CSN Purdue Big Boy Chair Review

14 Sep

If you know one thing about our family it’s we’re BIG into sports. We each have our favorite teams and they probably vary as well. For my husband, ever since I’ve met him he’s been a HUGE Purdue Boilermakers fan. Ever since junior year of high school he’s had this Purdue folding chair that has been a big part of EVERY softball game he plays or other sporting event/outside activity we go to. I thought at one point him and said chair shared a blood line. Another vaild point is that if you’ve seen my blog you know my husband is well … not a stick. So one faithful summer day this past May he was out enjoying a softball game with his best friend when the inevitable happened …. he busted the chair due to it not really being made for the bigger boys. He was sad and I felt bad because I know he loved his chair. Then as if by being mind readers CSN asked if I’d love to do a review for them. Well of course I did as I am in love with their site. After browsing around forever it happened. I saw the perfect thing to review, the perfect thing to surprise my dear hard working husband with … a Purdue Boilermakers Big Boy Logo Chair that looks almost to a tee like his old chair, except this one is made for the non stick boys. I was so excited that I don’t know how I kept it a surprise from him but I did. It happened to show up at the right time sine we were dealing with the sickies and it sure made him feel better. 

What I love about this chair is that besides it being for the bigger boys, it has two cup holders on the arms. That’s a big thing cause one cup holder usually holds his keys/wallet/cell phone while the other holds his Gatorade. This chair is made of polyester and steel with measurements of 39″ H x 24.5″ W x 24.5″ D and weights 11lbs. I know it’s a big boy chair and all but I just have to stress that I loved that it had double the material and you couldn’t even tell it was like that. Another fun feature is the mesh pocket on the back of the chair. I think J’s best friend enjoyed that the most since he usually puts his chair behind his and now has a place to hold his stuff lol. The design of the chair is great and I love how the white steel pops against Purdue’s school colors. After asking J what he thought of the chair, he gave me a male response that he got two cup holders and a pocket thing on the back of the chair. 

 Now if you’re not a Purdue fan don’t fret there were a few other teams that had chairs like these (that also come in non big boy size as well) and a TON of sports fanatic apparel for any sports lover on your gift giving list.

*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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