iheartfaces: Summer ’10’s End

7 Sep

Final weekend of Summer has officially passed. I’m happy and sad at the same time. This summer has been a whirlwind of excitement and depression at the same time. But what it’s been the most is growth. Not only has Oj grown the normal ways in the last 3 months I’ve seen him blossom into this beautiful child that isn’t afraid any more to let you know if you’ve wronged him or that his opinion matters too. I’ve seen him break out of his shy shell and I couldn’t be happier. He’s stopped being afraid and just went for things … something I wish I could’ve been like at his age. Then there are mama and daddy. We’ve grown a lot over the last 3 months a part and together. We’ve learned that we want us to work, we want to fight for what we’ve created. We’ve also learned that while we’ve been together for 7 years (only married 5.5 yrs) we’ve finally figured out that we weren’t allowing the other person to grow and grow with them as a person. We were looking for the people the other was when we were married but we’re not those 19 year old kids with a brand new baby anymore we’re 2 hard working adult parents trying to overcome the weight that life has put on us. So with summer behind us I was excited to remember what we’ve done this summer and iheartfaces new challenge was perfect for that

Fresh Summer Start & Adorable Cookie Monsters
Eye Doctor Visits & sisterly bonding time
Silly faces, driver’s license, and reconnecting

Slip-n-slides, water zombie monsters, and lots of swimming pools
Birthdays & baseball
This is what our summer consisted of and to be honest I wouldn’t of traded this for the world. I started out summer 2010 saying I wanted it to be one I’d never forget and I can safely say that mission has been accomplished.

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