Aladdin Do The Reuse Challenge

16 Sep
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aladdin. All opinions are 100% mine.

reduce reuse recycleHow many times have you heard that one person could make a bigger difference than we think? How many times have you thought that was just rediculous? Well then you must not have heard of the facts. For example did you know that in the United States, 50 billion disposable water bottles are consumed per year; 137,000 per day; 1,585 per second. That is a lot of water bottles. I just saw a commercial the other day that cuts the need for water bottles by filtering our home water into like 4 or 5 reusable water bottles. I thought that was really neat and something I hope to purchase in the next few weeks.

Also, unless we change our habits, 23 billion paper coffee cups will be thrown out in 2010. That is a LOT of paper cups. Speaching of coffee, did you know that it costs about $165 a year to make drip coffee at home versus $636 to buy drip coffee at your local café.That’s a savings of about $471, and for those that HAVE to have those coffee house coffees, a lot of them are being made to brew at home. I know Starbucks, and even Dunkin Donuts sell their coffee in the coffee isle of your favorite grocery store. Now if you’re wondering what all this recycling, reusing, and reducing is about, I’m talking about the Do The Reuse Challenge. Now I’m sure you’ve got lots of reasons why you CAN’T do this challenge “I don’t have reusable water bottles” or even “I don’t have a decent coffee mug”. Well the excuses end now. By joing the campagin you can receive discounts and free shipping on select items at Aladdin website. That should help cut out those excuses. Now if you’ve never heard of the Do The Reuse Challenge here is a little about it:

“It’s a 30-day commitment to give up disposable paper cups, water bottles, or food containers. Everyone’s welcome to participate (the more, the better!), and 9 families will be blogging about their experience on our website.”

Now I know I’m going to join this challenge as I’m tired of all the wasteful things we do (we use A LOT of water bottles in this house) and even finding more Earth friendly ways to pack lunches for J to take to work. Do you know others that would be excited to join this challenge? Well add Aladdin on Facebook and start sharing them with everyone you know today!

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*I was given a free free product and/or was paid for this review. Any opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.

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