not posting to the whirl wind of posts that happens around here.

WeRewards App

12 Jun

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.


Wouldn’t it be cool to get paid to check things from your iphone? Wouldn’t it be cool if this app was integrated with Facebook, Twitter, and even Foursquares? With the app you can do just this. WeRewards pays you to check in and even for tasks you complete in the real world. A great thing about this app is it DOES integrate with Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare so you can keep telling your friends about what’s going on and earn cool stuff in the process.

Are you still unsure about Well why not check out this  youtube video of how works:

You can Download the App today and be on your way earning some cash right from your iphone! I think this is a really neat app and definitely different than what I’ve seen out there. After watching the youtube video I’ve added it to my ‘To Remember’ list for when I finally get an iphone of my own lol.

Visit my sponsor: WeReward for iPhone