30 Days of Truth: Day 5

5 Sep
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

I think this is another easy one. Without a doubt I want to adopt. I’ve said since I knew how babies came out that I wanted to adopt (mainly cause well it’s painful and I can be a wimp with pain lol). yet even after having Oj I still want to adopt. I know that some laws in states vary so I need to look up what they are in my state. I know this one is short today but honestly I don’t know anything else that means something important to me that I hope to do someday other than this. The only other two things that stand out the most to me that I’d like to do in my life would be go to Paris (my most favorite city since I was little) and attend a WWE WrestleMania live. This is like THE pay-per-view events if you’re not a wrestling follower and it’s something I know would be the best thing ever. Hopefully we get to go in the next couple years as a family. So short and sweet today.

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