What’s Your Passion

7 Sep

Passion – pas·sion (noun) \ˈpa-shən\ — a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. That is what Webster defines passion as being (or one of many definitions it gives). Yet the interesting thing is how different this little word changes and grows depending on who you ask. While a lot of us have passion for the same amount of things I fully believe that what someone has a strong passion for gives you a look into what kind of person they are. It helps us remember that while we’re the same in some ways, were just that much different and that’s okay.

Now speaking of passion, Giveaway Blog is hosting a great photography contest. One lucky winner will receive a $100 and a 16×20 rolled canvas from UPrinting.com, which I’ve enjoyed working with numerous times over the last few months. Doesn’t this prize sound amazing? Plus the holidays are coming up and this could make a great gift! As you’ve probably noticed the theme for this contest is Passion and as soon as I seen the theme I knew I had the PERFECT photo, which may seem familiar as I used it for a Wordless Wednesday on August 17th. This photo just screams passion to me.

This post is an entry to the GiveawayBlogs.com photo contest.

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