Pardon the Quietness

12 Sep

It’s finals week next week (starting Monday) and I’m scurrying to finish the final drafts of two big papers that are due today (Sunday) and while I originally thought my rough drafts blew chunks, I remembered they were only the amount of points that I received on them and NOT the percentage of what the grade actually was (example an A or B). So I was relieved on that but with the whirl wind that was my summer I’ve sadly fallen behind on a few assignments so after finishing up the papers I’ve got a couple of those to turn in as well.

So sadly that means some things need to go on the back burner, and yes that means this sad lonely blog. I will resume the 30 days of truth posts I’ve been due (and slacking in) as well as a couple other reviews, and even some giveaways to host. Speaking of giveaways do NOT forget to enter the ones above as they end next week! Low entries on both if I’m not mistaken.

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