30 Days of Truth – Day 13

13 Sep
(Just a clarify these are affiliate links from Amazon I wasn’t paid for this post but felt the need to link to songs I was referencing. Also they are adult contented songs so you’ve been warned) 

  Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

Dear Eminem,
I have to say that you’ve been a big part of what pulls me through some days. I know this sounds weird given your type of music but it’s true. Like everything with my grandma that I’ve been feeling I can turn on a track off of your Recovery album (which hasn’t come out of the cd player since I bought it) and start feeling better doing better to make sure I am making my grandma proud.

Then there is everything with my husband. I know 25 to Life and Love the Way You Lie we can really relate to. We’ve had a rocky almost 6 years of marriage and while we’ve tried to move on and let go, we keep coming back for more. It’s hard to give up something that was such a huge part of our short adult lives and having a child together doesn’t make it any easier. It’s almost comforting to have the lyrics that you do because it helps get those frustrations out in a more ‘positive’ way. Instead of hitting each other or what not we’ve been known in the past to blast some Eminem songs until we calmed enough to talk to each other like adults.

Finally there is my mother. She’s a crazy lady and songs like Cleaning Out My Closet and Evil Deeds are something that I just relate to in my own way to my insane mother and father. It reminds me that even though they are my ‘family’ I do NOT have to give in and turn out just like them. I can over come their negative and be a better person.

One last note I have to say that Not Afraid is a song that I think EVERY person can relate to even if they are not a fan of your lyrics. I know I heard this song right before I decided I needed to break free from this marriage and decide what was best for me. This lines:

And I just can’t keep living this way
So starting today, I’m breaking out of this cage
I’m standing up, I’ma face my demons
I’m manning up, I’ma hold my ground
I’ve had enough, now I’m so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now! (now)

 are the lines that spoke out the most to me and helped me see that I WAS doing the right thing, that it WAS okay to be selfish about this and if I wasn’t happy nothing in my life was ever going to be as well. So I want to thank you for making your music and telling your story. For what it’s worth it’s helped this semi small town ‘kid’ feel as if she wasn’t alone in her semi screwed up world.

Sincerely your (not as creepy) biggest fan,
Brandy H.

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