30 Days of Truth – Day 2

2 Sep
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself
Another simple question to me in the 30 Days of Truth thing. I honestly (because it’s too easy to list my breasts, eyes, or even smile lol) love my personality, and yes maybe that’s a cop out answer but I do. I am wild, silly, loving, caring, funny, and unique. I’m me and I don’t even care really if you don’t like me at all .. :ahem my mother and a lot of the husband’s family: I don’t care if you don’t think my jokes are funny, or you think that I’m weird because I have a slight problem with the whole stop talking thing.
I grew up being taught to be myself and if no one likes it they can kick rocks. I could nave easily spent my life trying to be my sister or brother in hopes that my mother would like me, or that girl from school all the boys liked … but I didn’t. I was and am Brandy in EVERYTHING  I do. My grandma always told me life was too short to try and please people, plus you can’t possibly please everyone at the same time so why not focus on pleasing yourself first and those around you will fall into place or fall out of line.

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