30 Days of Truth — Day 6 & 7

7 Sep
(since I’m ahem behind and some are short answers we’re combining them lol)
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
I hope that I never have to bury a child. I have a few friends that have had to do this and I can’t imagine how much pain that brings. I know that these ladies are VERY strong and for this reason alone are women that I look up to in a time where I feel like I’m at my lowest point. It’s something NO mother should have to do but for those that do I send out a lot of hugs because I don’t know what I’d do in that situation.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

This is an obvious answer and that is Oj and my sister’s girls. Oj has just been a breath of fresh air ever since I was blessed with him almost 6 years ago. Even though I had him at 19 I know I was given this gift to help improve my life. Since being out of school it’s been one up and down after another. I know that if I hadn’t of had Oj around after losing my grandma I don’t think I would’ve come out as strong as I have been. He’s not only been my distraction but my proof that while it hurts, life goes on and I have to join it as well. My sister’s baby girls are just amazing as well. I love those 2 little girls like they were my own and lately I think they would consider Oj their brother if you ask them lol! Like Oj they are breath of fresh air and I am glad we’ve been blessed with them in our family.

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