Archive | August, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday Learning

31 Aug

Sweet Shot DayIt’s Tuesday and that means it’s time for another Sweet Shot Tuesday. If you don’t know what it is than head over to My 3 Boybarians and find out. For my entry I wanted to share this photo of O playing with a simple gift that I’m doing a review for (which will be posted in the next 2 weeks I’m shamefully behind). Anyhow this toy is one we both can learn and it has some significance because he learned to spell his FIRST word today, on accident lol. He spelt B-E-D … BED. He was trying to spell RED (the color they were learning in school today) but when he spelled B-E-D and I told him he spelled bed, boy let me tell you how EXCITED he got. I thought he was going to jump right out of his carseat. His little voice was so exicited as he shouted “Mama I spelled my FIRST word!!!” It was like he had won the lottery or something …. and yes it did feel like that. I am so proud of him! Before bed all he wanted to do was play with this Melissa and Doug Wooden Puzzle and I didn’t have the heart to enforce bedtime tonight so he got to stay up a bit later lol.

Puzzle Fun

Bird In The Hand

30 Aug
Is worth at least 2 in the bush. I don’t know if you’ve seen the Gieco commercials where they are appraising this bird in a hand statue but it is HILARIOUS …. maaaaybe because I have a VERY juvenile mind and it was wandering when I seen this but the husband and I get some great giggles out of this commercial. Now if you haven’t seen it here is the video:

Being the good blogger that I am, after seeing the commercial a million times I decided to look up with this phrase actually meant. After looking over quite a few various search sites, I found on that the proverb meant:

‘A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’ is a proverb meaning that it is better to have something that is certain than take a risk to get more, where you might lose everything.

Definitely not what I was expecting but you know what I get this now after seeing the commercial …. and it’s a good message to remember in this day and age. It’s good to remember not to get so caught up in how MANY things you have because it could be just as valuable if you only have one. Definitely something I’d like to hammer into Oj’s head. So knowing the meaning of the phrase is great and I still find the video that much more funny. Plus I can’t tell you how many times I watched the Antique’s Roadshow with my grandma and grandpa lol.

Mommy & Me Monday

30 Aug
Aug 26th, 2010 Mama & Oj

I love this Meme and am excited I finally have time to play it. Now we all know how well this week has been and when I looked at my photos this week (which are sparse due to a broken camera/cell phone) I just knew that this was the photo I was going to use because it summed up our whole week. Not only does this photo remind me of Oj’s first day at school, but it reminds me that my baby boy isn’t such a ‘baby’ anymore. Hard to believe in less than 3 months he will be 6 years old …. where did the last almost 6 years go? Anyhow enough crying from this mama make sure you visit Krysten’s new Mommy & Me Monday post to share your post and see what other people are sharing.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious? Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?

Dear Dora

29 Aug

Dear Dora,
  I hear that you had a birthday recently and I just want to say Happy Birthday to you. I’m sure you had a big birthday bash and don’t worry I’m not mad about not getting an invitation. Don’t worry I’m sure the mailman just lost it, you know how careless those guys are, what with dogs chasing them and all.

Now another thing I’d like to talk about is your listening, I’m starting to think you may have a problem dear. I could understand that you maybe didn’t hear the friends watching once or even twice, but to have them screaming at you is a little rediculous don’t you think? I am surprised your mother hasn’t made a doctor’s appointment yet for you.

But then that is probably because she lets you wander all over God’s creation doing what ever you please. We live in a technology filled world were EVERY person has a cell phone and you’re telling me your mother didn’t at least give you one to call if you were in an emergency? What with that creepy Swiper the fox that follows you around I’m quite shocked she hasn’t. Speaking of creepy things and techonology, why didn’t your parents at least give you a GPS? I would think that would be more reliable than a talking map. Speaking of the talking map, if he talks why do you keep asking us a million times where something is? I’m also starting to question if you need glasses because 9 times out of 10 the object is right behind you. This is very old and while I love that I can plop my children down and they learn a foreign language, I am not sure I like you teaching them to act dumb. I mean you’re an explorer shouldn’t you be able to do this on your own?

Also after we complete the problem I don’t like you taking credit for all my hard work. I mean I’m the one yelling at the map, telling you where Swiper is, showing you the objects, and even helping you when you can’t see what is in your never ending backpack. I don’t see where you helped solve anything. This all seems so misleading and defintiely teachs the kids that if you tell them no swiping you’ll still have your stuff. I’m sorry but all you end up with is a black eye and all your stuff stolen … not fair at all. So while I enjoy the adventures we go on, I don’t like how you are so oblivious to everything, I mean what is up with Boots and Izza? We all hear the way she talks to Boots but he just doesn’t get it. He’s a blue talking monkey with red boots that hangs out with a girl that has a talking map a bottomless talking backpack, he can not be picky with things that like him. I’m sorry if this ruined your birthday high but I just had to get it out Dora, that’s what go friends do right? I just think you need a little help before we can hang out again. Maybe parents that actually care where you’re going, though if all you do is act deaf and blind at home I can see why they never want you there, and who you’re talking to would do you some good. Again this is just from one friend to the next, remember I love you Dora!

Love your best friend forever,


p.s. This letter is just a joke and based off all those funny (well to me) groups you see on Facebook If you’d like to join this meme then head over to Written by Mys

Say What Saturday

29 Aug

This is a fun meme I’m trying out to see how it goes. With the kids back in school we all know that there are some .. interesting .. yeah  that’s it, interesting comments and stories to be shared. I shared two of them yesterday in my post about Kindergarten but I have a REALLY good one today I think lol. O was showing me his ‘little letters’ that he’s been working on (which are so good I’m very proud of him) and somehow we got on the topic of this girl that sits next to him in his class called “A”. I don’t know how we started to talk about her but let me tell you I was NOT ready for the conversation that is for sure:

O: “Mama I talked to  ‘A’ in class yesterday and asked her if she wanted to be my friend and She said YES!”
Mama: “Oh yeah?”
O: “Yes she dropped her folder yesterday and I helped her pick it up.”
Mama:  “Well that was really nice of you and I’m proud of you for being a good friend.”
O: “Yeah she’s kinda hot! She’s a little shy too.”
Mama: *Face palm* ” Um … yeah you can be a little shy too remember?”
O: “I think she was shy because of ME!!”

Not like he’s conceited or anything right?! Oh my gosh though I was NOT expecting the conversation to end like this … I’m not ready for this as I thought I had a few more years. It’s a good thing I colored my hair other wise I think about 20 new grey hairs would’ve sprouted up after this one lol. Any funny stories you want to post about your little ones? Link them up down there and come back next week see what goodies O’s sprouted off at school lol (next week it’ll be up earlier was struggling for a name lol)

Kindergarten is Fun!

28 Aug

How is my baby in KINDERGARTEN already?! I just can’t grasp this concept even if he loves it and can’t wait to go back (yeah I’m enjoying this feeling while it lasts lol). This new school they only allow you to walk them to the gate where they line them up by their classroom’s shape as to avoid melt down’s. I was worried about this but I think it’s good. O didn’t cry at all (mama did though) and he walked right up and didn’t look back until he got to the door then he gave me a way (enter sad face)  But to make up for this they let the parents stay in the classroom on the first day since it’s only an hour and stuff. Plus the first day they had an empty bus waiting for parents to take pictures in front of so they didn’t hold up the buses on their first normal day. I loved this cause I get bus photos even though he’s not on the bus lol. He already has a girlfriend though she’s a bus rider (he rides in the car since we’re 5 minutes away and I’m not ready for him to be a bus rider lol) AND in a different class so the only time they see each other is in the morning to play before school lol. He told me “Mama I can’t find my girlfriend … you know my girl … friend Mia?!” This was a face palming moment for sure. I mean I was NOT ready for this lol, he even already has a best friend named Ty and they sit at the same table in class and are both car riders … and love super heroes naturally lol. Today we were leaving class and he told O “Bye Batman!!” and O replied of course with “Bye Spiderman!!” it was just adorable and I had to giggle at them.

So that’s how our first ‘week’ of school went in this house, let’s hope it keeps up for a long time lol.

Fresh Starts Suck

28 Aug
Love a first sight

If you don’t even get a chance to rebuild what was broken. You see this house right here to the left of these words I’m typing? This house is my little bit of hope that I’m holding on to. This house is our starting over, our second chance to make sure we ALL have a better life. This house is what I need … what my marriage needs. I’m doing something regrettable and I’m getting attached to something I have a slim chance of getting …. all because we need a second chance in this crazy game of life.

Okay Mama loves the hoop too.

This house just is perfect …. maybe TOO perfect for us. It’s a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, house with a fenced in yard. It also has a 2 car garage, a nice little porch, and all new stainless steel appliances (microwave, stove, fridge, and dishwasher) and Owen might get lucky and get a big boy basketball hoop as there is one cemented into the driveway between the two garage doors. Another reason this house seems so perfect for is it’s literally less than a three minute car drive to his school, that means on nice days we could walk to school and as a one family car this is a great thing. If the weather is bad Jeff’s mom passes by there anyhow so we could still hitch a ride without being out of the way (we’d be about 4 blocks down from where we are now just behind the elementary school he’d be going to next year).

I LOVE this stove/microwave

I found the house just today as we were taking Owen and his cousin to school (the first day of school that daddy has to work for so we rode with Grandma) and I was happy to see a website for them as I get tongue tied on the phone with this stuff. Now I will admit the price made me a bit scared but after some emailing I found out the utilities were all part of the rent until we took ownership of the house. I was trying so hard to not get my hopes up or fall in love with a house I’ve never set foot inside of but you know what … I’m sorry but I’m in love with this house and my hopes are so high I think all the angels can feel it too. We calculated our budget and even with out overtime we can afford it, be a bit of a squeeze at first but we’ve dealt with much worse before so the application is put in and I’m hoping this can happen because I might cry a little if it doesn’t.

I think what I’m most set up for is that it’s OUR house … a house we can be proud of. Yes we’ve had a house before but we were suckers when we bought it and for what we paid for it … it was NOT worth it. But this one is all remodeled and renovated. I like that the rent goes 100%  towards our buying it and we can do changes to it right away (example painting) if we want to … do you know how excited Owen is to paint his room? Oh man just saying Owen could have his own room makes me soo happy! I could host BIRTHDAY PARTIES here and not feel weird, have friends/family over for dinner, or even let my nieces stay the night! But what I think is most exciting is we could FINALLY get a puppy at some point. I mean we’ll have a fenced in yard and it’s our own home so no paying extra to do this. I know I know but Brandy you do not even RENT this house yet calm down!! I’m trying, on the outside I’m eh what ever, but inside I’m like a 5 year old on Christmas morning. I don’t know just getting this out makes me feel better because it’s not really bottled up inside ya know? So please any positive thoughts/ good luck that we get approved would be so much appreciated!

Wordless Wednesday

25 Aug

We had a parent/teacher orientation today at O’s school … this was his crayon outside his classroom:


Sweet Shot Tuesday

24 Aug
Sweet Shot Day

I found this fun Meme from Darcy at Life With My 3 Boybarians called Sweet Shot Tuesdays. Now for those (like me) that may not have heard of it before here is a snippet that Darcy lists on her page about the meme

Sweet Shot Tuesday is a photo linky blog hop that encourages photographers to link up their best shot of the week. Each Tuesday, a new linky will be created so you can link to your favorite photo. The linky goes up very late Monday night / Tuesday morning and stays up until Saturday at midnight CST.

This sounds so fun right? Well I’m still without a camera until I can figure out what is wrong with the lens so I’m stuck using my cell phone … which also has a broken screen … and Jeff’s cell phone lol. So this with that in mind here is my photo:

New hair color 🙂

Wordless Wednesday Life

18 Aug
R.I.P Grandma … Happy Birthday 8.14.2010

He takes his softball VERY seriously — 8.15.2010