Archive | September, 2010

Sunglasses Warehouse Giveaway

23 Sep

You may remember the review I did recently for SunglassWarehouse, well I’m back to offer up a GIVEAWAY for one lucky reader and entering couldn’t be any easier. To be entered to win a $20 giftcard to Sunglass Warehouse just leave a comment telling me what you’d love to win from them.

Want extra entries?

 Giveaway ends September 30th, 2010 and open to US & Canada only

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

WW: Taking Care Of Daddy

23 Sep
Daddy’s Sick

Say What Saturdays — Little Star

18 Sep
Sorry guys no real Say What Saturday this week. Finals drained me and I just can’t think straight. Please enjoy this video of Oj singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It’s from almost 2 years ago and he was almost 4 … now he’s almost 6 and this video seems so long ago:

Aladdin Do The Reuse Challenge

16 Sep
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aladdin. All opinions are 100% mine.

reduce reuse recycleHow many times have you heard that one person could make a bigger difference than we think? How many times have you thought that was just rediculous? Well then you must not have heard of the facts. For example did you know that in the United States, 50 billion disposable water bottles are consumed per year; 137,000 per day; 1,585 per second. That is a lot of water bottles. I just saw a commercial the other day that cuts the need for water bottles by filtering our home water into like 4 or 5 reusable water bottles. I thought that was really neat and something I hope to purchase in the next few weeks.

Also, unless we change our habits, 23 billion paper coffee cups will be thrown out in 2010. That is a LOT of paper cups. Speaching of coffee, did you know that it costs about $165 a year to make drip coffee at home versus $636 to buy drip coffee at your local café.That’s a savings of about $471, and for those that HAVE to have those coffee house coffees, a lot of them are being made to brew at home. I know Starbucks, and even Dunkin Donuts sell their coffee in the coffee isle of your favorite grocery store. Now if you’re wondering what all this recycling, reusing, and reducing is about, I’m talking about the Do The Reuse Challenge. Now I’m sure you’ve got lots of reasons why you CAN’T do this challenge “I don’t have reusable water bottles” or even “I don’t have a decent coffee mug”. Well the excuses end now. By joing the campagin you can receive discounts and free shipping on select items at Aladdin website. That should help cut out those excuses. Now if you’ve never heard of the Do The Reuse Challenge here is a little about it:

“It’s a 30-day commitment to give up disposable paper cups, water bottles, or food containers. Everyone’s welcome to participate (the more, the better!), and 9 families will be blogging about their experience on our website.”

Now I know I’m going to join this challenge as I’m tired of all the wasteful things we do (we use A LOT of water bottles in this house) and even finding more Earth friendly ways to pack lunches for J to take to work. Do you know others that would be excited to join this challenge? Well add Aladdin on Facebook and start sharing them with everyone you know today!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

PlayStation®Move Excitement

16 Sep
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PlayStation(R) Move. All opinions are 100% mine.

PlayStationWe are big gamers in this family. J and Oj share a PlayStation 2 and 3  (which mama loves for the blu ray player lol!!) and we often have family game nights just playing video games. Now I will admit that since the Wii has come out we’ve been reaching for the PlayStation 2 and 3 a bit less, but after hearing the excitement about the PlayStation(R)MOVE, I believe this will all change.

I love the idea for this product and beleive it will be a BIG hit this holiday season. I know that Oj’s birthday is in Nov and he’s already asking for theis system. I think that has to do in large part because he can play his favorite game The Fight: Lights Out™ (lol gotta love looking at the games with him, he’s never played it cause it’s not even out yet but it’s his favorite game ever. Oh to be 5 again) or it could be because that is one sweet looking controller. This mama is excited about the Get Fit With Mel B game that they are offering. Looks like it should give me quite the workout. One thing that I do love about this is that they are saying you can upgrade some of the titles you already own to be compatible with the PlayStation(R)Move for free. This is great because we have quite a few PlayStation(R) 3 games. I’m not sure what games just yet because I tried to look on their site and got confused.

Now if that wasn’t cool enough to get you excited for PlaystationMove, here is something that I found on the PlayStation website that got me interesting in considering this for Oj and J:

“The motion controller’s color changing sphere and built-in vibration feedback react to your actions and movements to create engaging experiences that are not only reflected on-screen, but also delivered directly to the palm of your hand. Watch as your sphere lights up when you cast the correct spell or mix the perfect paint color. Feel the timer run out or the recoil of your smoking gun. “

Now all this is fun and this will be great for family game nights, getting the kids to play together with little to no arguing (what a mama can hope right?!) and even as I mentioned exercising on those days you just can’t/don’t want to leave the house. I know Oj loves doing my exercises with me and this would be another great thing to add to our ‘routine’.

Yet most favorite feature of the PlayStation 3 isn’t that  you can play PlayStation 1 and 2 games on them now (I do love me some Crash Bandacoot), no it’s the Blu Ray player that I’m shamefully addicted to. I love this because it doesn’t scratch the discs like a normal dvd player would (which is great for this mama and her independant 5 year old). I also love that they have amazing movie bundles when you purchase a PlayStation 3.

So no matter what you are shopping for, don’t forget to add the awesome PlayStation(R)Move to your list this (soon to be) holiday season. Are you impatient? Well you’re in luck because this comes out tomorrow September 17th! You better hurry cause this is going to be one HOT product!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Wordless Wednesday Self

15 Sep

30 Days of Truth — Day 14 & 15

15 Sep
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Well this one is a little tricky  because I can’t say I’ve been let down by a hero. I’ve looked up to my grandparents for strength to get through everything in life. They are who I’m afraid to let down or even disappoint. Though I can’t say I know of a time off hand that. I’ve spent most of day 14 thinking this over and honestly still have this little bit. Must be why it didn’t get posted on time.

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

This one is simple. I could easily say Oj because that is true to a point, I’ve never tried to live without him and I hope I never have to. No the answer that I’m going with is my other half, the Mr. that I’ve been through hell and back with …. J. I have left 4 different times in the 6 years we’ve been together and each time I come back. I would say before that it was cause of Oj and to a point this is true. But from April – June I spent the 3 months living with my grandma, sister, her 2 babies, and occasionally Oj while we waited the 6 months Il law requires for a non contested divorce. It was on J’s birthday that I offically told him that I was wrong. I couldn’t do this anymore and I needed him in my life. It wasn’t just because we’ve spent our whole (short) adult life together or because we have a child together. He’s my other half and gets me like no one else ever probably could. I’m not perfect or anything like that but he doesn’t care. I realized the problem of all of it and it was we didn’t know how to allow the growth we were naturally doing as individual people to meld together with the growth of parent hood and marriage. It’s not perfect but it’s a daily work in progress that I know is right for me. I love him and definitely don’t want to be without him ever again.

CSN Purdue Big Boy Chair Review

14 Sep

If you know one thing about our family it’s we’re BIG into sports. We each have our favorite teams and they probably vary as well. For my husband, ever since I’ve met him he’s been a HUGE Purdue Boilermakers fan. Ever since junior year of high school he’s had this Purdue folding chair that has been a big part of EVERY softball game he plays or other sporting event/outside activity we go to. I thought at one point him and said chair shared a blood line. Another vaild point is that if you’ve seen my blog you know my husband is well … not a stick. So one faithful summer day this past May he was out enjoying a softball game with his best friend when the inevitable happened …. he busted the chair due to it not really being made for the bigger boys. He was sad and I felt bad because I know he loved his chair. Then as if by being mind readers CSN asked if I’d love to do a review for them. Well of course I did as I am in love with their site. After browsing around forever it happened. I saw the perfect thing to review, the perfect thing to surprise my dear hard working husband with … a Purdue Boilermakers Big Boy Logo Chair that looks almost to a tee like his old chair, except this one is made for the non stick boys. I was so excited that I don’t know how I kept it a surprise from him but I did. It happened to show up at the right time sine we were dealing with the sickies and it sure made him feel better. 

What I love about this chair is that besides it being for the bigger boys, it has two cup holders on the arms. That’s a big thing cause one cup holder usually holds his keys/wallet/cell phone while the other holds his Gatorade. This chair is made of polyester and steel with measurements of 39″ H x 24.5″ W x 24.5″ D and weights 11lbs. I know it’s a big boy chair and all but I just have to stress that I loved that it had double the material and you couldn’t even tell it was like that. Another fun feature is the mesh pocket on the back of the chair. I think J’s best friend enjoyed that the most since he usually puts his chair behind his and now has a place to hold his stuff lol. The design of the chair is great and I love how the white steel pops against Purdue’s school colors. After asking J what he thought of the chair, he gave me a male response that he got two cup holders and a pocket thing on the back of the chair. 

 Now if you’re not a Purdue fan don’t fret there were a few other teams that had chairs like these (that also come in non big boy size as well) and a TON of sports fanatic apparel for any sports lover on your gift giving list.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

Pittsburgh Steeler Fans Unite!

13 Sep

Unless you just don’t care about football, you probably know that this weekend kicked off the start of the NFL Football season. As you can guess we are HUGE football fans in this house, even if we have different preferred teams. Since my team, Pittsburgh Steelers if you couldn’t tell, won their opening game today, that I couldn’t watch thanks to living in Chicago Bear/Green Bay Packers/Detroit Lions/Minnesota Vikings territory I wanted to highlight some really cute Steeler items that I adore.

Now I have my Sunday/Monday attire almost down to a perfect outfit. I have the Steelers Headband, Steelers T-shirt/Jersey, and even the Steelers Hoodie that I wear EVERY Sunday/Monday. How cute are these Big Ben Earrings? I love them and am adding them to my wish-list this holiday season (and yes there are other members/teams available) These earrings are made of the gold trimmed white jersey Roethlisberger charms with number 7! 7 is luck for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Ben’s jersey charm is hanging from a 14k gold chain and wire wrapped black and citrine swarovski crystals to the chain for Steeler color and glitz. I think it’s safe to say that any of these fun earrings would be great for the football lover in your family!

After adding the earrings to the list of proper Sunday/Monday attire is this really cute and funky Pittsburgh Steelers helmet hat. Now if you’ve seen various posts around here you know it gets cold here in Northern Illinois. This hat would be PERFECT for me because now only would I be stylish and representing my favorite NFL team, but my ears would be nice and toasty warm from the sides of the hat. If you can’t tell this hat is crotched to look like a football helmet. I really think the Mr. needs to get me this for my birthday next month *hint hint* I mean it has pom poms on the strings and top of the hat how cool is that?! Again make sure you check the shop because there is a good chance your favorite team is listed!

Next on our stop of making the perfect football day attire is this very cute handmade PITTSBURGH STEELERS striped off shoulder top that I’m in love with. I love how the sleeves come down to the middle of the hands and it doesn’t sit too much off the shoulders on the model. I never would’ve guessed that this top was made from a t-shirt. I really love the idea of recycling clothes to make them into something new, though a big part of this could very well be that  I am not the sewing type of girl even though I want to be lol. Now if this shirt is to be worn here during football season I’m going to need something to cover my shoulders right? Well lucky for me Bombshell Sports created this very cute and stylish Pittsburgh Steelers Custom Zip Hoodie and again if I didn’t know any better I never would’ve thought it came from a t-shirt. I love that they offer options of how you want the sleeves done because I’m a fan of the long sleeves that cover a bit of my hands up lol.

Finally what better way to finish off your attire then some extremely comfy slippers? I have been eying these Comfy Feet Pittsburgh Steelers Slippers for some time and even dropping all kinds of hints to the Mr about them. I mean we live in a city where it gets VERY cold in the winter and we’re in a basement …. I got to have something to keep my piggies warm right? These are just perfect for that. I think what I am attracted to the most about these slippers would be that they look like shoes. I mean at least here my entire foot and some of my ankle are warm right? I also don’t have to worry about them slipping off cause my foot would be covered in comfy warmness until I take them off.

So there you have it, the perfect additions to my already growing football attire. Do you watch sports? A football fan? Sound off in the comments with your favorite team as I’d love to hear what it is or even if you like sports!

30 Days of Truth – Day 13

13 Sep
(Just a clarify these are affiliate links from Amazon I wasn’t paid for this post but felt the need to link to songs I was referencing. Also they are adult contented songs so you’ve been warned) 

  Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Dear Eminem,
I have to say that you’ve been a big part of what pulls me through some days. I know this sounds weird given your type of music but it’s true. Like everything with my grandma that I’ve been feeling I can turn on a track off of your Recovery album (which hasn’t come out of the cd player since I bought it) and start feeling better doing better to make sure I am making my grandma proud.

Then there is everything with my husband. I know 25 to Life and Love the Way You Lie we can really relate to. We’ve had a rocky almost 6 years of marriage and while we’ve tried to move on and let go, we keep coming back for more. It’s hard to give up something that was such a huge part of our short adult lives and having a child together doesn’t make it any easier. It’s almost comforting to have the lyrics that you do because it helps get those frustrations out in a more ‘positive’ way. Instead of hitting each other or what not we’ve been known in the past to blast some Eminem songs until we calmed enough to talk to each other like adults.

Finally there is my mother. She’s a crazy lady and songs like Cleaning Out My Closet and Evil Deeds are something that I just relate to in my own way to my insane mother and father. It reminds me that even though they are my ‘family’ I do NOT have to give in and turn out just like them. I can over come their negative and be a better person.

One last note I have to say that Not Afraid is a song that I think EVERY person can relate to even if they are not a fan of your lyrics. I know I heard this song right before I decided I needed to break free from this marriage and decide what was best for me. This lines:

And I just can’t keep living this way
So starting today, I’m breaking out of this cage
I’m standing up, I’ma face my demons
I’m manning up, I’ma hold my ground
I’ve had enough, now I’m so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now! (now)

 are the lines that spoke out the most to me and helped me see that I WAS doing the right thing, that it WAS okay to be selfish about this and if I wasn’t happy nothing in my life was ever going to be as well. So I want to thank you for making your music and telling your story. For what it’s worth it’s helped this semi small town ‘kid’ feel as if she wasn’t alone in her semi screwed up world.

Sincerely your (not as creepy) biggest fan,
Brandy H.