Sweet Shot Tuesday

24 Aug
Sweet Shot Day

I found this fun Meme from Darcy at Life With My 3 Boybarians called Sweet Shot Tuesdays. Now for those (like me) that may not have heard of it before here is a snippet that Darcy lists on her page about the meme

Sweet Shot Tuesday is a photo linky blog hop that encourages photographers to link up their best shot of the week. Each Tuesday, a new linky will be created so you can link to your favorite photo. The linky goes up very late Monday night / Tuesday morning and stays up until Saturday at midnight CST.

This sounds so fun right? Well I’m still without a camera until I can figure out what is wrong with the lens so I’m stuck using my cell phone … which also has a broken screen … and Jeff’s cell phone lol. So this with that in mind here is my photo:

New hair color 🙂

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